The Boyband The WANTED and our eventful journey together.

Chapter 1- Let's start with a bang & a party!

“Are you going to Keeleigh’s leaving party?” I asked Amy, my best friend who was sitting next to me on the bed as we flipped through the latest Celebri-Mag which was a magazine that had all the latest news, pictures and trends of celebrities such as Paris Hilton and JLS.
“Yeah should be, you?” Amy replied eyeing up a picture of Oritsé Williams from British boy band JLS, he was wearing a leather jacket, low slung denim jeans and a cute black fedora.
“Yeah I am” I smiled turning over the page and squealing.
Amy looked at me confused, my favourite ever boy band The Wanted were on the page, I looked at Tom then to Jay then to Siva then to Max and then to Nathan, I was grinning like a madman! No one really understood how much I loved them, Tom especially. Amy looked down and laughed.
“Should of known” Amy laughed looking at me and nodding her head, she knew me too well.
“Just look at them, there so god dam perfect!” I said dreamily looking at them again.
“Ha, you mean Tom is so god dam perfect” Amy said poking me in my side making me squeal again.
“Yeah Tom is perfect but you have got to admit none of them are ugly?” I replied looking at Amy with a smile, my eyes wide open as I made my point.
“Suppose your right but Max is mine” Amy said looking away from me her hand flying to her mouth as if she wasn’t supposed to say it!
“I KNEW IT” I yelled at the top of my voice, as Amy finally admitted to having a slight crush on my crush’s band member!
I started to poke her and tease her as we both squealed and laughed. Today was going just fine. I closed the magazine and put it in the magazine rack that was by the side of my bed and headed downstairs in my empty house to get some food to bring up. We’d rented a movie from the local rent place down the road and ended up with getting Mean Girls which starred Lindsey Lohan, we’d also popped into Tesco and bought a whole lot of party food. It was Friday which meant girls night in which sometimes ended up being a sleepover, it was always just me and Amy though, but sometimes we did have the odd someone else like Sally or Keeleigh. We had quite a lot of friends and some of them did invade are Friday nights or they would organize something so we would have to give up our Friday nights to attend there’s. We didn’t mind as they were our friends but we always got at least one Friday night as the two of us, best friends hauled up in my bedroom watching a film with popcorn. Amy was more like an older sister I never had than a best friend, we’d fight make up and have a laugh just like sisters. I hated spending too much time apart from her. Sounds soppy I know, it’s just the way I am I suppose!
After putting popcorn, biscuits, variety of crisps, chocolate and cakes onto bowls and plates I put them all on a huge tray and tool them to my room, we’d bought loads of cans of Pepsi and Cola from Tesco which was already on my bedside table with a bunch of multicoloured straws. I had a fear of drinking from cans ever since I found out about a woman that died because a rat and peed all over it and she didn’t no, so from now on if I have a can of drink, I’m only drinking it with a straw.
I put the tray on my bed and slid under the quilt for warmth, even though it was supposed to be summer in England it was cold and raining outside. When I think of Summer I think of the sun and the beach, wearing bikini’s and shorts outside, sun cream and iced drinks, not jumpers and wellies and coats but I guess that’s England. Amy put the disc into the DVD player and sat on my bed taking her can of Pepsi from the bedside table and taking a sip from her orange straw, where as I picked up a digestive biscuit and ate it waiting for the DVD to start.
After nearly two hours the film finished, the bowls and plates empty with some lonely crumbs left and a few empty cans were the result of a good night. If it was up to us we’d be hitting the clubs but we are underage and would have to wait another two years before we could get into them. In England you have to be eighteen before you can go into clubs but because me and Amy are sixteen there would be no chance, we was thinking of getting fake ID’s but had no idea where to get them.
