Crimson Cutie

Chapter 6

I looked at the floor. There was Lily’s clothes I washed last night. I gasped and kicked them across the room. I can’t see Lily, I just can’t.
I went over to my closet. On my wall next to the closet was pictures of me and Lily being complete idiots I knocked them off my wall and watched them flutter to the ground softly.
Thunder rumbled the house.
I growled and ripped open my closet door. I took my black jacket, red tank, and black jeans and threw them on.
Before I walked out I scribbled out on my wall ‘Evelyn and Lily BFF’S!’ and was satisfied.
I ran downstairs to see my mom with french toast on my plate.
I sat down rough and took huge bites of my toast.
“Evelyn, look at me,” My mom said.
I looked up at my mom.
“Evelyn, what happened? Your makeup is all running and your eyes are bloodshot. Did you sleep at all last night?
“No-mom, just don’t worry about it,” By then I was done eating and ran up the stairs.
I ran into the bathroom and washed my face. I looked in the mirror. I was a mess. I removed my makeup and started to cry.
What if I’m next? What if I don’t come home tonight?
I put my eyeliner on sloppily and sat down.
I cried quietly and looked around. The bathroom was cold and dull.
This was mom’s ‘peaceful’ place. She always came here to cry and just calm herself down.
So I thought I’d try it, and it works well.
I got up and ran downstairs.
“Evelyn, now will you tell me what’s wrong hun?” Mom asked.
“I’ll tell you when we get to school. Just, let’s go. Come on,” I grabbed my purse and threw it on my shoulder. It hit my back.
I unlocked the door and sat on the steps.
I watched the rain pour. It’s never gonna stop. It was a shower. A really bad shower.
Tree branches were all over our yard.
Mom came outside and locked the door.
“Let’s go!” Mom ran to the car and I followed.
I slammed the door shut. Rain was dripping from my chin.
I looked at mom.
“What happened to your lip Evelyn?” She stared at it.
“I was running up our driveway yesterday and slipped and scraped it,” I said.
“Evelyn, you can’t be running in this weather. Your gonna break a bone,” Mom was serious.
“I know, mom. You don’t have to point it out. It was pouring, and I was freezing,” I touched my lip.
“Well it’s bleeding. Do you need a band aid?” Mom asked. She dug around in her purse.
“Mom, no I don’t. It’s fine,” I stared outside.
It was still raining. We were right by the school.
Mom swerved into the lot and stopped.
“Now Evelyn, what happened last night?” Mom asked.
I stepped out. “Lily murdered Hailey!” And slammed the door.
I ran up to the school, getting wetter and wetter.