But You're Onto Me, and All Over Me

I Don’t Want To Fall Another Moment Into Your Grav

I tried to get away from Diagon Alley but I was in the middle of a large crowd of people and Apparating would be impossible unless I wanted to get someone splinched in the process. Right when I saw an opening and quickly began to step away, I felt a hand come clench my wrist. I tried to pull away for a moment, dreading who it was. But he was stronger than me and he pulled me in close to him. I felt his hands wrap around my waist as I looked up into those familiar green eyes that had been haunting my dreams for almost three years now.

“Please let me go George. I don’t want to talk to you,” I whimpered at him while failing to hold back my tears. He didn’t say anything while I continued to beg him to let me leave while I sobbed. He didn’t interrupt me, he just pulled me in closer to him and I laid my head on his chest, still sobbing, as he stroked my hair. We stood there for what seemed like forever, no more words spoken. Just tears falling. I felt his tears fall into my hair, some rolling down my cheeks, merging with my own tears.

He finally whispered in my ear, “If you don’t want to talk to me, then why have you been staring into my shop window for the past half hour?” This only brought on more tears from me though.

He pulled me into his shop and dragged me upstairs. He opened a door, revealing two twin beds, only one of them was neatly maid. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a while and then I remembered that Fred had died in the war against Voldemort. I shed a few more tears for him as George sat me down onto the messy bed, which I assumed was his. He told me to wait one moment and he disappeared yet again beyond a door. I listened to his feet move swiftly down the creaky stairs.

I suddenly felt a horrible headache coming on, probably from all the crying. I leaned back onto George’s bed and my senses went into action mode. I smelled a mix of what I remembered to be his cologne and shaving cream. I let it fill me up inside and this too brought back memories of kissing George in empty corridors or sneaking along passages next to him, only to find myself in Honeydukes after hours, where we stole some candy noiselessly and sneaked back into our hidden passage way.

I rubbed his sheets in between my fingers while wondering what he was doing downstairs and how long I would have to wait here. As if answering my thoughts, he came back upstairs and smiled when he saw me lying down on his bed.

“Had to close down the shop,” he said to me, even though I had not asked him a question. He walked over and layed down next to me, wrapping his arm around me. I moved in closer to him, hating myself for letting him capture my heart all over again.

“So what are you doing here, Aly?”

“Just in the neighborhood,” I replied.

“You never answered my question,” he said somberly.

“I just did.” I turned to look at him, only to find his eyes staring straight at me, a single tear falling from them.

“I meant the question I asked you earlier.” After seeing a look of blankness on my face, he continued, “Why have you been staring into my shop if you didn’t feel like talking?”

“I…I-I just miss you George,” I said, my face wet with tears. He lifted up a hand from behind my head and gently wiped them away. A shiver went through me as his hand touched my skin.

He leaned in closer to me, his hand still on my cheek. My heart started racing up again, just as it had done that same say in the Hogsmeade joke shop.

“I miss you too, Aly,” he said, kissing me gently. He grabbed my waist and pulled me up on top of him. We kissed for hours, his hands rubbing up and down my back or fiddling with my hair. I slid my hands under his shirt and felt his hot skin on my fingertips. I had missed the feeling of being so close to him so much.

I spent the night there that night. He made us sandwiches and we sat at the table, talking away about what had been going on our lives since we parted last. He told me all about his battle in the war. I was shocked to see that Snape had blasted his ear off, though we laughed loudly at the jokes we made about it (“What was that, love? I couldn’t ‘ear you!”). He held my hand tight the whole time we talked and he gave me a t-shirt of his to wear to bed.

We layed there for hours after dark, just staring into each others eyes. I looked into his familiar green ones as he looked into my hazel eyes. Everything was back to the way it once was and always should be and we were in love once again.

No joke.