Status: One shot.

The Plan


Ok, So I was always invisable when it came to Draco Malfoy. And I bet you're wondering, how do I know of Draco Malfoy? His father works for my father and I happen to be in the Slytherin house with the little devil himself. Oh, can you just tell how much I love Draco Malfoy, did you also notice the sarcasim, I bet you just did. Anyways, here's the deal, my name is Amanda Hale, I took my mothers last name instead of my father, now my father isn't importent, he isn't even apart of this. For this is the story of how I, Amanda Elizabeth Hale, broke Draco Malfoy's heart for the very first time.

It was your normal monday evening, I was sitting in the slytherin common room after doing perfect duties with the devil himself, he lefted to obviously snog some girl up in the perfects room. I have to have a room next to that twit, believe it? I still can't. I was almost tempted to give up being a perfect but I knew if it made my dad happy, and my mother, rest her soul then I'll stay as perfect. Draco and his girl of the week Allison, a pureblood witch from the americas walked down into the common room, I rolled my eyes and focused on my parchment which held my potions homework. "Listen Ally," Yet again, I rolled my eyes, I've had to hear the same line over and over again since 3rd year. I mouthed too the words I knew were going to escape his mouth at any second. "It's not you, but I don't think we're going to work out, I like someone else, but she doesn't notice me, You were a good Snog none the less, I just don't think we mold together well," Draco smirked as the poor girl ran to the girls side of the common room and up to her domaitory crying. That's it, he's made one to many girls cry from every single house in this school, I slammed my quill down and turned to face him.

"Hey Malfoy, don't you ever, and I mean EVER get tired of using a girl just to make the girl you want jealous, if she hasn't noticed your poor excuse of trying to get her 'attention' then you should just give the hell up, she isn't going to come around, I bet you're just trying to make her jealous so you and snog and dump her like every other girl in this school. I've seen you do it one to many times, I think it's enough!"

I guess my little speech just didn't get through to him, because all he did was walk over to me and damn did he ever tower over me, he stood at nearly 6'3 and I was only 5'2 so needless to say, I had too look up and give him an icy glare. He smirked and leaned down close to me, too close for comfort. "Sounds like to me, you're the one that's jealous cause I haven't snogged you yet." I busted out laughing and he stepped back looking at me like I had 3 heads or just told him quidditch was forbidden in school. "Whats so damn funny?!" he asked no longer smirking. "You think I want to snog you, you're obviously are the lowest piece of trash I have ever met in my life you're a womanizer, and one of these days, someone is going to teach you a lesson. So Mister. Thinks he can have any girl he wants, lets see if you can handle a relationship that last more then 15 minutes, kay, cause the day that happens is the day hell freezes over twice in a row." I collected my things and turned my back too him walking up to the perfects room. he followed me and I walked to my room and closed the door and smirked. Oh revenage is going to be ever so sweet.

My plan had worked from my little blow up on him in the common room, cause when I walked into the great hall the next morning for breakfest, cat calls and whistles were heard til Malfoy opened his mouth threatening them with dentions and taking house points away if they were in a different house if they didn't place their eyes anywhere else. I chuckled and sat down next to Blaise who is Dracos best friend and a fellow friend of mine.Blaise smirked at me as I piled pancakes with blueberry syrup on my plate. "What?" I asked after I swallowed my first bite. "Malfoy has eyes for you." I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, he wishes he could have this." I said loud enough for Malfoy too here. "I will have that!" Draco said earning wolf whistles. I stood and walked over and leaned my head down dangerously close to his own, so close I can smell his spearment toothpaste. I smirked as he leaned in closer as if he were going to kiss me. "In your dreams Malfoy!" I said as I leaned back up and headed to history of magic which was my first class, but sadly I had every class with him.

and in every single class he made it a point that he sat right next to me, trying so hard to flirt with me, it made me laugh...on the inside, but part of my plan was too get him too fall so hard, and in order to do that, I had to play hard to get and believe me I was doing a fantastic job so far. I packed up my things and walked towards the libary too study for the potions exam in two days. "Hey Amanda wait up." I rolled my eyes. "What Malfoy?" I asked as I tapped my foot. "what are you doing on saturday?" "Busy, sorry." I said walking away leaving Malfoy rejecting and probarly sceaming in his head to change my mind.