I stretched, yawned and got up from the bed, stretching again. I picked up the empty plates and bowls and took them downstairs, it was now eight PM and still dad and my little brother Nathan was not home. They’d gone to visit my Auntie; dad’s sister and I knew they would most likely be out until mum came out from work which was around ten PM. I placed the tray on the kitchen worktop and began to run the hot water tap into the bowl in the sink. I began to wash up the dirty pots whilst Amy dried them and put them away, once that was done we trekked back up stairs and logged onto the computer, well I did, Amy just logged onto her black Advent laptop. We both went onto the social networking websites Facebook and Twitter. We both preferred twitter as that was the website the celebrities used for there fans. Facebook for me was just to upload my pictures and to chat to friends, twitter for me was for my favourite celebrities and as you can guess The Wanted was on top of the list. I checked all the tweets but one caught my eye. It was from The Wanted and they were advertising a competition where you could go to Birmingham’s fashion show and MEET them backstage! This was it. I was going to join this competition and so was Amy. It was for two tickets and free travel there and back. Perfect!

Two weeks later – Keeleigh’s leaving party!

Standing in front of my floor length mirror I tried on various outfits to see which looked best for the party. Aggro Santos was playing in the background, trying to find an outfit was so hard. I sighed and went over to my bed and picked up my White apple MAC laptop and logged onto Facebook, Amy was having the same problem. We both had nothing to wear. After asking everyone on twitter what I should wear I walked back to my wardrobe and rifled through my stuff yet again. Wardrobe one had nothing so I went over to my second wardrobe and found at the back of it was a mini black dress that I’d never worn from Topshop. It was a bit like a tank top but a tad longer and the material was like a t-shirt. It was looked good as new, it had never been worn and it still had its tags on. I pulled it on and looked at myself in the mirror once again. The song changed to JLS – close to you and I began to sign out loud and I chose my jewellery carefully and then beginning to do my make-up. I went for a Smokey eyed look with lots of mascara, with pink blush and nude lips. After the make-up and jewellery was complete I looked again in my mirror. The long beaded necklace with the blue fabric flower stood out perfectly and the blue, silver and black beaded bracelets added to the outfit just as perfect too. I decided to add a blue cuff bracelet to my other wrist and then put on my blue suede heels. I looked at myself for what felt like the gazillionth time and sighed. I still didn’t look right. I went through all my headbands and came out with a thin blue plastic one and added it to my hair. Perfect. I picked up my blue and black suede clutch and put my mobile, compact mirror, purse and little bits of make-up into it before feeling satisfied. I was ready to rock ‘n’ roll at this party.
Amy arrived a good fifteen minutes later looking stunning. She was a fifty’s styled dress with multi coloured spots on it. It was so different yet so unique. The colours were red, blue, purple, green, yellow, black, orange and pink. She teamed the outfit with a huge yellow flower ring; Orange, Black, Green and red think bangles, a purple and black beaded necklace and a black and blue spotted flower clip in her hair. I was stunned. She would of never have dared come out like this before, and I was secretly pleased and proud that she had.
She rang my doorbell and I ran as fast as my heels would let me to the door and opened it. I smiled eyeing her outfit again. It looked better close up than from the view from your bedroom window. She was doing the same to me, smiling also.
“I love your outfit, it’s so colourful and retro” I said grinning as she twirled to show she loved the outfit also.
“And I love yours, I got to say, you look like your going to a red carpet event than a party. Its so glam and wow” Amy said clapping her hands admiring my outfit.
We sat down on the black leather sofas in my living room and waited for the car to pick us up, we had no idea what the car looked like let alone the colour of it, all we knew was that Keeleigh was going to in the car and that she would be coming to the front door. We sat in silence for ten minutes before getting restless which we blamed on the nerves. I picked up the remote to the telly and switched it on, flicking through the channels. I stopped at a music channel called Kiss and watched as Rihanna sung her new single. After three or four more songs played the door bell rang at last!
I rushed to the door but it wasn’t Keeleigh, it was a middle aged man in a suit holding a clipboard. I groaned. I opened the door and smiled at him, he looked quite surprised seeing me all glammed up.
