Crimson Cutie

Chapter 1

I put my text books in my locker and groaned. Another day went by, boring as ever. At least tomorrow is a Thursday. One more day till Friday.
I checked off my mini calendar. It was the 18th of April, and the April showers bring May flowers saying isn’t true. All it’s been doing is raining, and I haven’t seen yet one flower.
I slammed my locker closed. My boyfriend, Alex was leaning on a locker.
He smiled and swished his dark brown hair. He knew I loved to see his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Hey Evelyn,” He said.
Alex was one of the hardcore dressed ones. He wore those hole-y jeans, he sported over 3 belts, he always wore some sort of band tee shirt(and today it was ACDC) his hair was always long and shaggy, but he always wore that same fedora each time. It was pinstriped, and I loved it.
I smiled and glared at the tiled floor.
“Hey. I’m, going to Lily’s house today,” I said.
Alex lifted my chin up.
“Why do you hang out with such a popular girl who’s so mean to other girls?” He asked. He flashed me a smile.
I giggled. “She’s nice to me, I don’t know why though. I’m so, not her type of friend look wise,” I said. I tightened my backpack.
“Listen Evelyn, to me, your beautiful, gorgeous, in every way. If anyone ever calls you ugly, you just let me know. I’ll show them ugly when the look in the mirror after I’m done with-,” I cupped his mouth.
“Alex, I know. I swear, I’d tell you anything. No secrets, kay?” I held out my arms.
He accepted the hug and kissed me.
“I gotta go, my mom has to take me to guitar lessons. Love you,”
“Love you too,” He walked off.
I leaned against the locker.
I asked myself one question and tried to find the answer.
How could a popular girl like Lily, connect and befriend with a girl like me? I know, my mom says my personality is beautiful and unique, but how? I may have the gorgeous black locks and the bright green eyes. But I did wear neon skinny jeans and band shirts almost everyday like Alex. And I had a tattoo on my wrist. But how? Lily is an awesome friend. Her hair is a red, almost a dark brown and her grey eyes are unique from all of ours. She was beautiful, she never had a zit on her face and she was never not pretty. She was almost, perfect. I’m over exaggerating a little.
I walked out of school and sat on the railing next to the stairs.
It was a rainy day, again. I stayed as far away from the rain as possible. I scooted up the railing.