

It wouldn't be long before I learned about my father's doings; then again I didn't contact him since he married his mistress.
Six months had passed since my 'argument' with Jason, nether less, I stayed with the Armstrong. He wouldn't talk to me nor would I to him, the rest of the brothers didn't know the reason as to why, but they had assumed it was because of how I was greeted since the beginning. The 30th century turned for the worse, maybe. It wasn't really a Military or Monarch control more like an Imperial Government. There weren't really any options for people. You had to actually go on to Universal Education or join the military. It didn't matter what you studied, as long as you had an education. The Monarchs didn't have it much easier though. They had to actually join the military and have a profession. Nobles & Royals alike weren't spared from war....But then again there hasn't been any for years.

"Anaya, would you like to join us out to dinner at my Lieutenant's household?"
I was asked by Alex one evening. The four brothers were dressed properly to head to Lieutenant Lyon's house for a formal dinner with family and friends. Begin taught to accept any invitation, even if I wished not to go, I dressed and got ready

"I have to apologize in advance Anaya; we might head into a politic talk afterwards. So please bear with us." He said in a joking manner.

As we finished eating Lieutenant Lyon spoke.
"Ma'am, I presume you would like to be referred to as Mrs. Hades wouldn't you?"
"Preferably yes, unless of course you think like many others do that I should be address as my maiden name again."
"No, I think it's very respectful to your husband to be honoring his name still even after death."

The conversation then drifted onto a different subject.

"Major Armstrong, I believe that it's irrational to try and solve this."
"Solve what Lieutenant?"
I asked

"Haven't you heard Mrs. Hades, your father plans to overthrow both the Armstrong household and the King of Ozark, your father-in-law."
As he mentioned this, I looked towards Jason, who was just giving me an 'I told you so' look yet, he also gave me a look of disappointment.

"No, actually I didn't...."
"Well, you are his daughter Mrs. Hades, please try and talk him out of this. He has failed to keep with the Peace Treaty, but there is still time to undo all this."
"I don't know how much I can do... I haven't spoken to him in over six months Lieutenant..."

As the conversation went on, I excused myself out. I knew what my father was capable of, but I never wanted to believe how greedy the man could get. During the time I had started seeing Robert, I got to know how selfish my father was. But of course, I was still young at the time and I though he was doing it for the well being of the People of both Ozark and Anglii.

"I want you to marry him if he ever proposes."
"But we barely started seeing each other, I think marriage is out of the question right now Sir."

"Are you saying you're going to disobey your father?"
"No Sir."

"Then you'll do as I say."
"Yes Sir."
The thing about generations today was that everyone referred to their parents as Sir and Ma'am or anyone that was older in general.

"Besides, a marriage between the Prince of Ozark and you, the heiress to the Military of Anglii, would benefit both Ozark and Anglii. It's all for the people my dear daughter, all for the people."
"I understand Sir."

I really thought at that time my father was trying to better society. How stupid was I?
♠ ♠ ♠
After a long while, I have FINALLY updated. -Claps for myself- I'm starting to get into this story really, one becuase I know how many chapters there'll be. It seriously won't be an EPIC Story of Battle and what not. And so it's been decided that there'll ONLY be 10 chapters... maybe 15 the most. But no more then that. If I have too then I'll make them even longer... hopefully not. But, if it has to be done it will.