I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.12: Sweet Dreams Darling

He gave us a quick nod and the rested his arm behind Lily. She gave him a some what coy smile and then giggled to Lora. I looked up and saw her roll her eyes. When I looked closer though, I saw a pang of what closely resembled sadness in her eyes also. My heart ached for Lora as I shook my hair in my face, leaned back on the soft carpeting and listened to my friends joke around, all the while still wishing that maybe one day, I could be as brave as him and ask out the girl of my dreams also.


"Yeah, so Lily and I are going to have our date at Hogsmeade on the next trip down there. I expect that we won't even make it through a meal at The Three Broomsticks though."

"Why not James?" asked Allisa, her eyes getting big with the hope that James doesn't really like Lily.

"Because she'll probably want to come back up to the castle to snog…or more. I mean, who wouldn't want to after looking at me all morning?" James asked, running his hand through his dark, black hair cockily. He smiled as all the girls sitting around us giggled and murmured to each other about how they wouldn't mind. I glanced at Remus and saw that he was laughing and shaking his head at how big James' ego had gotten since Lily said that she would go on a date with him.

That was two weeks ago, though. They decided that it was best to wait until the Hogsmeade trip. So for the past two weeks James' had been telling anyone with ears that Lily was going on a date with him. And I mean anyone: other students, teachers, portraits and I even caught him bragging to Jack about it. He would always be careful not to do it around Lily though. She walked in on him bragging about how excited Lily was when he asked her and she was mad. She even threatened to cancel the date which deflated James' ego for about twenty minutes…then he was at it again, bragging to the first years.

I glanced over at the door to the great hall and saw Lily and Lora pushing the door open. I grabbed an orange quickly and threw it hard at James' head. He looked at me angrily and I nodded toward the two girls coming our way.

"Hey James," Lily said with a sweet smile as she walked past us to sit down.

"Hey Lil'," James replied, running his hand through his hair.

"Why hello Sirius," Lora replied, blowing me an over exaggerated kiss and batting her eyes at me.

"Hello Lora, my love," I replied laughing as I blew her a kiss too. We laughed as Lily blushed a red deeper than that of which was on the Gryffindor flag overtop of us while James just stuck his tongue out at us.

I walked over and gave her a big hug from behind. She giggled as I twirled her hair around my finger. I took in the warm scent of her neck and I brushed against it with my lips. She laughed at something Remus had said but I wasn't paying attention now.

This is your shot Sirius. Go for it! my mind screamed at me.

I smiled greedily as I grabbed her hand and whispered for her to come with me. Her eyes read suspicion but she followed me anyway. I heard James ask where we were off to so quickly as we exited through the large oak door.

"Where are you taking me?" Lora asked as she clutched her hand onto my waist and brought herself closer behind me. I don't remember when but we seemed to have switched positions, making me in the front now. She breathed the words into me ear, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine.

"Come on," I whispered back. The walls around us seemed to melt away; the stone gray fading into a warm maroon with gold patterns. We found ourselves in the Gryffindor common room and I rushed us upstairs to the boys dormitory.

I pushed Lora down on my bed and sat down next to her. Turning and setting my hand on her soft cheek, I worked up all of the might I had and leaned in for a kiss. I expected for her to turn me away and tell me no, but instead I found her warm lips embracing mine. I felt her smile through her kisses as I pushed her back so that she was lying down.

"Lor," I breathed into her as she clutched onto my chest. I felt her lips cup my ear and a gasp escaped from my lips.

I pulled away from her, brushing my hand across her hair as I pushed her head gently back onto my pillow. She blew me a small kiss and I could see that this time she meant it.

"Lor, I…I love you," I admitted to her, not holding back the smile that was forming on my face. She smiled as she looked up at me.

"Oh Sirius…Sirius…Sirius." She kept repeating my name. I shook my head for her to stop but she didn't.

"Don't you love me Lora?" I asked her pitifully. I began pleading with her and in front of my eyes, I watched our friendship crumble. Scenes played out in front of my eyes: Lora crying, pushing me away; sending her owls and never getting a reply. I began picturing the day when Lora got married. I was invited to the wedding, though only as a guest.

"Sirius…Sirius…Sirius!" she screamed out my name. I watched horrified as she pushed herself off of my bed. She turned and kept kicking my bed, screaming my name all the while.

"Please stop," I begged but she wouldn't. As I held back my threatening tears, I felt a sharp blow to my arse.

I opened my eyes and saw Lora laying down next me, laughing.

"IT'S-ABOUT-TIME!" she yelled as she got up and sat on top of my stomach. I looked up at her and recalled my dream.

She frowned as asked, "What's wrong Siri-kin's?"

"Nothing," I said glumly as I tried to sit up. She pushed me back down though.

"Did you have a bad dream?" she asked, eying me carefully. She could almost always tell when I was lying.

"Yeah," I answered her truthfully.

"What happened?" she asked my curiously. Her eyes got big, like a child about to hear their favorite bedtime story. I laughed as I answered her.

"Well, you and me started snogging and what not. Then I told you how amazing you are and how much I loved you and then you got really mad and kicked my bed. Then we weren't friends anymore."

She giggled as she climbed off of my stomach and layed down next to me, grabbing onto my arm and wrapping it around her neck so that she was propped up and looking at me.

"Oh my, you were dreaming of me?" she asked while laughing.

"Yeah," I replied, laughing along with her.

"Oh goodness, well I had a dream about you too last night. We were flying around the Quidditch stadium, only you had no head so I had to take off my head and put it on yours. Then James was in the stadium and he was trying to kiss my Jack-y-poo. Then I fell, but you caught me-"
"And then James told the both of you to shut up because it's only," Prongs glanced over at the clock on his nightstand table, "two in the morning! I have to look good for my Lily tomorrow. I know it's hard to imagine me looking awful but I do need my beauty sleep too."

We smothered laughs as we pulled the curtains around my bed shut. She crawled under the blanket with me and leaned her arm out, in between the curtains. I heard her snap her fingers and in a few seconds, sure enough, the small pitter-patter of feet came scurrying into the room. I felt Jack's feet land on top of the bed and Lora picked him up carefully, cooing to him all the while, and laid him down on top of my chest. I rubbed his back as Lora nestled in close to me.

"Are you going to dream of me again?" she asked, sending me a small smile.

"If you're lucky," I replied, letting Jack walk down to the foot of the bed where he would be more comfortable. I turned and leaned in close to Lora.

"Well I'm a lucky person you know," she informed me. We laughed as she looked into my eyes and then flicked my in the stomach with her finger.

"Sweet dreams darling," she said in an over exaggerated tone. She batted her eyes and me and blew me a kiss as she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

"Good night darling," I whispered to her as I leaned into her and let my dreams take me in once again.