Status: HELP, man i need some advice but you guys never leave comments.



At the bar was the old man with the bowler hat. A glass of whiskey in front of him, he sipped it quietly, glancing at the days old football game highlights on the TV. Every so often he would gruffly shout at the barmaid, for another drink. “A double,” he muttered, over and over until his speech grew more slurred and slurred and his hat tilted on an angle.

I watched, quietly, on the barstool with my pen and paper in front of me on the bar. ‘Trying to get inspired,’ I told my mother. But my paper stayed blank and my intentions for getting as drunk as possible faded when I noticed this man. The inspiration, however, bloomed.

“Err, excuse me, sir?” I asked, quietly, as I approached him.

He jolted upwards, “whaddaya want?” His watery grey eyes spun around as he focused on me, and I tried to smile.

“Just thought you look like someone with a few stories,” I said, carefully. Old people love talking about ‘the good days.’

He nodded. Ca ching!

So I dragged my stool closer and asked the busty barmaid for a beer, as the man asked my name.

“Elijah Brooks” I said, extending my hand. “And you are?”

“Gregory Landon.” He said, gripping my hand and nodding, his hat tilting forward, followed by a quick hand which put it back on center.

“So whatcha wanna know, Elijah?” Gregory asked.

“Anything inspiring,” I murmured, glancing at the ground.

I raised my head, and found Gregory looking at me, quizzically.

“Well, the best advice I ever got was don’t waste your time with politics,” he said, “Chase skirts instead.” Gregory winked.

I scribbled this down. And it seemed like nothing to me, at all.

Gregory kept talking. “I had a woman once,” He gulped his whiskey. “Gave it my best shot. It wasn’t good enough, I didn’t talk, talk, talk,” He said to me, and added, “Another,” to the barmaid.

“What happened?” I asked, “Did you get her back?”

Gregory took the new drink and drank it in one swig, shaking his head.

“Life is too short, son,” Gregory pointed at me, “You’re almost dead,” he said.

“But I don’t blame her, you know,” He added, “I wouldn’t do the same, I wouldn’t come back.
And now I’m here, day in, day out.”

And I grimaced into my beer, thinking, this is deep.

And it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like if you have time.
Fuck man. But thanks for reading. If you're reading this. XOPF