Someone You're Not


They obviously meant nothing to you, the days we spent together. I guess I was too oblivious to see who you really were on the inside. Or maybe you were just really good at pretending. All the years we were together it was a lie, wasn’t it. All I want to know is why?

Why did you continue to be nice to me, and lead me on? Was it some kind of game for you? It breaks me up that someone I held so much trust in let me down. I don’t even know who you are anymore; you’ve changed for the worse.

You discriminated against me because I was different you, and turned everyone against me. Those other people you became friends with. The ones that changed you. You met them, and forgot about me; the one you’ve known since you were four.

But none of that matters now because you have them.

I always expected you to be there for me, and to make me feel better about myself when I was down. But instead you made me feel utterly and completely worthless. I sat in my room crying because of you, and the way I had lost you.

I had lost the person who once made me laugh till I cried, the one who use to tell me not to cry because ‘everything would be fine’. But I didn’t really lose her, I lost the person who had taken her over and turned her into someone’s she’s not.

I regret all the tears I shed over you because I know you’ll never shed one over me.

I hope one day you realize the damage you’ve done to me, and when that day comes I’ll be out living my life; without you.
♠ ♠ ♠
True story. Drabble. Is shit.