Status: Active

Veritas, Aequitas quod Pacis.


Normal P.O.V.
Murphy and I got back from the store and plugged in the nightlights. They were the ones that when it gets dark they light up.

"I know where you can get a job," Murphy said out of nowhere as I cleaned up the apartment.
"Oh and where is that?" I asked.
"C'mon lets go, and I know you will get it." He said grabbing my hand.
"Hold on a second." I said taking out a piece of paper.

In case you get back before us. Murphy dragged me off somewhere, claiming he knows where he can get me a job. Be back soon.

"Okay let's go." I said.
He grabbed my hand again and dragged me to Doc's bar.
"You're joking right?"
"Nope! Doc needs some help, and what better person than someone he knows?" Murphy said laughing.
"Yeah, And you start tonight." Doc said coming out from the back room.
"Okay. See you later Doc."
"See you tonight Katy."

Murphy and I walked back to the apartment. When we got back Connor wasn't back yet. So we sat around the apartment talking.

"So how long have you liked Connor." Murphy asked wiggling his eyebrows.
I blushed "I don't know. One day I was with you guys and I just sort of, realized I liked him. Ya'know?" I said.
"Yeah. I know." He said pausing for a moment. "Why not me, I'm the smart feternal twin" He said jokingly.
"Nah, you are the dumb one." I said laughing. He did that sad face type thing.
"That hurt Katy"

"Awe babes I'm sorry, You are deffinitly the smart one. what was i thinking!?"
"Yeah you weren't thinking!" he said pointing at me.
I stood up and started walking away slowly.

"I lied."
"You lied?!"
"Yes. YOU ARE THE DUMB ONE!" i said giggling running towards the door.

Before i was even halfway towards the door he tackled me from behindand turned me around.
"Say you're sorry" He jokingly threatened.
"Nope." I said giggling and squirming.
"Fine. you asked for it!" He said starting to tickle me.

"Murphy. Stop" I said inbetween laughs. "It. Tickles and. Hurts" i said laughing.
"Nope you called me dumb." he said continuing to tickle me.

The next few minutes went by so fast and slow at the same time, it's hard to comprehend what actually happened. One minute I was laying underneath Murphy, who was tickling me. The next, we were rolling around the floor kissing. Then we both got up and went to his bed. I lifted his shirt up over his head and then started kissing him again.

We both pulled back, and jumped about ten feet into the air.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed
"I'm sorry!" We both said at the same time.
"I didn't mean to. I don't--Sorry" I said still in shock.
"No NO, I kissed you."
"No it takes two to kiss Murphy."
"I know. but. And i did it, knowing you liked my brother. I'm so sorry. And i can't do this to him." He replied looking at the ground.
"Do what to him?"
"He likes you" He said.

After that we were quiet for about ten minutes.
"Well. I must say, you have a nice body." I said laughing. "Not to bad of a kisser either" I said laughing even harder.
"Why thank you Ma'am, Not to bad yourself." He said trying to do a southern accent but failed because of his Irish accent.

I giggled. "You are Too cute Murphy" I said smiling.
He grinned at me.
"Do you think I should tell him?"
"If you want too. I think he should know. or else you are going to have to keep hiding it"
"I think I will. when he comes back." Murphy just nodded

And then the door opened. Connor walked in, looking angry.
"Connor?" I asked.
"What?" He sneered at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Jus' Fucking Peachy." He said glaring at Murphy and I.
"Uh. well can I talk to you?" I asked.
"Murphy can you wait outside please." I asked and he nodded going towards the door.
"What don't want my brother here as you tell me you're fucking him?" Connor sneered at me.

I looked at him with complete shock.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me" He said to me.

Tears started to brim my eyes.
"I think I best be getting to work." I said grabbing my coat and walking out the door.
I can't believe he said that.
As I walked to the bar I let the tears fall out of my eyes.

Connors' P.O.V.
I can't believe that i said that to her. But it was true, wasn't it?
She walked out the door.
"What the fuck is wrong with ya!?" Murphy yelled at me.
"Fucks wrong with me? What the fucks wrong with you?! You knew i liked her, yet you went behind my back and started having a relationship with her!" I yelled back at him.

"Have a relationship with her? Are you fucking insane? You know I wouldn't do that to you. Plus. she likes you. ya giant ass."
"Me?" I paused. "But-but i heard you guys last night, her asking you to sleep with her and her asking you to not tell me. And then I overheard her call you cute, and asking if she should tell me"
"Last night was because she was afraid of the dark.And she asked me not to tell you she is. And today, we were just goofing off. And someone can call someone cute without liking them or going out with them. AND she wanted to tell you how she liked you!" He said sighing. "Fucking idiot" he murmered.
"Oh. I should go apologize."
"Yeah you should." He said sitting down. "On second thought i'll come with you, i need a drink anyways." He said walking out the door with me.

