Status: Hiatus

Sisters in Arms

Search and Rescue

Haley stands on the hill, overlooking the city. She exhales in disbelief that she was finally upon the city that held her sister captive somewhere inside. Distant cries of hurt and sorrow seem to echo across the plane, the were the sound of war and depression and possibly the end for all.

Even the air held the stagnant taste of death and decay; the bitter palatableness was one that she'd learned to live with for years and now it seemed to barley affect her. After all, a corpse can never smell the stench of death until its lying in its grave.

That was Haley's curse though, she could see deaths shadowy hand before it strangles its victims in its cold eternal hand. And though her eyes, we are all the walking dead. Even as she gazes at herself in the reflection of a puddle she could still see the dark obscuration circling her body, waiting for the perfect opportunity to swallow her whole.

But she can't die now. Not yet anyway, her time had long since been up, but Haley had cheated death numerous times and wasn't going to give up until her sister was safe. Haley looks up at the sky at the, seeing a single jet flying over head.
Guard jets; AOI had sent one after her before.

Haley knew what that the jet meant it was time get moving or she might come ever closer to death than she already was.
Haley turns her gaze back to the city in the distance, knowing that she wouldn't be able to get in through the road. They'd be looking for kinesis like her, so she'd have to take the sewers.

It takes all the strength she has left to move that grate from over the sewer. Haley had managed to find and arcane waterline leading to the sewage grate. She hops down, pulling the large grate back over her head, unseen, vanishing into the dark, cavernous depths of the sewers.

Lighting a match, Haley illuminates the sewers, taking in the sour redolence of the sewers.
She also remembered Allen's words, about how she had to be on her guard at all times, and that she only had one shot at this. She trudges further through the dense and dank sewer water, her mind wandering on a myriad of topics.

The main one being Allen. She missed him so much, his advice, his cynical demeanor and even the sacred feeling of his body being pressed hard against hers in the heat of the night; making her almost wish that she'd never left. But she cursed her self silently in the caliginous tunnel for considering turning back.
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this is just a short piece i randomly wrote.....still trying to decide whether or not to continue....
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