I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.1: Someone Has A Crush On You

"SIRIUS BLACK! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" A voice screamed in my ear. I blinked open my eyes and saw next to me was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She was also my best friend, Lora Clense.

She stood up on my bed and started jumping up and down, swishing her dark brown hair back and forth. She looked down at me and a sly smile came onto her face. With a flick of her wand, freezing cold water came pouring down on me. She laughed and started jumping even higher. I grabbed her ankle and she came crashing down on me. She felt warm on top of me, probably because I had no shirt on. She smiled to herself when she realized this.

She jumped off of me, much to my dissapointment. She went and jumped on top of James.

"Wake up, Jamie!" she sang to him while she pulled his glasses off the night stand and put them on James' face. She tickled his stomach but he just swatted her hands away.

"Fine but Lily is waiting for you downstairs," she lied to him. She winked at me and giggled as James shot up in bed.

"She is?" he asked jumping out of bed and knocking Lora onto the floor. She climbed into his bed and pulled the covers around her.

"Nope! I lied Jamie, she's still asleep!" she said loudly. She burst out into a fit of giggles as James stood there looking angry with one leg out of his pajama pants and his shirt slung over his shoulder.

He pulled back on his pajama pants and jumped onto his bed to tickle Lora but she had already rolled out of his bed and under it but he grabbed her ankle just in time. He pulled her back and tickled her so that tears streamed down her from her bright blue eyes.

He finally let her go so she could go wake up Remus. She tip-toed over to his bed and positioned herself over top of him.

She bent down so that she was right in front of his face, their lips almost touching. A pang of jealousy and anger shot through-out my whole body as I wished that she would lean in close to me sometime so I could kiss her.

She leaned in closer and yelled "GET UP MOONY!" he jumped up and fell out of bed.

Lora jumped from bed-to-bed until she came to my bed. She landed on me and put her knees on my shoulder's so I couldn't get up. She grabbed my brush and my hair and started brushing my hair. This was our morning routine. After this she'd run over to her dormitory and get dressed and run back over here and fall asleep in my bed waiting for me to get out of the shower. But I had a feeling this morning was different. She always did something different on the first day of the school year.

"Ouch, could you brush it any harder?" I asked her angrily but she knew I was just kidding. Once she was done brushing my hair, she pulled off her tank top that she wore to bed, exposing her in a black lacy-ish bra. I smirked but I couldn't help checking her out. I knew that my best friend was gorgeous but lately I had been feeling different feelings for her. Do I love her?I asked myself.

She crawled over to my trunk and pulled out my dress shirt and she put it on. She crawled back over to me and layed down on top of me. She buried her head in my neck and yawned.

I wrapped my arms around her as she fell asleep. I could feel Remus' and James' eyes on me. Remus walked over and sat on James' bed.

"Why don't you just tell her?" Remus asked me with a small smile.

"Tell her what?" I asked them dumbly. I knew exactly what they were talking about but I would never admit it.

"Oh, come off it! Everyone except Lora knows you like her!" James said loudly. I just turned my head the other way and held on tighter to Lora. Her brown-almost-black hair felt silky on my bare skin.

I looked over at Remus' clock and saw that we still had three hours before breakfast started.

I looked down at Lora and watched her back go up and down as she breathed. Her bare legs were warm on mine. I stroked her hair as I watched my best friend sleep.

This is wrong. She's your best mate. You can't fall in love with her!a voice inside of me yelled. I just tried to block the voice out and held on tighter to Lora.

"Mr. Black, I can't breath" she whispered to me. I let go of her and she took in a deep breath.

"I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen, Sirius!" She punched me in my arm lightly.

"Bam!" she yelled as she pulled off my socks. She put them on her hands with a disgusted face and started a puppet show for me, Remus and James. She eventually took the off and flung them across the room at a sleeping Peter.

"Get up Petey!" She yelled at him. When he didn't move she ran over to him and with another flick of her wand, James flew across the room and landed on Peter. His eyes flew open and quickly landed on an upset James.

James got up and started chasing Lora. He tackled her to the ground and pinned her arms and legs down. He took a quick glance at Remus and then at me with a sly grin on his face.

"Hey Lora, want to hear a secret?" he asked Lora as she restled to get him off. Her whole body froze up. She loved secrets.

"Yea! Tell me a secret Jamie!" she said excitedly. Her eyes shined with anticipation.

"There is someone in this very room who has a crush on you," James said with a smug smile. His eyes darted up at Remus and then they found me. I was frozen in my bed. James wouldn't tell her would he? I asked myself. I could feel the fear rising in me.

