I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.5: Tiny Bed and Flirting In The Shower

I made my way to the Gryffindor common room and crawled up the stairs. The minute my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. I dreamt of Lora once again.


I felt something warm on my stomach. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting to the sunlight. I looked down to see what was on my stomach and I couldn't help but smile when I saw Lora.

She had her pillow propped on my stomach and I suppose had slept like that all night. I pulled off the covers and saw her curled up into a ball, in her blue tanktop and black sweats. She reached for the blanket but I pulled it away so that she couldn't reach it.

"Wake up, Lor" I said softly, gently pushing her arm to wake her up.

"No!" she said sleepily, still reaching for the covers while trying to keep her eyes firmly shut so that she wouldn't be awakened by the bright sunshine streaming in through the window.

I couldn't help but laugh as she flung her arm around randomly, trying to find the blanket. After a few more minutes of this, I covered her with the blanket and climbed out from underneath the pillow. I laid down next to Lora and watched as she tried to drift back off to sleep.

"Ugh, Siri, you woke me up!" she said finally in a grumpy voice. She sat up in bed and stretched her arms out, while yawning.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked her, curious to see whether she was just in here to see me.

"Addie wouldn't shut up about Remus. Remus this, Remus that. Blah blah blah. Lily slept through it but I couldn't so I came in here" she said, pulling the blanket tight around her.

"James put a Silencing Spell on Remus so we wouldn't have to listen to him admire Addie" I said, watching Lora laugh as she laid back down next to me.

"So what would you like to do today?" she asked me, snuggling in closer to my chest. I shook my hair some, waiting for her answer.

"I do believe that we have classes today, Siri" she said in an all-knowing tone.

I rolled my eyes and said,"Why don't we just take a day off of classes?"

"We haven't even been here a month yet! Your already talking about ditching classes!"

"I'm bored with classes" I said sitting up. I watched Lora flop over on her back, only to fall onto the floor with a loud THUMP.

"Ughhhhhhh, why is your bed so tiny?" she asked me as she stood up and rubbed her back.

"Because it was made for one, genius" I said laughing.

"Well that's no fun" she said as she sat down on my bed, indian-style.

"So are we skipping today or what?" I asked her impatiently.

"no!" she said, standing up on my bed, arms crossed. I smiled a sly grin as I grabbed her quickly and flopped her over my shoulder.

"SIRIUS! LET ME DOWN!" she yelled, trying to kick her way out of my grip. Unfortunatly for her, I was much stronger.

I carried her over to the showers, where I turned on the water and dropped her in the shower. I leaned against the edge of the wall trying to avoid the water. I laughed as Lora tried to get up without slipping.

"Ugh! I'm all wet!" she yelled out me.

I laughed some more as I watched her get soaked in the shower. I started noticing things like how her shirt clung tightly to her, how it showed an inch or so of her stomach from where I had carried her. How her hair hung in curls on her shoulders.

She came over and grabbed my hand, which made my stomach get all fluttery. She pulled me into the water and pushed me on the floor.

"Haha, now Padfoot is all wet!" she said, giggling as she sat down next to me on the shower floor. We were both soaked.

I heard a door open and seconds later saw James walk past us with a towel.

"Will you two stop flirting in the shower and let me take one? I want to look and smell good for the day that Evans says yes to me" he said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Then you'll never need to take a shower again, mate!" Lora said, laughing. James gave her an agitated glance and we both scurried out of the shower.

James took off his shirt and started running the hot water.

"O Jamie! You know I only like you as a friend! And such a bold move!" Lora said smiling while raising a hand to her eyes dramaticly. I smiled as I pulled her out of the bathroom.

"So will you skip with me or not?" I asked her impatiently.

"nope" she said as she skipped out of the boys dormitory. I stood there for a few more seconds, hoping she would return through that door. She didn't.