I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.3: Disaster In Divination and Snogging

I leaned in closer. I saw her eyes widen slightly as she leaned in too. We kept on moving closer until my lips met hers. It was the best feeling I had ever felt. This felt so right! It was like there was this spark between us. I knew that this wasn't the potion...this was love.


I loved the feeling of her lips on mine. This moment in time was destroyed though by a heavy hand pushing hard on my shoulder and pulling Lora and I apart.

"Drink this" Professor Slughorn said to us as he thrust two cups at us. I looked down in mine. Inside was a thick black potion. It didn't even look edible. I glanced at Lora, she had a disgusted look on her face as she drank the potion.

I poured the cold black liquid into my throat and gagged at the taste. It tasted just as bad as it looked. I felt my head getting dizzy and the whole room blacked out. After a few seconds, my vision came back and I looked around me.

The class had moved their attention to James and Addie. James was looking at Addie with a lovesick grin and Addie was in tears because boils had started to form all over her hands.

I let my eyes stray to Lora. She was looking down at her desk in deep thought, still blushing bright red. I suddenly felt something warm in my hand and realized it was still Lora's hand.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I let her hand go. Her face got redder than Arthur Weasley's hair when she realized that I had still had her hand.

Moments later the bell rang and the class exited the room. James and I walked down the hallway in silence, both of us still embarrassed about what had happened in class.

"You should have seen yourself after you drank that potion, mate" James said as he laughed. I could feel my face blushing.

"Why?" I asked him, avoiding his glance.

"Cause your eyes got all big and then your face got red and you just started snogging her" James laughed even harder at this. Remus came up on the other side of me.

"Who was Padfoot snogging?" he asked curiously.

"Lora" James said, smiling slyly. Remus looked surprised and patted me on the back.

"Congradulations" he said with a grin.

"It was only cause we had to drink a love potion" I mumbled. I could feel James' and Remus' eyes on me. I felt my eyes wander over to someone walking in front of us a few feet. James noticed and smiled cockily.

"Hello Lora" he said with a smile.

She turned around and smiled.

"Hello boys. Still in love with Addie, James?" she asked with a smirk.

"No but do you plan on snogging Sirius some more later?" James asked, returning her smirk. Her face fell and she started blushing furiously. She rolled her eyes and walked down the hallway at a faster pace.

She groaned as James grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Come on, Lor. You know I was just joking. Come on, what class do you have next?" he asked her seriously. She pulled out her schedule and handed it to him.

"Ah, Divination next. That is what Sirius and I have but alas, I feel sick after drinking that vile potion so I will be spending this bell in the common room. I'll see you two later" James said as he let go of her arm. He and Remus gave me a wink and left off down the hall.

"Puh-lease. He just wants to skip Divination. Can't say I blame him. So did you see James when he drank the potion? And Addie was SO upset at him for screwing up the potion" Lora said to me laughing. We discussed this for a few more moments, avoiding the kiss, before we reached the stairs that led to the classroom.

We walked up the stairs cautiously. As we entered the room, the strong smell of musty perfume hit us. I started gagging and a look of pain formed on Lora's face. We covered our noses with our sleeves and made our way to the nearest beanbags. She slipped of her black cloak exposing her-my- white dress shirt and red and gold plaid skirt. She set her cloak on her bag next to my bean bag. I rolled up my sleeves and fanned myself with my Divination book.

"I'll be right back, I need some air" Lora whispered to me, breathing hard. I nodded and watched her make her way down the stairs and out of sight.

I felt a light hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Claire Smith, the leader of one of my fan clubs. She had on so much make-up that she looked like a clown.

Lora doesn't where make-up. She's naturally beautiful I thought to myself wishing Lora was here to save me right now.

"Hey Sirius" Claire said, trying to be seductive but she just sounded like a cat had been shoved down her throat. She leaned in closer, about to kiss me. I noticed Lora had walked in. I mouth 'help' and she walked over.

"Um, excuse me? Kate?" she said to Claire.

"It's Claire" she replied in an annoyed tone.

"Whatever. Your sitting in my seat and your about to kiss my boyfriend so I suggest you move" Lora replied in an upset tone. I got butterflys in my stomach when I heard Lora call me her boyfriend.

Maybe one day she'll mean it I thought to myself hopefully.

Claire glared at her a moment longer before stomping off to find one of her annoying friends.

"Thanks" I said to Lora as she regained her seat.

"No problem" Lora said shrugging. When the Professor came in, I closed my eyes. All the heat of the room and the perfumed smell was getting to me. I drifted to sleep, dreaming of how things would be if Lora really was my girlfriend.

"Mr.Black!" I heard a voice yell.

"Mmm, call me Sirius" I replied with a smile, dreaming it was Lora.

"Sirius!" I heard the voice yell, getting angrier.

"Yea, Lor?" I asked with my famous smile.

"Wake up!" the voice yelled. A hand started shaking me but I swatted it away.

"I am awake Lora" I said swatting the hands away again. Out of nowhere, freezing cold water came pouring down on me. I bolted up and blinked open my eyes.

I saw Lora trying her hardest to suppress her laughter. I blushed when I realized that it was the Professor yelling at me, not Lora. The rest of the class snickered as I mumbled a spell to dry myself off.

"Detention tonight Mr.Black. I will owl you with the details" said the Professor as she dismissed the class.

We laughed as I carried Lora on my back to the Great Hall. I let her down and we sat down side-by-side at the table. She piled food on her plate at started eating.

Lily looked at her with a disgusted face. "You are a pig Lora" she said as Lora finished off her banana. Lora stuck out her tongue and continued to eat, but at a slower pace and didn't eat as much as she normally would have.

"Don't listen to Lily" I whispered in Lora's ear. She smiled and threw a grape at me. I caught it in my mouth and ate it.

James walked in and plopped down in the seat in front of us.

"I heard how you fell asleep in class, Padfoot" he said laughing. I rolled my eyes and caught another grape in my mouth. Peter clapped as I swallowed it proudly.

"Hey check it out" Lora whispered pointing at the door. Lily,James,Peter and I turned our attention to the entrance to the Great Hall.

"Oh...my...Merlin" Lily whispered at the sight we were seeing.

Addie and Remus were snogging at the entrance to the Great Hall.