Crimson Cutie

Chapter 4

I forgot I was wearing her clothes, oh well. I’ll wash them and give her them tomorrow.
Lily’s mom looked back at me. “Bye Evelyn!” She waved.
I waved and slammed the front door closed.
I can’t believe my mom is making me walk home, and it’s pouring harder than earlier.
I splashed in all the puddles. My shoes were already soaked in the inside and every time I took a step water soaked into my sock.
I couldn’t see ahead of me, the rain was pouring in a hard mist and it made it foggy. The evening was cold and the moon was shining just a little tonight.
It was past six. I haven’t eaten at all. I normally eat right when I get home, because I’m normally all alone because my mom works the late shift. But I see her in the morning, and she never takes me to get my driver’s license. She thinks I can’t handle a card that allows you to drive in this weather.
I wonder how Alex was. I didn’t think about him at all at Lily’s. But speaking of Lily, her mom didn’t even offer to drive me home.
I ran, thinking I’d get home faster. But I didn’t, I just shivered more as the rain splashed against my bare legs. I slowed down. I had to take a breather, before I couldn’t breathe no more.
The rain slowed down a bit to a gentle mist. It was weird, we never get changes like that, ever. We normally just got heavy downpours and lighting you can see in complete darkness, it lights up the whole room.
Something wasn’t right with this weather. Either mother nature was messing with us, or something was about to go down with me and Lily.
I could see my house in the distance. The house was empty and cold looking. My mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway, so she isn’t home.
I ran up the driveway and slipped. I skidded across the rocks and rolled over. I could feel my lip bleeding. I had trouble getting up, I hit the ground pretty hard and my leg is numb.
My purse now soaked, and I bet you so is my phone.
I limped up to the door and put the key in the lock anxiously. I twisted it and pushed the door open. It was pitch black inside and I couldn’t see a thing.
I flipped on the light. My eyes adjusted to the light.
I ran up to my room and closed the door. The thunder echoed against my window and shook the house. My dog came running into my room.
“Hey Brownie,” I knelt down and pet him. He was scared.
Brownie is a brown lab.
I threw my purse on my bed and something broke.
I shrugged and got up. I looked for some comfy clothes to throw on and wear while I threw Lily’s in the washer.