I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.24: Failing, Mummy's and Skipping

"Sirius, get your bloody hand off of my girlfriend," James declared as he squeezed in between me and Lily. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a small kiss on her cheek. She turned her head though, directing the kiss towards her lips.

"I'm sorry, Lil," he whispered to her. She nodded and mouthed back 'me too'.

"So how did Bella take it?" Lily asked, a note in her voice sounding like she had just won a victory. And in a way, she did.

"She took it well. I think she knew that you and I would get back together eventually. Oh, and Sirius? Sorry about what I said this morning," James said to me. I nodded and shoveled in more bacon, surprised at how are school day had turned out.

My heart felt like it was in a knot though. I was so happy for Lily and James but…

I knew that my time left with Lora as my friend was drawing to a close soon.

And when I thought about that, I felt like someone had just beat me up all over again.


"Sirius! Don't make me go!" Lora begged as she held onto my bed post tightly. She had decided early this morning that she didn't want to go to our classes today. So Lor was clutching on tightly to the wooden post on my bed and was standing in my dress shirt and her blue shorts. She was wearing knee high socks and her hair was up lose in a ponytail.

"You have to go. Or do you want to be riding that train back to Hogwarts next year because you failed?" I asked, trying to pull her off of my bed post. She didn't let go though and instead slid down to the floor, still holding on.

"I want to be here next year!" she said excitedly, her gorgeous eyes getting big with excitement at this idea.

"Yeah but Remus and James and Lily and Peter won't be here. And neither will I," I said to her as I sat down next to her. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You could fail with me, Siri. We could just fail for the rest of our lives. Then we'd never have to get a job or cook or do our own laundry," she said, trying to convince me. She batted her eyes as if to persuade me and I must admit that if she had really been asking me to fail with her, I would have done it in a heartbeat. But I knew that she was only saying these things because she was going to miss Hogwarts.

"Lor, you don't really want to stay here. Imagine you when you're older and you want to have kids and what not. They don't allow baby-making at Hogwarts. You more than anyone should know that," I said to her as I rubbed her shoulder with my thumb.

"Sirius, what's that supposed to mean? I'm not like that Sirius!" she said, defending herself. I saw her blue eyes get bigger when she realized what I was saying. She slapped me on my shoulder when she saw that I was laughing. I love joking around with Lor, especially when she gets so worked up over those little things that I imply.

"I know you're not like that. You're not a skank like some of the other girls in this school. That's why I like you so much," I said to her, without really thinking about what I was saying. Once it was out of my mouth I immediately regretted saying it. I could feel myself beginning to blush and I just wanted to get out of there. I was already picturing Lora telling me to just get away from her or something. I was hating myself with every fiber of my being; perhaps if I left now she wouldn't yell at me? The saddest part was that I realized it didn’t even matter. In a few more weeks she would find out anyway. So maybe I would tell her now.

"What'd you just say?" she asked me, scrunching up her nose and smiling at me. Though I really wanted to tell her the truth at that moment, I didn't. I decided to hold it. I mean, I didn't really want to tell Lora that I was in love with her an hour before classes while we sit on the boys dormitory floor.

"I meant that that's why I hang out with you. Because I know that you're not going to fling your top off at any moment. Oh Merlin, you should do that Lora," I said as I tried to laugh the situation off. She rolled her eyes at me and smacked my upside the head.

"Sirius, you shouldn't tell your mum to take her top off. The other kids will think you’re a perverted freak or something," Lora warned me. I was puzzled for a moment until I knew what she was getting at.

"Lora, are you my mummy?" I asked quietly, looking up at her with my big, gray eyes. She smiled sympathetically down at me and patted my head.

"Yes, young Sirius. You are my son," she replied, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. That sent my heart a flutter and I couldn't help but blush a little.

"I don't know what's weirder here. The fact that you slept with my dad and then pushed me out of you or the fact that you're a few months younger than me," I said to her as we both laughed. She hit my head with her palm again and began to pull off her shorts. I raised my eyebrows as she threw them at me. I tucked the corner of them into my pocket.

"Uh, maybe you are the reason they have the no baby-making rule here," I said to her as I tried not to act too interested. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"I'm taking your shirt. You can keep my shorts. Now I'll meet up with you in the common room, I'm going to go get ready," she said as she made her way to the door.

"So you're not failing anymore?" I yelled to her.

"Nope!" she yelled back at me.

-1 Hour Later-

It took forever for Lora to get ready. She finally pranced down her dormitory stairs wearing my dress shirt, her gold tank tap and her uniform skirt. I smiled as she shook her head, her hair back in the pigtails. She looked stunning, as always.

"Nice shirt," I said as she shined her way over to me. She swished her hair in my face and pulled me out of the common room.

Breakfast went by fairly quick. We were both dreading classes today because it was all review for the rest of the year. So in just a few short weeks, we had to re-learn everything that we had learned for the past seven years. Though we only have two classes today, it's still going to be a drag. Which is probably the reason Lor was dragging her feet all the way to McGonagall's room. As we entered Lora took her place in the front seat. I sat down next to her and turned around in my seat. Lily and James were right behind, their fingers intertwined with the others. A pang of jealousy hit my heart as I wished that that could be Lora and I but I let is slide away as McGonagall came into the room.

The rest of class was dreadful. I have heard from seventh years ever since I was a first year that when it got to the point where you had to review everything, it was going to be the worst time that you've had at Hogwarts but I never knew it'd be this bad. We spent all of class answering random questions that McGonagall asked us at any point in the class and if you got it wrong then she took away five house points. Gryffindor lost about twenty points all of class (Peter really needs to get a new tutor because he hasn't been learning a thing) but I genuinely feel bad for the Hufflepuffs. They lost all but fifteen points.

"My head hurts," Lora whined as the two of us exited the classroom. I nodded to agree with her when I got an idea. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the corridor.

"Sirius, our next class is the other way!" she said to me in surprise as she followed me down the empty hall. I smiled back at her and winked. She immediately caught onto what I was doing and smiled in agreement.

As we settled down next to the lake, we pulled off our shoes and socks and dipped our feet into the water. The coolness of it against the hot sun felt great and I couldn't help but pull off my shirt and lay down onto the warm grass. I felt Lora settle in next to me.

"We shouldn't be skipping class," she said to me as she looked over and shielded her eyes from the sun above us.

"So what?" I replied all nonchalant about what we were doing. This made her laugh and seeing her laugh made me smile.

"Sirius, we're still going to be friends after Hogwarts right?" she asked me, a hint of worry hiding away in her voice.

"Lor, we'll always be friends," I replied. This convinced Lora but I was still trying to convince myself.