Daughter of the Devil

Fighting and Planing

"Alright good" Luka smiled as he watched the dancing pots and pans in the air.

"Want to try heavier objects?"

"Please, pots and pans are a bit boring" I rolled my eyes.

It was five o'clock and we had been practicing my telekinesis all day. We had given up on the blocking technique for now and focused on the other powers I could get. Telekinesis was the easiest thing I could ever do, although he had made sure I could lift domesticated things like kitchen utensils and lift more than ten and make them all line up in the air then move only a selected few of the group without dropping any of the other ones. It was fun and interesting and just so surreal I keep expecting to wake up.

"Dinner is gonna need to be cooked so you guys should evacuate the kitchen please; without dropping everything" Brick said and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey I'm actually pretty good at this" I said and nodded at all the objects.

They had moved and went back to where they had come from. Brick nodded.

"Impressive for someone who doesn't believe in the supernatural" He said.

I raised an eyebrow at him and tried to lift him up but I couldn't.

"Your brother tries that all the time and I had to learn how to stop it"

I pouted slightly. Luka took me out side and he showed me how to lift stones and throw them, then he started to teach me how to aim and throw them. it was so much fun, but that had to end as Brick called us in for dinner. I followed Luka, not too sure what to do but everyone sat in the living room eating. I knew Brick and Stewart and then spotted Sonny, the only girl living here apart from me now I guessed.

"Sonny this is-"

"Luisa I know; hi" She gave me a small smile and a curt wave.

I smiled back at her and we kept eating. They all spoke and it was everything I didn't know about but I could pick up little things. They were talking about the people or 'people' that they were fighting against. It didn't seem like they were fighting anyone with the very relaxed attitude in this house between everyone. Then they mentioned Kevin.

"Well, he will be a bit of bother now so I'd say we have to find out way into his organisation"

"And wipe your sister file?" Sonny chipped in.

"But that won't work" I said.

They looked at me with blank expressions on their faces, as if I shouldn't be involved. Luka shook his head and nodded at me to explain.

"Kevin won't forget, or the other agents that were involved" I mentioned.

"Yeah but at least the rest of the agency won't know about it, so we'll only have to deal with the ones that do"

"Yeah but..."

Sonny glared at me a little. What was her problem with me?

"If I am the daughter of the devil and they know about me, then not being selfish or anything but you know, thedevil then I'm a pretty big deal, especially if I've escaped twice. I'm sure my case has been brought to their attention"

"Well I still see no harm in erasing your file" Sonny said with a smile.

I looked at Sonny and looked at how she looked at all the guys, with pride as if she'd won a battle. I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm sorry if my being here is going to obstruct some weird fantasy thing you've got going on cause you were the only girl in this house until I got here -"

"Excuse me?" Sonny exclaimed.

"I just saw how you looked at everyone there, so much pride in yourself because you brought an end to a discussion about the next plan of action you guys were going to take."

"That has nothing to do with you"

"Nothing? It's because of me this has happened, of course this is about me, and my brother. If they find me they find him and then you guys. If you think that I'm just going to let this happen then you can-"

"You didn't even know you had a brother until three days ago"

I stopped short, she had another smug smile on her face.

Luisa, leave it

You could stick up for me bro

I stood up and decided to lift her chair. I focused all my anger on lifting it and I did. With a yell of surprise she flew into the air.

"Now I'm not usually one for arguing Love, but honestly I can't stand girls like you. You're Queen Bee and everything is about you. Well it's not, you share a house with three other people and it's not about you it's about all of us here. And if you lot go into the organisation and erase my file then it's pointless because all of them will know about it by now. why risk going in and getting rid of it when you can try and plan against their next move? They won't need my file now and it's not like they've got anything on me. they don't know what powers I've got."

Sonny jumped from the chair and landed on the ground and there was a snap noise. Sonny jumped up and glared.

"You little witch! I was going out on a date tonight and you've just made me snap my nail!"

"Is that all you care about?"

"OK, OK enough" Luka said and stood up.

I dropped the chair and it clattered on the floor.

"She acts as though she's the head of this operation" I said.

"She's an important part"

"As are you all, she shouldn't get special treatment just cause she's a girl"

"It was an interrogation date! It was to get information!"

"It's not ruined because of one little finger" I rolled my eyes.

"Look, you'll be wasting your time going to the organisation to get my file, if you're going to go you should go to find out more information" I said.

"That is a plan I guess, a little less high risk if we don't try and hack the system"

"Uh hello?!" Sonny said.

"Cut the other nails down to size, you'll be fine" I winked.

I then saw something poking out of Sonny's mouth and I blinked, she had fangs!