Status: I'll probably write regardless but coments are loved =)

Joey Jordison's Book of Doom!

Chapter two

"You are a cruel and unusual little man," Corey complained rubbing his arms in a continuous vertical pattern.
"Hey us 'little men' are too small to carry six months worth of luggage, remember Corey I'm small so their-for I am un-superior and weak to your large muscular build." I chuckled lowly as Corey swore in an 'unbelievable' tone under his breath. Chriss was definitely getting a kick out of my new found comebacks.
"Your lucky Joey, if Mick were here he would have taken that as a spring board into a pool of annoying come-backs. Then again Cor would if he was witty enough."
"HEY!" Corey roes his voice offended "Don't be a jack ass! So what if I didn't really graduate high school, I'm a singer so it doesn't matter." He Broke off as we all began laughing.
"AND I"M A DRUMMER!" I yelled as loud as my vocal chords would allow. Chriss shruged guessing that joining in wasn't such a bad idea.
"AND MY NAME IS CHRISS FEHN AND I AM A PERCUSSIONIST!" We erupted into a fit of laughter, and just to back us up the radio began playing Duality. Figuring that the music needed to match our volume I cranked up the tunes. We all stated headbanging and then cut off laughing.

Being on the road and such made me completely forget how much fun my Slipknot family was, I mean the murder dolls are pretty damn hilarious too but there was just something about us nine that made life feel right, despite being surrounded by guys that were about twice my height.

Chriss swerved abruptly into the parking lot set out around the medium class burger joint that I had picked for my homecoming dinner. The motion triggered me to react by gripping the handle on the door so tightly that the blood forced out of my fingers causing them to turn white.
"I thought that you were the good driver!" I exclaimed un-clenching my fist from around the door handle.
"Nope, now it's Craig, he was in a nonsevear car accident directly after you left, scaring him into being a good driver."
"Ah, poor Craig, he's now all alone in good driver land, just him and the nerds."
"Ha!" Corey exclaimed loudly. We all broke into a fit of laughter once again partial from Chris's comment and not being made any better for our sanity... Corey's response.
My laughter quickly stopped as I saw Drew in the window. They were right on the way here, I did miss my fun sized girlfriend.
"Aw!" Corey exclaimed looking at me from the back seat, "Joey's a little love sick puppy!"
"Aw look! Corey's a man whore!" I retoted severely bothering Cor, for it showed in his expression. Chriss and I proceeded to cackle at his open mouthed expression.

"Now sir sleeps around!" I yelled popping open the door " I would like to meet with my little killer doll." I smiled excitedly and partially at my own comeback, jumping out of the car quickly and leaving Corey, jaw nearly hanging to the floor. I heard him muttering angrily as I walked away.
"Wednesday has to quit being such a bad example for him..." That was followed by Wednesday's cussing out in which Corey wouldn't dare say to his face.

I could feel the words ready to be slung at me by Corey but ignored them because I was already at the door which slowly opened.The small girl standing by it whirled around her long black hair swinging gracefully at the violent movement. Her gray eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement.
"JOEY YOU SON OF A BITCH!" she yelled really tackling me, I braced for the impact an avoided mass injury by swinging her in a complete three sixty.Her bright smile lit my world.
"Joey don't ever keep from seeing me for six months ever again you mother fucker!" She yelled jokingly kissing me on the cheek quickly before turning with my arms still around her waist to yell.
Her shout was answered by stampeding and laughter, and before I knew it I was encased in arms of my fell low band members all much taller than I. A small timid girl then came over to me giving be a quick hug and then steeping back, avoiding the door as it opened and hiding in the shadows.
Corey and Chriss stepped in.
"Well everybody! Looks like our smallest member is finally back! Now if everybody would file orderly into the back dining room so we can speak without Joey being attacked and tackled!" Corey yelled and Chriss motioned goofily towards the room where everybody had come from.
"THE TINY ONE IS BACK TO JOIN FORCES WITH HIS SHORTER HALF!" Mick shouted while being shoved by Corey towards the dining room.
The tall thin girl pulled back from the shadows her blond hair brushing past me as she too filed into the back room. We all sat as we entered to our automatically assigned seats, though surprisingly Hiddara came and sat next to Mick who sat sat to the right of Sin who sat to the right of me being kept warm by my arm around her sholder. (Sin=Drew=Shortie, we couldn't decide what to call her so we like to mix it up, surprisingly she responds to all three.) The point of this being odd was Hidd and Corey were aways really close so their coldness towards each other surprised and slightly bothered me. Mick who caught my expression used our hand signal for 'I'll tell you later' and nodded at me turning away. I decided to ignore their bad vibes and be happy. Drew was here, the band was here... along with their counterparts, our closest friends and all their exciting stories that they had accumulated in the six months I had been on tour.
I had missed everything, and I wasn't about to miss more over Corey's retartedness. I'm back and not missing a beat.
♠ ♠ ♠
The plot thickens!
So theres chapter two sorry about the not updating.
I'm ajusting to a new school and homework's a bitch!
I may not be able to upodate soon but check back or subscribe cuz I'm gonnna try my hardest.
I may begin a new storey featuring Slipknot and Avenged Seven fold traped on a haunted cruise ship! I'm excited!
If your reading this I love you!
comment and subscribe
Love, Sherlock Holmes (I'll explain the whole Sherlock Holmes thing later on my page.)