Daughter of the Devil

Quick Action

Sonny shouted form downstairs. I looked at myself in the mirror across form my bed, put my book aside and ran down the stairs as fats as I was able, thanks to my training yesterday and earlier today, i had pulled a muscle in my left leg. I reached the living room and spotted the dor to the kitchen closed just as I got there. I ran in and found everyone there and looking at Sonny who was annoyed.

"He's moving a lot earlier than I thought he would have"

"Why?" Brick asked.

"I'm unsure. All I know is he's on the move, and it doesn't feel like he's heading back soon. We will have to move now"

I felt excitement and fear build up in me. I looked at the guys who now moved with such speed I spun around in circles.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"Nothing" Luka's voice came from behind me.

"What?" I asked spinning to face him.

He picked me up with his mind and the next thing I knew I was in my room. I ran to the door and pounded on it; it was locked.

"Luka! You let me out righ tnow! I want to help!"

"No Luisa, you aren't fully trained yet, you're injured and we've got this covered"

I punched the door and let out a frustrated yell. I was part of this mess, I was part of this team. I wanted to help. I thought about how Sonny knew all that information. I remembered talking to Stewart about different supernatural's. The thing with Sonny is that she is a specific type of Vampire. She has to drink blood, but she also has to feed off lust. Although feeding off lust of course requires her to have sex almost twenty-four seven, this allows her to connect to the subconcious mind of her partner. That was her curse, she had to live with the thoughts of her partner and remember every detail about them for the rest of her life and also know specific things they were doing even months after they had been together. I learned then that Sonny wasn't proud of herself for having so many partners,she'd had good experiances she wishes she could have again but never will and wishes she could forget some extremely bad experiances that she never will. Another curse of her kind is that the age they were turned, that's the way they stay forever, mind set and nature like, not just looks. Of course she can learn, but she can't stop acting like an eighteen year old, in a way, she can never truely grow up.

I felt sorry for her, it explained why she acted the way she did. I wondered where her last partner was going and what he was going to do. I hadn't learned much about their plans on this, they had abandoned the plan to infiltrate the HQ of Kevin's company. I grew iritated, but sat on my bed and tried to calm down. I searched with my mind to find any trace of Luka, he wasn't in the house anymore I put up my mind-shield and focused on the door. It was locked from the outside but I could still unlock it. I tried but found I couldn't. I growled and cursed Luka. I felt his laughter but blocked him out. I turned and ran to the window, but he had locked that too. I noticed then, he had melted the locks. I could smash the window...then an idea hit me. I decided then to focus on the locks. they were particlly melted, but if I melted them completely I could open the window. I focused and watched as the locks turned into a boiiling mess on the window sill. Smoke now being produced as it touched the wood. I cooled it down the forced the window open. I climbed out and down the drain pipe, which much difficulty. Once I was on the ground, I ran to the garage and got into the only car left. I took a moment to realise that this was real, and it was happening. I thought about what exactly I would do. I shook it form my head and focused on Luka, trying not to let him know I was searching. I could find him if I focused, I could follow the bond we had. So I did.

I parked across from the building that Luka and who I presumed the target were parked. The windows of the car I was in were tinted which was good for me, but I didn't want to arouse suspicion, so I rolled it down a little. I was shaking and I was so nervous I was starting to feel sick. Only then did I realise that I had brought nothing with me. Not a gun or anything! I hit my head off the steering wheel, making the horn go. I jumped, panicking and rolled up the window a little. I spotted an empty black case as if it was for a pack of cigerettes and pretended it was a mobile. I sat laughing and talking to myself as people passed and looked at the car. I hoped they fell for it. I searched for Luka and made sure I was in the right place. I felt somethingin my heart, as if I had just gotten a fright. I panicked.



He sounded so surprised.

What happened? I felt something

We've been locked in an elevator, don't worry. I can get us out of here soon

What about your transporty thing?

Only works on you

I huffed a little.

Are you outside the building?!"

I shuddered at the tone in his mental voice.


I locked you in there for a reason!

Yeah but look at the mess you're in now! Wait! What does the target look like?

I noticed a man coming out of the building. There was something green on his suit that caught my attention. It was shining and one of his bodyguard type people pointed to it. He wiped it off and they laughed a little. I wondered what it would be. I felt Luka grow panicked an dI felt that feeling you get when the elevator starts...


I'm...holding the elevator...it's a little heavy...

I got out of the car and ran straight for the building. I got looks from the reception people and I could hear the boots of the security guards coming already. I ran to the elevator and made the doors open, I looked up and down for the carriage. It was above me and I focused on it.