“Hi” I say through gritted teeth trying to sound friendly.
“Hi, I’m Simon, are you Angiie?” He asked me looking down at his clipboard.
“I am” I said still gritting my teeth, getting slightly annoyed.
“Right… well… Ok… I’m your chauffeur” He said looking at me with a grin.
“You’re my what?” I asked him confused, my face screwing up.
“I’m your driver, to a….Miss Keeleigh’s party” He said taking a look at the clipboard again.
“Oh, I thought that Keeleigh was coming to pick us up?” I asked looking behind me at Amy who was now standing at the living room door.
“She is she’s currently in the car” He said in his posh annoying voice.
I then heard a car door open and close and the sound of a pair of heels heading towards me. I looked at Amy again still confused. Amy was now standing next to me by the front door as we peered out looking at Simon who was looking at the person wearing the heels. It was Keeleigh. I smiled.
“Come on girls” Keeleigh said using hand gestures which made me laugh.
“Ok, one sec” I said holding a finger up and rushing inside to grab my clutch.
I made my way down my driveway and onto my street. I gasped. Not only was the car not a car but a bright pink glittery Limo, but Keeleigh looked absolutely fantastic. She stood there hand on hip, grin on her face staring at us. She wore a just below the knee prom styled black dress with lace peeping out the bottom, a silver heart necklace and an oversized silver ring in the shape of a heart also. Her shoes were silver peep-toe heels which were covered in sequins. I was amazed; I had never seen her dress like this before. Simon waited by the car door, waiting for us to get in so he could close it for us and get into his own driving seat and drive us to the unknown venue. I got it just after Keeleigh and sat on a black velvet seat, Amy climbed in after me, equally shocked. The door slammed behind her, and I looked around my mouth wide open. There was a flat screen TV in the left hand corner, next to that was a stain glassed window blocking the two front seats from ours. The seats at the back were like two huge sofas of velvet which could fit at least ten people. The ceiling was like a dance floor, black and pink glitter; it even had a silver disco ball and pink spotlights. On the right was where the drinks and glasses were kept. Keeleigh read my mind and poured me a glass of cola and did the same for Amy. The car then started moving slowly, I pressed a button next to me and my window went down. This was amazing, I could see my neighbours looking straight back at me in shock as I laughed and smiled at them, sometimes giving them a cheeky little wave.
I sat back and looked around me, Amy and Keeleigh was chatting away about the party, outside there was boys playing football on the park that we’d just passed and now that we was stuck at some traffic lights I could see an elderly woman with short curly grey hair and a brown walking stick slowly coming out of a newsagents with a carrier bag containing what looked like a couple of newspapers and a bar of chocolate. To the left of her was a bank with three men in black suits standing outside of it all discussing something that looked important. To the right of the woman was a group of girls, they looked older than me wearing skirts that barely covered there bottoms, staggeringly high heels and crop tops showing off there perfect tums. I thought I was bad with my short skirts and dresses. I turned away and thought about Tom, how my life would be perfect if I could be with him, be his girlfriend. I could be best friends with the other four of the band and everything would be great. I carried on daydreaming about how my life would be perfect until I realised that the limo had stopped and I could hear loud music from outside my door. I heard Simon open his door and close it again and heard him walk towards mine. It looked like we were here at last.
The door on my side opened and I could see that the place we had turned up at was like a club, I could see that it had been hired so that so no one could ruin it for Keeleigh, there was two huge tough mean looking bodyguards at the entrance, behind then was where the party had started. There was different coloured lights flashing everywhere, people dancing on the dance floor, the DJ hitting some hardcore tracks, Keeleigh’s mum Sue and older sister Pamela stood on the balcony watching everything down below them with a smile. I got out the car slowly, and stood up smoothing my dress down, a group of lads that was in the club next door wolf whistled but I ignored them muttering ‘immature twats’ under my breath. As the other two got out I looked inside once again, I knew nearly everyone in there, and they all looked happy and was enjoying the night. I felt Keeleigh link arms with me and the three of us entered the party. Music blasted out loudly from the speakers above about deafening me but I didn’t care, I walked over to Harriet who was dressed in a short red dress with black heels and hugged her. She like Keeleigh would not be returning to the college we had all attended together for the past two years, the only difference was Harriet was staying close by whereas Keeleigh was going to live with her sister in Surrey.
