I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.2: Torturing Snivellus And The Love Potion

...But now, I wanted more than to be her best mate. I wanted to be her boyfriend. I wanted her to love me like I loved her.


"So what's your first class of the day, mate?" Lora asked me as she spread out onto the warm green grass. I layed down next to her and turned my head so I was facing her.

"Um,I think it's Transfiguration,"I answered her.

"That's my first class too!" She said excitedly.

We talked about classes and how our summer went for another twenty minutes before we decided to go on back to the common room to get ready. We had a race to see who could get back to Gryffindor tower first. We were running down the hall when suddenly I realized she wasn't next to me anymore. I looked back and saw that Malfoy and croonies, Crabbe and Goyle, had captured Lora. Malfoy was pushing her against the wall trying to kiss her but she kept trying to wriggle out of his grip.

I ran over and punched Malfoy in his jaw. I heard a sickening crack and blood started to pour everywhere. He fell to ground clutching his jaw.

"NEVER EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I yelled at Malfoy. I wanted so much to keep on punching him but Lora grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I picked her up and carried her on my back the rest of the way to Gryffindor tower. When we entered the common room, she went upstairs to take a shower. When she came back down, still in my dress shirt but she was wearing her school skirt under it, James and me were waiting for her. We walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down in our normal seats. James sat a little closer to Lily than necessary and she noticed this as he slipped his arm around her.

"Ew, you pig! Get off of me!" she yelled as she pushed him off and walked out of the Great Hall. Soon, Remus came over with Peter and they sat down near us. After that, Addie came and sat with us.

Lora had met Addie in third year and they had immediatly become friends. The group took a liking to her and she became part of the group after that. I noticed Remus staring at her out of the corner of my eye and I smirked.

All of us are really growing up I thought to myself but then shook the thought out of my mind as I watched Lora and James throw bacon at each other.

After breakfast, we all walked to Transfiguration. James,Lora and I all had the same schedule. I sat in between Lora and James when we found a desk in the back of the room.

"Good Morning class and welcome to the first class of your last year. This year, you will be doing things like transforming each other and large objects around you..."McGonnagall said sternly to the class. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Lora drawing a picture of a big black shaggy dog.

"Is that supposed to be me?" I asked her playfully. She nodded her head and smiled. Slowly, I wrapped my hands around her waist and started tickling her.

She started laughing and fell off her chair. Me and James burst into laughter and I helped her back onto the chair.

"Mr.Black,Mr.Potter and Ms.Clense! No more disruptions in class or I will move you all!" McGonnagall yelled angrily at us. Lora blushed and listened to McGonnagall drone on before returning to her picture. When she was done drawing me in my Animagus form, she started drawing a stag. She smiled as she started drawing Remus in his werewolf stage. She drew Peter as a rat and then she started drawing a smaller dark brown dog with bright blue eyes. That was her Animagus form but she rarely ever changed into it.

When the picture was done, she slid it into her bag. About twenty minutes later the bell rang and we all exited the classroom. We made our way back to the common room to do our Transfiguration homework (a two foot long essay on why it is dangerous to transform humans). After about five inches, we all gave up. Lora jumped up and climbed onto my back and sat up on my shoulders. I stood up and she grabbed onto my neck tightly.

"Onward march!" she yelled pointing to the door that let us exit the common room. James walked out of the common room with us.

"Where are we going Captain Lora?" I asked her. I noticed a sly smile form on James' face.

"Let's go torture Snivellus!" James said loudly. He knew Lora did not approve of us picking on Severus Snape.

"No! Listen to your Captain!" Lora said loudly as we ran down the hallway. She held on tighter to my neck so she wouldn't fall off. It wasn't long before we spotted the pale grease-bag.

"Leave him alone guys!" Lora whined to us.

"Sirius, it looks like your girlfriend has a little crush on Snivellus!" James said as he laughed and made his way towards Snape. Lora leaned forward and hit James hard on the back of the head. I blushed deeply.

I wish she was my girlfriend I thought quietly as I followed James.

"I do NOT have a crush on Severus and I am not Sirius' girlfriend" Lora said annoyed.

"Ah, look who we have here Sirius! It's our dear friend Snivellus. Think you got enough grease in your hair, Snivy?" James asked him as he laughed.