Luka, let it down gently, I'm at the bottom

I felt him relax and the elevator made noises as it moved slowly. I focused on making it move a little bit faster, Luka did too, it made horrible noises. Suddenly I was grabbed and I screamed. the elevator jerked and I could hear them all in the elevator scream and I could hear and feel Luka straining to take the full weight again. I kicked and connected with a man's knee, he dropped me and I ran to the doors and looked up trying to help Luka. I turned in time to see another security guard pick up the one I had kicked, and another appear with a baton. I felt panic and I heard Luka tell me to look after myself. I focused onthe baton and he swung at me. I made it leave his hand and collide with his head. It looked like he had raised his hand to high and it slipped for his hand, hitting him. He kneeled on the ground gripping his head. The two other security guards then got out their tasers. I felt panic and I backed towards the elevator shaft. It was moving slower than before as Luka tried to control it.

"You are not permitted in this building" One security guard said.

I couldn't reply. Although I could kinda guess they were just people and nothing to do with the Supernatural. I didn't know what to do. Then I screamed as a loud, horrible 'crash' sounded behind me. I jumped away and towards the security guards who fell backwards. I got up and screamed for my brother as I ran towards the elevator. The doors were ripped open and Stewart came out, half changed. I grew scared but he changed to normal.

"Quickly, we have to go"

"Luka!" I screamed.

Stewart grabbed me and ran with me out of the building. I spotted three figures getting out of the elevator and I felt the panic subside. There was a pain in my side.


I'm fine. Just stay with Stewart, track down McGuire

I nodded even though he couldn't see and I let Stewart put me in the car I had brought and he started to speed away, window down and head so close. He was sniffing the air as we drove. I grew panicked, how coud he focus on both? How did he even know I brought this car? I screamed when we turned a corner so sharp, the car tilted onto Stewarts side and I was slightly lifted. We avoided a bus, horns blaring, voices screaming in anger, although I couldn't hear their words as we chased down the street. Everntually I spotted a car that was familiar and I knew we had caught up, I just wondered about what we would do once we caught them. Who were they and what exactly did we need them for? We slowed down now, caught in a little bit of traffic and not wanting them to know they had been followed.

"What is this guy?"

"He's a Demon. He works for your father technically" Stewart said.

I nodded and looked at him, his face had slightly morphed but was changing back to normal. He caught me staring and blushed.

"I can changed specific body parts or completely"

I nodded. Stewart had been working on that for years, he was also quite old but not as old as Sonny. When he changed into a Wolf he was uncontrolable, although he had been working on 'caging his Wolf' so now when he was a Wolf, he was able to stay in his own mind. After mastering that, he began to work on changing specific body parts so he could advance his sense even more as a human. He had accepted his curse and was happy now, especially now that he didn't have to worry about changing at the Full Moon and killing people. He could change when he wanted, but every Full Moon he had to change, no matter where he was, what he was doing, but now he didn't kill mercilessly.

Eventually we parked down the street from a fancy looking restraunt and we waited till they were inside till we got out. Stewart sampled the air and then handed me a gun. I looked over it and felt panic; what if I got caught with this without a permit?

I felt Luka laugh. I blushed.

OK you have got to really work on your mind-shield, and secondly. You're worried about not having a permit when you're the daughter of the Devil, who is about to take over Earth?

I rolled my eyes and blocked him out. I followed Stewart who was now across the road. We got to the window of the restraunt, it was empty, not even the three men we had followed where there.

"They own it, it's a trap. Let's go back and -"

There was a whistle and the Stewart fell backwards with a grunt. I screamed and looked up at a man leaning out a widow high up above us. I stood rooted and screamed up at him with all my fear. I watched as it created a force-field that was sent straight up at him. It threw him back into the room and there was an array of noises inside the building. More windows opened and men pointed out their guns. I focused on the windows and made them come down on the men hard, one man got stuck while another fell out the window and landed beside me, splattering his head on the ground, blood sprayed onto my feet and from the knee down of my trousers. My eyes widened and I felt sick. I couldn't move. What? What did I just do?!

I was grabbed and pulled away, and ushered into the car. Stewart was talking to me, but I couldn't hear anything just see his lips move. He drove fast, I looked down and saw the blood streaming out of his shoulder. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"Luisa!" He shouted.

I looked up at him but his words were slurred, it was getting dark. I couldn't move. I fainted.
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hey guys, just wanted to make an apology for Sonny's rubbish Vampire type, but it's sort of what I need to make the story work! So bare with please!


Sarah <3