“Hey Angiie!” I heard a male voice shout me from across the room.
I looked behind me and saw Keeleigh’s ex boyfriend Daniel waving at me, I smiled and waved back. He was apart of the close friendship group that didn’t have that many people in it. It only had people that we trusted and loved the most. In that close friendship group was Keeleigh, Harriet, Jess, Daniel, Ryan, Anthony, Amy and of course myself.
Keeleigh and Daniel had broken up a good four months ago but they remained close friends which was a relief to all of us in the friendship group hoping that there wouldn’t be any awkwardness.
I found myself walking towards Daniel, Ryan, Michael, Anthony and Matthew who were all huddled together in the corner.
“Hi guys” I said smiling giving each of them a hug, “Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah its great” Ryan said giving me a big bear hug.
They all agreed and we ended up chatting for quite some time. We danced, rested, sung, danced some more and had a good old laugh. The food was then brought in on a table with wheels by four men that was dressed in chefs clothing which was all white. I grabbed a plate and piled mine high with the delicious looking food. Tables were also being brought out, I sat at a pink plastic table with Keeleigh, Harriet, jess and Amy, we had all piled our plates high with the food and we sat there chatting about how the party was just plain brilliant. My plate was full of Sausage rolls, small sandwiches, a couple of porkpies, a few crisps, a few mini hotdogs, a mini pizza, and a few onion rings. I also had a huge glass of iced Pepsi. Tonight was going great!
“I’d like to thank each and every one of you for coming to my sisters leaving party, you really have made her happy tonight and I think she deserves it. I just wanted to let you know that because she is moving away it does not mean she’s leaving the love and friendship behind too, all of you will be in her heart and all of you will be greatly missed, thank you” Keeleigh’s sister Pamela said into a microphone whilst we was eating.
After Pamela’s little speech we had finished all our food and people were queuing up t either get desert or even more food. I walked up with Jess and got a Toffee, Caramel and chocolate gateau which loved delicious. I sat back down and began to eat it slowly letting the chocolate melt in my mouth, I was in heaven. I had to go back up for seconds. Once the food was all over with, the dancing began again, so I guess we were burning off all those extra calories. Then it was photo time, I was in about 120 different pictures on about seventeen different cameras, and I knew they would all most likely end up on facebook. The night ended up with a big blast of confetti and party string that covered all of us, we also had personalised goodie bags.
Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do, and saying it last night to Keeleigh not knowing when I was going to see her again made me quite emotional, I even cried and it takes me a lot to make me cry. Another Limo pulled up outside, it was white this time. Keeleigh grabbed my arm and smiled at me.
“Ready to go home?” She asked me, leading me towards the doors.
I smiled back and let her drag me out of the party venue and into the limo, I thought I’d be catching the bus back with Amy but yet again as always I was wrong. Amy, Harriet and Jess were already sitting in the limo waiting for us to get in. Sue, Keeleigh’s mum demanded a picture with all of us standing next to the limo so we all got back out and posed for the camera, you could see that Sue as well was getting all emotional. She looked as if she never wanted to say goodbye to her beautiful daughter, and I’m guessing it was the hardest thing she must ever have to do right now.
