I'll Follow You Anywhere

Ch.6: Goosebumps and a Kiss

"So will you skip with me or not?" I asked her impatiently.

"nope" she said as she skipped out of the boys dormitory. I stood there for a few more seconds, hoping she would return through that door. She didn't.


I jogged down the near empty hallway, hoping that I wouldn't miss what was left of breakfast. The cold air that came with winter rushed in through the archways to the courtyard and I silently cursed myself for not bringing my cloak. I could feel goosebumps rise on my arms but I didn't let that slow me down. A particularly short first-year stood in front of the Great Hall doors, chatting with an even shorter first-year.

"Get out of my way, you midget" I growled to them as I pushed my way through, into the near-empty room. I noticed a small crowd of people that I recognized though, one in particular.

"LORA!" I yelled as I made my way over to her. She looked at me over her shoulder and put on her coy little 'I-got-you' smile.

"We have been waiting all morning for you, Siri-poo. Where have you been?" she asked me sweetly. I heard James and Remus stifle a laugh.

"What did you do to me Lora? And why didn't any of you wake me up?" I asked, glaring at Prongs, Moony and Wormtail at that last part.

I thought back to last night and all I remember is Lora giving me some gross drink that was way too strong. I remember hearing James laughing on the couch as I made my way up to my bed.

"Why love, all I did was find out if I could make a proper sleeping potion. I suppose I can!" Lora took a bite of her toast and smiled at me.

"All of you can go eat troll dung for all I care" I said grumpily as I squeezed in between Lora and James.

"Ew, I don't want to eat Snape's poop" Remus said as Lora started laughing so hard that pumpkin juice sprayed out of her nose.

"Ugh, gross Lora!"

"Say it, don't spray it, babe" James said, not even looking up from his eggs.

"Hey, Remy, where's Addie?" Lora asked curiously as she looked around for her blonde friend.

"Library. She's doing some big extra credit paper."

"Ugh, why does she work so hard on extra credit?" James asked with a disgusted face.

"She wants to be a professor here one day. I don't see why. I'd kill myself if I had to teach a bunch of annoying kids" Remus replied, shaking his head.

"One day you'll be teaching me and Lily's kid, Remus. You're too much of a brainiac not to become a teacher" James said in a know-it-all manner.

"Pshh, Lily will never have a kid with you, James" Lora laughed at the very thought of Lily and James getting together. We all know it will never happen anyway, no matter how much James wants it too.

"A guy can wish can't he? Now let's go, we're going to be late for Minerva's class" James stood up, grabbed his bag and brushed himself off as we headed toward the large doors that I had just came through, minutes ago.

We were the last to enter the crowded classroom but as always, the classroom got quiet and all eyes were on us. We were famous around the Hogwarts halls for our looks, pranks, brains and witty attire.

We took our usual seats in the back of the room just as Minerva entered the room.

"Mommy!" Lora yelled. She had been yelling things like this for a few weeks now. When we saw Slughorn in the hallway she still yelled out 'baby!' and when we saw Dumbledore in the halls, Lora often yelled out 'Daddy!’ The staff had just come to expect it by now.

"Ms.Clense, how many times do I have to remind you that I am not your mother?" McGonagall asked, still looking a little tired.

Lora looked like she was going to cry. "You don't love me anymore, Mommy?" McGonagall just sighed and turned to the chalkboard, writing down our instructions for the day.

"Who would love a mudblood like you?" Bellatrix asked viciously. I felt the goosebumps come back.

I don't hate everyone in my family. My cousin Andromeda is pretty cool and I know that my uncle Alpherd feels bad for me and is leaving me a large inheritance when he goes. But my mother and Bellatrix are two people that I especially hate. I often feel that if she had the chance, Bellatrix would kill me in a heartbeat.

"Why don't you just shut you face, Lestrange?" I snarled at her. No one messes with Lora. Especially when I'm around.

Names like 'mudblood' didn't bother her anymore. She was so used to it. She has spent the night at my house before and my parents threw these kinds of insults at her by the minute. But she just laughed it off. But I moved out of my parents house and into James' house so now we all have sleepovers there.

Bellatrix and I continued to throw around insults for a few more minutes until Minerva threated to take away house points and assign detentions. I figured it wasn't worth it. For the rest of the class we learned how to transform slugs into hats. When it was time to put our hats on our heads, Bellatrix's hat oozed slime.

The rest of the day was just one boring class after another. We didn't have DADA today so nothing was that much fun. By dinner we were all tired and sick of today.

As we made our way into the common room, we bid each good-nights. I gave Lora a hug good-night and she gave me hug and a soft kiss on the cheek.

As I climbed into bed, I couldn't help but think that today had turned into a great day...

a really great day.