When I walked into my room, I dropped my bag by the door and turned around. Inside my room were roses, I mean my whole room was filled! "Malfoy.." I growled and took out my wand and with a simple flick of my wrist, they were gone. I laid on my bed and then noticed a note. "My dearest Amanda, I know this isn't the best way to ask the girl you like out to a butterbeer at the three broomsticks on Saturday but may I ask you to reconsider taking me up on this date, I won't disappoint you, I really can't you're dad would shoot the killing curse at me faster then you can stop it, so please show up, and don't break my heart.

Forever Yours,
Draco Malfoy."

Oh please, if only he knew my master plan. Saturday came and I was in the liberty studying, Snape said I could walk to Hogsmeade after I was done with my studies. Once I was done, I walked into Hogsmeade, and met up with Ashley and Keri, two american witches that quicky became my best friends when they landed themselves in the Slytherin house. They stood by the dress shop across the street from The Three Broomsticks. As Ashley, Keri and I looked at the dresses in the windows display, I turned and noticed Malfoy walk out of the three broomsticks, with a look of disappoint on his face. In his hand he held a gift box and a dozon roses,dropping them into the snow he walked back to the castle in a fancy suit I'm guessing he bought specially for our date. I sighed. "Amanda you okay?" I shook my head and ran over to where Draco had dropped everything. I picked up the roses and dusted the snow off the gift box and read the note.

"Dear my beloved Amanda,
A princess always deserves the best, now this is something I saw and I want you to have it, if only you will be my valentine, Now it symbolizes two things, you have my heart and the key to unlock it. Don't break it please.

Forever your's
Draco Malfoy."

Ashley walked over cause Keri had met up with Blaise in honeydukes. "He's ruining the plan, you're falling for him." Ashley is the only one that knows of the plan and Keri does too. "I think he's changed, he's trying so hard. I have to go see him."I said running back to the castle. I ran to the the common room mumbling the password as I flew through. "Draco!" I hollared out, but he was no-where to be seen. "The quidditch pitch" I mumbled as I went back out of the common room and ran with all my might too the pitch and I saw Draco sitting in the stands just staring into nothing as the snow fell upon us. I slowly and quietly walked up clutching the necklace in my hand and one of the roses. "Mind if I sit here stranger?" Draco turned and faced me then turned back. "I'll be your Valentine Draco," I sid quietly. "What?" He asked. "I said I'll be your Valentine, you know, if you waited in The three broomsticks for about 5 minutes longer, I would of been there." Draco looked over at me, "Is that so? Prove it?" He said as he looked at me. I opened my hand and showed him the necklace he had so happened to have bought me, "Proof enough." I asked. "He nodded and he took the necklace clasping it around my neck. Then he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Draco can I be honest with you?" He nodded as he kepted playing with my fingers. "I had this plan going, but you came along and ruined it, you made me fall in love with you, now I can't go through with that plan..." I said as I looked at him. "What was this plan, my love?" I sighed as tears sprang to my eyes. "'s heartbreaking.." I said. "I want to know.." He said. I nodded, "Alright, I had this plan to break your heart, but I can't go through with this now, I have a new plan, and this new plan is to make sure no other girl gets to snog you but me!" I said grinning. He smirked and leaned over and kissed me. "You're the only girl I plan on snogging for the rest of our lives."

Okay ladies and gentlemen, maybe I didn't break Draco Malfoys heart, but I did somehow make him fall head over heels in love with me and I, in return fell in love with him. And life at hogwarts couldn't be any better, that is until daddy decides he wants to take over, but that my friends, is another story for another time.
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