We all sat in the limo in silence as it drove away from the party, we was all close to tears. Harriet was the first one to be dropped off, we said our goodbyes and she left us waving goodbye before closing her front door. Jess was next, so we got talking about JLS the British boy band, me and Jess both liked Aston best, Amy’s was Oritsé and Keeleigh’s was Marvin. Amy and myself had already met the boys a couple of weeks ago which we hadn’t planned at all, in fact it had just happened like that. We’d decided to take a trip to London and they were at the train station for some reason, and surprisingly no one had noticed they were there. In fact the whole train station was a bit deserted but it was like eight in the morning. We’d managed to talk to them for a good old hour with many pictures and updates on twitter and facebook. JLS even added us into there twitter status which said something like this ‘At the train station and happened to bump into Angiie and Amy’ but we was tagged in it so all our followers could see, and I tell you what we did get a few messages saying we was lucky, and in the end I’d managed to persuade JLS to follow me on twitter and I even watched them do it. I had to say, it was one awesome day! The sun was shining, it was warm, we’d met JLS and the whole day was just great.
It was then that I realised that the limo had stopped once again and Jess was saying her goodbyes. I watched as she walked up to her front door, thankfully I was going to be with Jess when the new term started so I didn’t really need to worry about not seeing her much. Next stop was me. The limo had gone quiet again, out of all the others us three was the closest and it was also the hardest for us to say goodbye to each other. What made it worst was that I was going to be alone in the house, Mum, Dad and my little brother Nathan had decided to take a day trip to Skegness in Lincoln and whilst I was at the party my mum texted me telling me they was going to be spending the night there too.
I sighed as I said a very long goodbye, I wished that this moment would never have to happen but it did. I hugged, kissed and cried both Amy and Keeleigh before leaving the limo and walking into my lonely empty house. I opened the living room door and turned on the light, tossed my clutch and goodie bag gently onto the sofa. I looked at the clock; it was quarter to twelve, so it was nearly midnight. I walked into the kitchen turning on the light as I did so and switched the kettle on. I then returned to the living room, sat down on the sofa and took my heels off. I then reached over for the goodie bag and opened it. The goodie bag was made of pink cardboard like paper with silver string handles. It was fastened with decorative pink and silver tape which has pink bow pictures on it. Inside the goodie bag was a small silver envelope addressed to me, I took it out and opened it carefully. It read:
Dear Angiie,
I just wanted to thank you for being there for me and being such a brilliant friend. I’d love to stay in contact with you either letters, text, phone calls, twitter, facebook or either one of us travelling to see each other. I don’t want to lose contact with you ever! Thank you for coming to my party, hope you enjoyed it.
Love Keeleigh x x x
I smiled as I read through it, a tear leaked out of my eye and ran down my cheek. I brushed it away and put the letter back in it’s silver packaging. I peered back in the goodie bag and fished out a small black plastic square box. It was wrapped in a parcel like fashion with pink ribbon. I opened it and saw a silver chain bracelet which held three charms, one was a love heart saying ‘BFF’ which stood for Best Friends Forever, the other charm was a school most likely to stand for the time we spent together at school and lastly was a rectangle that had party written on it obviously stood for the party. I closed the box and gently placed it on the glass table in front of me and again peered into the bag. It had make-up samples, a small porcelain heart ornament and an oversized gold bow ring. I smiled, Keeleigh knew me perfectly well. I put everything back in the bag and left it on the sofa whilst I made myself a tea. I then took the cup of tea and my bags into my bedroom. I sat on my bed and looked around, posters of JLS, The Wanted and dance group Diversity all stared back at me. I smiled; I had only met two of the three. JLS as I said at the train station and Diversity at DMH where they performed. I have also met N-Dubz and the strictly come dancing professionals but I didn’t get photo’s with them sadly. I decided to get changed into my pyjamas so I rummaged through my draw and pulled out some plain pink shorts and a white vest top. I pulled them on and sat in bed, bored. I couldn’t sleep, I wasn’t even tired. I tried texting Amy but she replied saying she was tired and about falling asleep. I logged onto my laptop and waiting for everything to load. It took a good ten minutes and thank god for wireless internet in my house. I had finally managed to persuade my mum to get it. I logged onto twitter but it was full of Justin Bieber American fans that were tweeting, I guessed everyone was asleep. I checked facebook too but again no one was online. I decided to watch a film; I’d watch all of my DVD collection so I decided to watch one online. In the end I ended up watch Sex and the city.