Normal P.O.V.
I walked into Doc's and wiped my tears.
"Are ye okay Lass?" Doc asked.
"No." I said sniffiling.
"Well whats wrong?"
"Connor is an ass"
"Aye, we all knew that" One of the guys at the bar said. I laughed.

15 minutes later I was doing pretty well with serving people their drinks. Today was good practice seeing as it was a bit crowded and tomarrow was st. patricks day so it would be a lot worse.

Connor and Murphy walked into the bar and sat down on the two open stools at the bar.
"Katy can we talk?" Connor asked.
"I'm sort of working right now Connor." I said pouring the guy next to him his drink.

"Katy I think it would be a good time for you to take your break. I can handle it for about an hour. go get some food." Doc said walking up behind me.
Oh perfect timing. I thought as I groaned.

"Perfect, now I can take you to go get some food and we can talk!" Connor said a bit excited.
"I don't really think thats a good idea." I said. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Fine give me a minute to get my coat." I replied going to the back office. I grabbed my jacket and told Doc I would be back soon. Connor grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bar.

"So I seen this great food place the other day--" Connor started before I cut him off.
"Connor what are you doing?" I said, taking my hand out of his.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you get home today, and freak out on me thinking I'm fucking your brother. Now, you are all 'Hey lets go get some food.' So what the fuck is going on?" I said.
"Well, Murph told me that you guys weren't doing anything. Basically I realized I was being a giant prick. And I wanted to tell you something" He said smiling at the end.
"Well tell me now" I said.
"No I want you to come eat with me first" He wined.
"Fine let's go." I said as he grabbed my hand again and walked me to this food place.

A lot of the people around here were accustomed to me holding one of the guys hands. But never to me holding one of their hands when it was just me and one of them. Actually it was rare to see the boys seperated. People were giving us odd looks. But it wasn't like our fingers were laced. A lot of people hold hands. And he was basically dragging me off somewhere. Fucking Irish. Don't do a damn thing about a girl being dragged off by some guy.

I laughed at my own thought. Since I was basically walking behind Connor, I couldn't help but check him out. Everytime I stood behind him I would check him out. I mean, you have no idea how incredibly good looking he is. And when he is wearing that black jacket, and those light blue denim jeans that make his ass look perfect, it just makes me want to pounce on him.[A/N: joke between me and my friend.]

I shook those thoughts out of my head and pretended I was mad. But to be honest, I could never say mad at either of the boys for less than a second.

As we got the food place, I don't know weather you would call it a fast food place, a sleezy restaurant, or just a retaurant, so I'll just call it the food place. Well we got in, and sat down. We ordered our food.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked Connor.
He grabbed my hand and leaned over the table.
"Well. I wanted to tell you that." He paused "That I like ye Katy. I like ye a lot. that's why I got so pissed when I came home and heard you call Murph cute. I was so bloody angry. But then i yelled at you, and then Murphy told me what happend, I felt like a prick. I'm so sorry, and i would like you to consider this our first date" He said all in a rush.

I looked at him, not believing what i just heard. And here I thought Murphy was lying earlier when he said that Connor liked me. Connor looked at me, with pleading blue eyes. I smiled slowly.

"Connor. I like you too, but I'm sure Murphy told you that. Seeing as he did tell me you liked me, but I didn't believe him. And yes, I would like to consider this our first date." I said smiling at him.

About a half hour later we finished eating and i told him i had to get back to MgGinty's (sp?) to finish my shift. We walked back to the bar, hand in hand, laced fingers, smiling and laughing with eachother. As we walked into the bar, Murphy got up and cheered.
"Yay. you got together!" He said looking at us.
"Yay they finally got together!" Rocco said sluring his words.
"Shut the fuck up Rocco." I said hitting him in the back of the head, then smiled at him.
I've known Rocco for a while, before I knew the guys. I havn't seen him In almost a year, and then I met the boys and me and him got reaquanticed. But I barely seen him in about a month.

"I missed ya Roc" I said hugging him.
"Missed you to Kat" he said putting his arms behind him and 'hugging' me. I laughed as I walked into the back room and slid my coat off.
"Oh shyat. You work here?" Rocco said. I nodded "Since when!?" he asked.
"Just today" I said laughing.
"Well pour me some shit!" he said.
"I will. but it doesn't mean you get it for free, just cause you are my friend" i said laughing at him.

This day could not get any better. It was the perfect day. Sure, i sort of got in a fight with Connor, but then we made up, and are now dating, and I've got a job, and a place to live. Life could not get any better.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know i sort of went from the boys talking all like this "ye foo'" then to "you fool" idk what is better. haha xD

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