Crimson Cutie

Chapter 7

I opened the door and stepped in. Everyone stared at me.
People were talking about me. I could care less about what those girls were gossiping about.
I walked slowly down the hall, my shoes squeaking and splashing in small puddles.
Vivien ran up to me.
“Is it true? You were at Lily’s before she killed Hailey?” Vivien adjusted her glasses.
“Yeah, why?”
“Because! Everyone thinks you convinced her to kill Hailey,” Vivien said.
I groaned. “What? Why?”
“Because you know them, the gossiping type that will gossip about anything that’s heard and find some way to stretch it,” She said.
“Who started this?”
“Nicole and Gloria,” She pointed across the hall.
Nicole and Gloria were telling secrets and laughing. But there was no sight of Lily, anywhere.
I took a breath and walked up to them.
“Is there a reason why you are acting like this?”
The snickered. “Of course. Because we don’t like you, and we want everyone to think you convinced her,” Nicole said.
“I doubt they’d believe you. I’m more trusted than you two wannabes,” I laughed and walked away.
“Ha! Look around, everyone’s talking about you!” I looked around. No one was. They were staring at Nicole and Gloria and pointing.
“Check again, Einstein,” I shouted back.
Alex walked up to me and gave me a hug.
“Thank god your safe. Do you know where Lily is?” He looked straight into my eyes.
“No. Haven’t seen her around,” I said.
“Be careful, Evelyn. If I find you dead I’ll know who to blame,” He was serious.
“Why don’t you protect me?” I asked.
He smiled. “You know I’ll protect you, Evelyn,” He kissed me and walked off.
Where was Lily? Should I text her?
I got out my phone and asked Lily where she was. I slid down my locker and sat down.
I waited for a response. I shook my leg anxiously.
I looked around. Girls that Lily hated were all worried because they knew Lily hated them and they didn’t want to die. They all hugged each other and cried.
My phone vibrated.
“U don’t need 2 know,” Is the response I got from Lily.
I asked her if she’s at school.
My phone rang. It was Lily.
“Hello?” I asked nervously.
“Listen Evelyn. I’m at school. I’m sort of busy right now,”
“Doing what?”
“Stuff you don’t need to know,”
“Where are you located?”
“Supply- no where you can’t know!” And then she hung up.