Once the film was finished I decided to do a bit of online shopping, I needed a new pair of black flats for college and also a new bag and some school supplies. I searched the websites I’m normally on such as Topshop, River Island, New Look but nothing caught me eye so I decided to just do a random search and see what it comes up with. Thank god for Google. After an hour of searching I found the perfect pair of black flats, they had gold studs all over it and also a small black bow on the front. I loved them. The only problem was they were from Hong Kong. I managed to get them though as they shipped to the UK which is where I lived and it was only £2 extra. The shoes and post and packaging cost only £22 altogether which was great. I checked my emails and I had an email from them like they said they would which meant my order was completed. I then searched for bags, and school supplies but nothing caught my eye so I decided I’d go into the town centre for that. I looked over at the clock on my bedroom wall; I’d made it myself in high school when I was fourteen. It read three-forty. I was doing an all-nighter. I logged back onto twitter and saw that it had died down. I searched The Wanted in the Find People bit and found out they were ustreaming.
“At this time?” I said out loud to myself.
I clicked on the link and my eyes nearly popped out my head. I was there only viewer. ONLY ME! I could see them and they knew I was there. Well they knew someone was watching them anyway.
“Hello to the person following, your really lucky actually because no one else is watching and no one can span” Max said to the camera with a smile.
My mouth dropped and I could hardly type the reply. I tapped out ‘Hey boys, why you on so early? And I feel really lucky right now’ I waited for the reply as the boys all read it and smiled.
“Well hello Angiie, you alright babe? And we’re on here at this time because we was wondering if any of our fans would watch at this time” Tom said in his sexy voice.
The room spun around me, Tom was talking to me, ME of all people. I felt the butterflies twitter in my stomach which made me nervous, he’s called me ‘babe’ I about fainted. I tapped out ‘Yeah I’m good thanks, and good idea at least you wont freeze up and you can actually read what I say’ I watched there mouths open and close as they read what I’d put. They even let out a little laugh,
“Yeah that’s true, shouldn’t you be asleep Angiie?” Jay asked me smiling, a glint in his eye.
I smiled, this was getting easier. I tapped out my reply, if only I could talk to them in person, I tapped out ‘Yeah just came back from a party though, had to say goodbye to a close friend of mine, she’s moving away’ I looked down at the laptop keys, a sudden rush of sadness hit me, I was going to miss Keeleigh so much.
“Aww well am sure you’ll get to see her soon babe” The youngest one Nathan said to me, a small smile on his face.
I smiled; they were all really nice lads which made me love them even more. We ended up chatting about the album, the tour, signings, what we’ve been up to, our favourite things, and of course them. I even asked Tom to marry me and he accepted, but he accepted all his fans marriage proposes.
“What about me Angiie?” Max said jokingly pulling a sad face which made me laugh.
I looked at the clock, it was nearly five. I still wasn’t tired, in fact I was buzzing. I was talking to my favourite band one-to-one. I felt so special. I tapped out ‘I’ll marry you all, oh and follow me on twitter, joke you get asked that all the time’ I laughed at myself as I pressed send. They laughed too but surprisingly agreed to follow me. I listened as Tom reached over and picked up his mobile and tapped in my twitter name.
“Right I’m now following you Angiie” He smiled which made my heart melt.
I watched as the others did the same which made me feel even more special, they did that for me. They said it was because I was the only one on the ustream and that I was the only was talking to them and as a reward I get followed. I even got followed by the account they shared which was for the band. As a joke I tapped ‘well now you followed me, next step is giving me your mobile number… joke’ I laughed and they did too, but it looked as if they wanted to give it to me.
“We would but our management is dead strict about stuff like that” Tom explained, his face fell a little with a bit of sad emotion.