"Who Jamie? Please tell me! Who?" she asked excitedly. She's so humble and modest!I thought to myself as I watched Lora pester James with these questions. I remember the day that Lora told me that she thought no boy would ever want to date her. I was so shocked that day. I mean, has she looked in the mirror? If the guys haven't already fallen for her personality then it's a matter of time before they fall for her looks. Everyday she get's prettier and prettier.

"I don't know if I can tell you Lor. You have to promise to keep it a secret. Plus, it'll cost ya" James said as he got off of her. She jumped to her feet and helped pull him up.

"c'mon Jamie! What do I have to do?" Lora moaned to the black haired boy in front of her.

"I want a kiss from you and Lily" James said. His grin grew bigger. He knew that Lily Evans would never kiss him... but he could hope.

Lora pulled him into a long kiss and ran out of the room to get Lily.

"WHAT'S YOUR BLOODY PROBLEM?!" I yelled at James. I could feel a wave of anger crashing down on me. The grin disappeared from James' face and was replaced with a shocked look. The same look was on Peter and Remus. I thought back to just a few seconds ago when Lora had kissed James and the anger rose inside of me.

"C'mon mate! I was never going to tell her! Plus we all know that Lily would never kiss me," he explained to me. I calmed down and sat down on my bed. I ran my hands through my hair and looked at a picture on my bedside table of Lora and me in our fifth year. That was two years ago, before any of this ever started. We were sitting out under the tree by the Black Lake and smiled to the camera. Then we turned to each other and laughed. I remember when Lily took that picture so she could remember everyone over the summer. She didn't have an owl back then so she couldn't really communicate with any of us.

I was snapped back to the present as I heard voices rising from the common room.

"C'MON LILY! PLEASE!" Lora's voice yelled.

"NO WAY WILL I KISS THAT PIG!" Lily yelled back. I could tell she was annoyed. I heard that tone every time she talked to me and James. But lately, her and James had started to get along more and more often.

"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE, LOR?" Lily yelled.

"CAUSE NO ONE LIKES ME AND I WANT TO KNOW THE ONE PERSON THAT DOES!" Lora yelled. I could tell she was close to tears which just made me feel even worse. She was so modest! Guys turned to watch her everywhere! I've heard plenty of guys, even Slytherins, talking about what they wouldn't mind doing with her and every guy I have punched out.

Lily's voice was growing lower so I had to walk over to door and open it slightly to hear them.

"Lora, lot's of guys like you! Besides, why would you want to go out with one of the Marauders? I mean, ya, they make O.K friends but you can't really date one of them!" Lily said to Lora in a soothing voice. I looked out of the door and saw Lora stand there, her face was blank. She had tear streaks down her face and I could tell that she still wanted to know.

"I'll be in the library, Lils. See ya later" and then she left the common room, still dressed in shorts and my dress shirt.

I walked back over to James and Remus and Peter had now joined them on James' bed.

"Well, I hope your happy, James. She's gone off to the library crying!" I yelled at him.

I could see the guilt sink in and he blushed slightly.

"She'll figure it out sooner or later. And if she doesn't, Lily can tell her. I mean, the whole school can tell that you like her, Sirius!" Remus yelled at me but I wasn't listening. I jumped into the shower and fifteen minutes later I was on my way to the library. It wasn't long before I found Lora in the back table, reading a purple book.

"Hey Lor. What are you reading?" I asked her cautiously. Knowing her, it would be some weird book.

"I'm reading up on my super psychic powers!" she said excitedly. I glanced at her cautiously as I sat down.

"Um, Lor? Your not psychic" I said slowly.

"But this book will teach me how!" She said loudly. Madam Pince told us to be quiet and walked away, but now without giving me and Lora an evil look.

"Right, um, Lora, want to go for a walk with me? We only have an hour before Breakfast starts," I asked her. She nodded and got up from the table, leaving the book there and earning us a sharp stare from Madam Pince.

I noticed how she was shaking from how cold the castle was and I picked her up and carried her bridal style.

We walked out to the lake and sat down under the same tree that we sat down under two years ago. Everyone knew that this was the Marauders tree. But before anything else, it was me and Lora's tree. When her cat died, this was the tree where I comforted her. When it was her birthday, this was the tree where I gave her present from me. But more importantly, this was the tree where we met. I remember it perfectly...

I was walking across the grounds looking for James when I saw a beautiful girl with dark brown hair sitting under a tree. I walked over and said hello as I shook my hair around. She laughed and introduced herself. I sat down and we got to talking and from then on we became best mates...

...But now, I wanted more than to be her best mate. I wanted to be her boyfriend. I wanted her to love me like I loved her.
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It gets better -_-