

“Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy.” Sandie said slowly to her loving parents as she snuggled into her bright orange covers.

“Sweet dreams,” her mother cooed shutting her door.

Sandie fell fast asleep, but not for long.

She woke up in the midst of the night, sweaty and fearful, her short blonde hair sticking up in places. She observed her room that was only illuminated by a glowing nightlight in the corner.

Slowly she emerged from the safe haven of her bed. She held onto her soft teddy tight as she peeked her head out of her door searching for danger. Her small feet padded quickly down the hallway towards her parent’s door. She slowly turned the shiny metal knob and poked her head in their room.

They laid sound asleep in the comfort of their bed. She smiled lightly and turned around, shutting the door behind her ready to go back to bed. But something stopped Sandie. There was an ominous glow coming from the bathroom. Haphazardly she made her way down the hallway, past her room and she stood in front of the bathroom door. She stood their staring at the dark wood before turning the golden knob and letting herself inside.

Sandie stood on the cold off-white tile bewildered. The door slowly creaked shut. Her heart began to race and as she went to grab the knob to release herself from the bathroom she heard a faint voice.

“Sandie,” it whistled, “I’ve been waiting for you Sandie.”

Sandie’s brown eyes grew big as she saw a shadow behind the shower curtain. She shook in fear as its figure moved its head out from behind the curtain. Her teddy fell to the ground as she franticly tried to make her way from out of the bathroom. Her tiny hands finally turned the knob and pulled the door, she bolted out of the bathroom and back into the safety of her room.

She crawled under the covers leaving just a bit open for her eyes to peek out. To her horror she heard the bathroom door shut and shoes squeaking down the hallway. Tears started brimming on in her eyes. Her door opened slightly and the dark figure stood in the doorway.

“I know you’re in here Sandie,” it squeaked, “I can smell your fear.”

It wobbled over to her closet and started rummaging through it. Sandie swiftly jumped out of her bed and ran straight towards the stairs. She tripped on one and tumbled the rest of the way down until she hit the bottom. Sobs echoed throughout her living room as she looked around franticly. She franticly got up and ran towards the front door. She ran out into her front yard and panicked. She could hear the character making its way to her.
She ran into the grass, the dewy grass reliving to her feet. She ran into her backyard and took safety in her tree house; surely he wouldn’t find her up here.

“Sandie, I know you’re back here. Why can’t we just play?” He laughed, his yellow figure walking aimlessly around the backyard.

Sandie let out a little hiccup and his head shot straight to the tree house. She cried hard now, knowing there was no way out.

The top of his head appeared at the entry to the tree house.

“Sandie, there you are.” It smiled evilly, “Why have you been running from me?” It asked crawling towards her.

“Don’t come near me!” She screamed.

“Don’t you dare tell me what to do!” It boomed.

Sandie screamed for help, but no one would be able to help her now. She had already met her fate.

He picked her up and carried her to the edge of the tree house. He looked her in the eyes and Sandie starred back at his big blue ones.

“All I wanted to do was play.” He said sadly.

Then with a menacing smile he quickly let go, watching her fall to the ground with a thump.

“Silly girl.” He smiled leaping out of the tree house, past the young girl’s mangled body and out into the forests.
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I don't know why I wrote this.
That banana just seemed menacing. :\