My heart skipped a beat, why did he have to be so freaking gorgeous? I tapped out ‘Ha-ha well I was joking. You can always send me your top tom and come visit me in Leicester’ I wasn’t joking this time, I wanted his top and I wanted him and the rest of the boys to come to Leicester.
“Well we will come and we’ll let you know when” Siva replied smiling.
It looked as if they all enjoyed talking to me which was great and I was even recording it on my new digital camera in baby pink which I’d gotten the week before as I’d broken my last one when I visited the zoo with Keeleigh and Amy.
“Oh and DM me your address and I’ll send you my top” Tom told me smiling.
I screamed not loud but it was a scream, my mouth had turned into an enormous grin and I began to shake all over with excitement. I was getting Tom’s top! I tapped out ‘Yeah will do that in a sec and thank you, you’ve made me feel on top of the world’ I grinned and was close to tears. If felt as it they really liked me. After more chatting about random things I ended up telling Tom that I’d seen ever picture on his facebook but told him I wasn’t a stalker. They all laughed at me and told me they loved me and how much they wanted to meet me right now.
“Well send me a message on facebook and I’ll somehow add you on there, remember to put your twitter name on there as well so I know its you’ Tom replied smiling.
I told them that I’d already sent the email to Tom on facebook and he went to go check, next thing I knew I had a friend request. I felt the room spin yet again, why was they doing this to me? I loved them so much and everything seemed to be going so perfect. After another hour they had to say goodbye and like I said before saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do.
After saying my goodbyes to the boys I decided to get some sleep but firstly I needed to make a phone call. I picked up my mobile and dialled Amy’s number. It rung three times before she answered it.
“Hello” She said into the phone tiredly.
“Oh my god, you’ll never guess what?” I yelled down the phone excitedly.
“What?” Amy said wincing at the loudness of my voice.
“Sorry If I woke you, I just had to tell someone!” I quickly said hoping she wasn’t annoyed.
“Tell me what?” Amy asked me confused, I heard her sit up in her bed.
“The Wanted were on ustream earlier and I was the only one talking to them so technically it was like a one-to-one chat with them, it was great” I rambled with a huge smile.
“Really?” She replied as if she didn’t believe me.
“Yeah, when you come over I’ll show you, I recorded it” I said proudly, I was glad I’d recorded it now.
I put the phone down happily and lied back in bed hoping to fall asleep. I tossed and turned for about an hour just thinking about what had just happened, I was still in shock. Soon enough it was ten in the morning and I’d had about three and a half hours sleep, yet I was wide awake. I sat up in bed and stretched, checked my phone and got out slowly. I pulled my black and pink playboy dressing gown around me and headed down stairs. I put the kettle on and opened a cupboard door and brought out a bowl ready to put cereal into it. Once all that was done I put the empty dishes in the sink and went to check the answer phone.
“You have one message” said the woman on the phone.
I listened to the message which was from mum telling me she’d be back around eleven that night and that she misses me and wished I was with her.
“Whatever” I said moodily, making my way back upstairs.
I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my hair, then towelled dried it. Then walked back into my bedroom switching the main computer on and pulled my hair into a high bun. I couldn’t be bothered to get dressed yet. I logged onto facebook and saw that I had three unread messages. I clicked on it and saw that one was from Keeleigh, another was from my cousin Emma and the last one was from Tom. I opened Tom’s first which said:
Hey Angiie,
It was nice chatting to you yesterday, you made us all laugh. We’d love to do it again sometime if you’re up for it. Anyway just thought I’d let you know that we’re coming down to Leicester in about two weeks as we’re doing an interview with Leicester Sound. Come wait outside!
Love Tom x
I read it and re-read it again, normally Leicester Sound kept quiet when they were interviewing someone famous as they didn’t want the huge crowd outside and there was Tom telling me to meet him. How was this possible? I replied saying I would and that I’d bring along Amy and I looked forward to meeting them. In total honestly, I was crapping myself but very excited about it too. As it was the summer holidays I didn’t have a bus pass so I’d have to ask my mum for the bus fair up there. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.
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