Don't Waste Your Breath, It's Too Late


The sound of glass shattering echoed throughout my room as the picture frame I threw out of anger hit the wall before landing onto the floor. I swallowed hard as tears leaked from my eyes.

“What the hell was that?” Dad questioned, walking into my room with narrowed eyes. He seemed irritated and tired, like he wasn’t getting much sleep.

I didn’t look him; I just stood next to my bed and glared down at the floor with my arms folded over my chest. He sighed heavily and walked over to the spot where the glass and the broken picture frame were lying. I looked up and over at him, and watched as he knelt down and picked up the picture that had fallen from the frame.

He looked over at me with sad eyes. “I know you’re angry, Eliza.” He said as he walked closer to me. He held the picture out for me to take, which I did.

I looked down at the old picture of Elijah and I from when we were thirteen. It was summer when it was taken and we were in our bathing suits. Nathan had taken the photo because he claimed that we would cherish it someday down the road, and of course he was right. It was nice to remember how happy we were, and how good life was then.

“You know, sometimes I break things too when I get angry. It’s normal, and I don’t blame you for being mad, Eliza.” He told me.

“Whatever,” I muttered, looking down at the picture. I couldn’t look up. I couldn’t allow him to see the tears that were threatening to fall. I wanted to look like a strong person in front of him, not like some weak little girl who cried over everything.

“Eliza,” He sighed softly, “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” I shook my head and continued starring down at the picture. “Eliza, look at me.”

“No,” I choked back a sob as the tears started streaming down my face. Within seconds his arms were wrapped around me, holding me as I cried into his chest. “I’m sorry, I just miss him so much.” I cried.

“I know,” He murmured, “I know you miss him. I do too, Eliza," He said, stroking my hair. "I do too.”

“It’s so hard living without him, dad.” I told him as I tried to stop the tears that were flowing from my eyes like a waterfall. He didn’t say anything; he just held me and allowed me to cry like a supportive, normal dad would. I wasn’t really used to that, but it was nice while it lasted.


The next morning I was sitting on the kitchen counter beside the fridge drinking a hot cup of coffee when dad walked in. He stopped all of the sudden once he spotted me. “What are you doing up so early?” He questioned.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I shrugged and took a sip of the hot, yummy beverage.

He nodded accepting my answer as he grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and filled it full of black coffee. “I thought you didn’t like coffee.” He said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Shows how much you know.” I retorted, rolling my eyes.

He groaned before taking a sip of his own coffee. “Don’t start this morning, Eliza. It’s way too fucking early.” He warned me, as if I was fucking scared of him.

“Fine,” I muttered before hopping down off the counter. I dumped the rest of my coffee out and put the empty mug in the sink. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back later.” Was all I said before leaving the kitchen.

“I don’t fucking think so.” Dad called out, following after me.

“Once again dad, I’m so glad you don’t get paid for thinking.” I said as I slid on my shoes that were always lying by the door. “Like I said, I’ll be back later.”

“Eliza, damn it! Don’t you fucking dare walk out that front door!” Dad yelled, like he was going to actually stop me.

I shook my head in disbelief. He was trying to actually act like a real dad towards me, and it pissed me off. It fucking took him long enough. “Stop trying to act like you fucking care!” I shouted causing him to stop dead in his tracks. “Just fucking stop.” I shook my head and walked out the front door, slamming it as hard as I could.

I made my way to the sidewalk at the end of the driveway and started my journey to where ever I was going. It was early as fuck and once again I was broke, so I wasn’t exactly sure where I was going. Ten minutes into my journey a car pulled up beside me, and I was surprised to see that the person in the car behind the wheel was Jayden himself. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

“Of course,” I muttered as he rolled down his window.

“You need a ride somewhere?” He smirked, “Like maybe school?”

“No, now leave me alone.” I said, hoping he’d catch on that I wasn’t in a very good mood and I really wanted to be left alone.

“Hm, let me think about that. How about no.” He chuckled. “Now, why don’t you get in the car and I’ll drive you home to get your things for school? We’ll be a bit late, but that’s alright.” Well, I tried but Jayden was one stubborn guy.

“Fuck no,” I answered his stupid question. “I know you’ve seen that damn magazine, I just know it. Which means you should understand why I’m never going back to school.”

Jayden laughed slightly before getting out of his car and walking towards me. I tried not to notice how absolutely adorable he looked, but failed miserably. “It’s really not that bad, Eliza.” He assured me. “The kids at school are going to eventually forget about it, and you know that just as well as I do.”

I scoffed, “Like that makes it any better! Everyone knows my fucking life story, and I didn’t want that!”

“Of course you didn’t,” He nodded, “And that’s completely understandable, Eliza. Nobody wants everyone to know that much about his or her life, but it is what it is. You have to move on with your life. You can’t let the press or stupid kids at school get to you, and if you do you’re just giving them something to talk about, which is exactly what they want. Are you really going to give in to that? Are you really going to give up?” At the end of his rant he raised an eyebrow at me and folded his arms over his chest, waiting for me to answer him.

“It’s not that simple.” I said quietly.

“Then how about we go some place to talk and you explain it to me?” He suggested, with a small smile. Why was he being so nice to me after what had happened?

“But don’t you like hate me for the other day?” I asked, absolutely confused. He should hate me for that, not wanting to still befriend me.

He shook his head and laugh. “Hell no. I understand now why you did that, and I’m not mad one bit.”

I sighed as I nodded slightly. “Well alright then, I guess we can go somewhere to talk.” I gave in.

He grinned widely and motioned towards the car. “Climb in,” He said before turning away and getting back into the car.

I knew I shouldn’t get in the car with him, especially since I didn’t exactly know him, but at that point I didn’t give a shit. What was there to lose? I mean, I did trust him after all, which was saying a lot considering I don’t usually trust people.
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In case I don't update again until next week, Merry Christmas! I really hope you guys have a wonderful holiday.

It's Never Too Late
^-^ That's a one-shot I recently wrote. Please check it out and tell me what you think.

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