

She was running. As many times as her feet hit the ground, she thought about feeling free. She thought about it until it was the only thing that consumed her. She needed it. She needed to get away, if only for a short while.

Her feet thudded through hardened ground. The sun had dried the usually damp field and it was warm. She made good speed. Grass swept around her knees, tickling her, but still she ran. She couldn’t stop running. She had to have this moment.

Her problems seemed to fall away from her as she pushed herself forward through the grass and the soft humming of the bees as the landed on the flowers. She could feel the weight of her worries dropped off of her the more she ran, and she put on a burst of speed, a smile spreading across her face.

She reached the very edge of the field. It gave way to a magnificent cliff, at the bottom of which was the sea in all of its moods. It was calm today, lazily splashing against the cliff face, and she smiled wider and let out a small laugh. Moving towards the very edge, she spread her arms out and closed her eyes, letting the wind and the spray surround her, the sound of the waves making sure no worrying thoughts could get to her. The fresh sea air seemed to cleanse her completely, and she took deep breaths of it, standing still until the wind died down slightly and she could hear herself think again.

Sighing happily, she sat down, legs dangling over the side of the cliff, and turned her face up towards the sun. Even if she never felt pure freedom again, she knew that she would always remember this, and it would keep her sane.

The air was warm. All was calm.