Status: Completed :)

Hold Your Breath


Ava brushed her silken brunette hair behind her ears as she ascended the porch steps of her boyfriend’s house. The sun was the only ornament adorning the clear azure sky on this typical August afternoon in Seattle, but for Ava, today was not planning to be a typical day. Two days ago, she had finally convinced her boyfriend Noah to allow her to come over so they could watch TV and, hopefully for her, end up staying the night for the first time. For her, 10 months of waiting for the perfect night had been long enough.

She casually rang the doorbell, whilst teasing at the creases in her clothes the way she always did when she was nervous, especially so as she had rather unsettling news to speak of. Much to her surprise, a red-headed girl, who appeared to be about two or three years older than her, opened the front door in a wary state of confusion.

“Hello, can I help you?” chimed the girl in a very awkward manner.

“Oh, do I have the wrong house?” exclaimed Ava, “I was looking for Noah Barnes.”

“He’s at his girlfriend’s house right now. Can I take a message?”

Ava almost fell off of the porch in shock. The words shattered her already fractured world to pieces around her. She understood exactly where Noah wasn’t; she just needed to know where. And why.

“I’m his girlfriend, Ava. The name sound familiar?”

The girl seemed puzzled, then took one look into Ava’s sullen blue eyes and cottoned on almost immediately.

“Oh dear God,” she uttered, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know he was seeing more than one girl. I’m his sister, Celeste. That boy never tells me anything.”

“But you know about her!” Ava screamed, a lone teardrop carving a riverbed along her cheek. “Who is she?”

Celeste grew very anxious of the obviously distressed teenager standing on her porch, slowly working her mind into a furious state of resentment.

“Like I said, he never tells me anything,” Celeste replied, in an ungainly tone, “but I had overheard him this morning on the phone to someone named Allison. He’d agreed to meet up in the city; I specifically remember that he refused to go all the way to Ballard, so I assume that’s where she lives.”

“How long?” Ava uttered, almost choking with rage and self-pity.

“I’m not sure,” Celeste replied, “about three months maybe?”

“Thank you, that’s all I need to know. I guess I shall not be darkening your doorstep ever again.”

Ava held back the tears valiantly as she turned and scarpered down the porch steps and ran down the street as fast as her unsteady legs would take her. Celeste shouted after her, but to no avail.

‘A complete stranger turns up on my doorstep to find out my own brother is seeing another girl behind this girl’s back?’ Celeste thought to herself. She sighed deeply, and anxiously shut the door behind her, awaiting her brother’s return.
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A couple more chapters to come, hope you'll be ready for them.

And when you get a chance, check out this girl. She amaaaaaaaazing :3