"Leave him alone!" Lora said again. I could tell she was getting mad.

"James, I feel bad for the people that have to walk behind Snivellus! They probably keep slipping in all that grease!" I said to James loudly. We were starting to attract a crowd.

"I feel bad for his poor mother. She has to look at his face all summer" James said back to me. The growing crowd around us snickered when he said that.

Lora jumped off of me and walked over to James. She pushed him hard in his chest so he stumbled and fell on his back.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" she yelled angrily at him. I backed up a bit.

"Looks like someone has a little crush on our Slytherin friend," James said with a laugh.

This is getting out of control I thought as I saw Lora get madder and madder.

"You know thats a lie, James" Lora said getting more and more upset by the second.

"Sirius, can't you control your girlfriend?" James asked as he looked at me. I could feel my whole face turn red. Lora gave James a mean look and ran off.

The crowd started walking away when they noticed that Severus had escaped from us.

"That was a bit much, don't you think?" I asked James as I helped him up.

"She had it coming" he said as he brushed himself off. We walked back to the Gryffindor common room in silence. I expected to see Lora when we entered but she was no where to be seen. Lily and Addie were sitting on the floor though.

"Have you guys seen Lora?" James asked them. They gave him a puzzled look and shook their heads.

"What happened?" Lily asked us. James and I exchanged glances and James told the story of what happened. When we were done Lily and Addie gave us angry looks.

"How could you say that to her?" Addie asked James angrily. James just blushed and walked to the boys dormitory. I sat down in an armchair and thought of where she may be.

The common room door opened and Lora walked in with a blank expression even though you could tell she had been crying. I ran over and pulled her into a hug. I saw Lily and Addie raise their eyebrows as Lily gave me a smug grin.

I ignored them and picked Lora up and her to the boys dormitory. I set her on my bed and she sighed to herself.

James walked out of the bathroom and froze when he saw Lora. I could see the guilt rising up in him as he walked over to us. He sat next to Lora on my bed and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Lora. I was being a jerk" James said to her. I looked at Lora but her face stil had no emotion in it.

"Lor? Are you okay?" She nodded and pulled away from James. She grabbed my pillow and layed her head onto it and shut her eyes. James and I layed down on both sides of her. I rubbed her back as she lay there, falling asleep. I looked over at James.

'Tell Her' he mouthed to me. I shook my head and he rolled his eyes.

Eventually we got up and headed to our next class, which happened to be Potions. By that time we had forgotten the arguement and were laughing at each others jokes again.

When we got there, I sat down with Lora and James and Addie sat down on the other side of the table, facing us.

"Welcome to Potions everyone!" greeted Professor Slughorn. He lectured on about all of his achievments for another ten minutes before instructing us that we will be starting off the year making a love potion.

"So pick your partners everyone and get to work!" Slughorn said excitedly before walking around to praise his precious 'Slug Club'. When he told Addie that he had a feeling that she would be doing marvelous this year, she blushed a deep red.

"What about me, darling?" Lora asked batting her eyes. Slughorn gave her a disgusted look and walked away. We all burst out laughing the minute he left.

We agreed that James and Addie would be partners and Lora and me would be partners. The girls got to work on their potions while me and James started ours.

When we were all done, a puff of pink smoke came pouring out of the four cauldrons.

"The first love potions are done!" Slughorn said as he came over to our table. Lora batted her eyes a few times before turning back to me and James. We had to try our hardest to hold in our laughter.

"If the potions work right, you and your partner will be in love for the rest of class. If it doesn't, boils will produce all over your hands" Slughorn said excitedly.

Lora and I went first. We poured the potion into two cups and clanked them together.

"Cheers" we said in unison before swallowing the potion. It burned my throat going down. I saw Lora squeeze her eyes shut as it burned her throat also. She blinked open her eyes and looked at me a minute before she burst out giggling and started blushing. I saw James watching me. I could feel the heat rising in my face as I grabbed her hand. She stopped giggling and looked at me. I noticed that by this time, we had the whole classes attention.

I leaned in closer. I saw her eyes widen slightly as she leaned in too. We kept on moving closer until my lips met hers. It was the best feeling I had ever felt. This felt so right! It was like there was this spark between us. I knew that this wasn't the potion...this was love.