Status: active :)

Waking Angels

What's going on?

“Where do you want to go first?” asked Selena, looking at me as we walked around the mall.

Say Hot Topic

I jumped back in surprise and stopped suddenly. Selena and Daniel looked at me like I had three heads; I quickly started walking again and pretended like nothing had happened. I really should be getting used to this voice by now. “H-hot Topic?”

“Great idea!” Selena beamed, leading the way. I glanced over at Daniel; his eyes looked like they were intently focused on me. He never looked away, even when we got into the store. “What would you like to get?” Selena asked, snapping me back into reality. I had been thinking about why Daniel would loathe me so much already, why his eyes were boring into me.

Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom; then leave.

This time, when the voice spoke, I didn’t jump back, I didn’t flinch, I wouldn’t do anything to give the impression that something was mentally wrong with me, not with so many people nearby. “Um, I have to use the restroom actually, but I’ll be right back.” I admitted, turning on my heel. I saw Selena nod and give a little wave as I went to the nearest bathroom. I didn’t need to look behind me to realize that Daniel was right on my heels.

I got into the bathroom and leaned against the door, thinking. I did my business, washed my hands, and came back out.

Now’s your chance to ecscape

I nodded in agreement with the voice, and began in the opposite direction in which I had come.

“Where do you think you’re going Cathrine?” Daniel’s voice said. “The store’s that way.”

“Oh jeez! Don’t do that!” I said, jumping back and hitting him on the shoulder lightly. “You scared me!”

“Sorry,” he laughed, “The store’s this way, did you forget?” he asked, taking my hand in his. I stared at our hands, and then at him for a moment.

I had felt something when his hand came in contact with mine, but I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly I had felt. Anger? Hatred? Surprise? Happy? No words that I found described it.

Daniel led me back to Hot Topic, and didn’t drop his hand after we had found Selena. She raised an eyebrow at Daniel and I when she saw our hands interlocked; we both shrugged.

Make a run for it, now.

I couldn’t run though. I didn’t want to. Selena and Daniel were my friends, why was the voice telling me to leave the only people who cared about me for the time being? I just couldn’t find the strength to leave them, not now.

“Alrighty then, let’s move on to the next store.” Smiled Selena, holding onto a small bag from the store as she led the way out and we started towards yet another store.