Status: If people like it I'll write more. So comment.

Not your typical spy story.


"Well this place just gets better and better..." I mumble walking into my room to check out the damage. "What I don't understand is how they got in.." Mutters Adam shaking his head. "You don't think anyone would actually hurt Elodie, do you?" Ask Gena walking into the room with a sad look on her face. Arthur just shakes his head looking at my broken room. "Adam why don't you take Elodie to the stables for today.. You can take a break. We'll have the room fixed when you return.." "But.. Okay sir" mumbles Adam in reply before grabbing my arm and pulling me down the corridor. "So.. What are we going to do at the stables?" I ask as we exit out the back door of the dorms. Adam stops abrutly and turns looking as if he's in disbelief. "What?" I ask walking past him to the barn type area down the hill. "You seriously don't know why we would be going to the stables? How incompetent are you?" He answers walking behind me. " We'll these arn't exactly clothes for mucking stalls... So.." I reply. "Hello.. Riding, smartone." he mutters passing me by. I stop for a moment.. A memory flooding into my head.. I'm five my brothers setting me up on his horse.. I laugh happily as he sets me atop Rider his Mustang.. He grabs the rains and we start to troat around the corral.. I hear a hissing sound and see a snake Rider bucks I fly backwards.. I see little snakes all around on the ground.. I scream for John but I see him caught in riders rains being pulled.."Wait.. I'm supposed to ride a horse a big animal that bucks.. Seriously?" I ask shivering lightly as I shake the memory away. "Yes, haven't you riden before?" he replies. I nod silently walking as slowly as possible.. Though this doesn't keep me from stepping into the stables a few moments after Adam. As I look around I see the big horses.. Stallions, Quarter-horses, and Mustangs... I jump and nearly fall as one of the horses neighs loudly. Adam catches me.. I look up knowing he'll most likely be glaring at me again... But instead of his usual hard gaze. A look of concern graces his face.. "Why are you so afraid of horses Elodie?" he asks watching me. But instead of answer its like I'm there again Johns being pulled by rider I'm crying but I cant move my leg hurts soo bad.. And then I black out.. I open my eyes which I realized I had clenched shut during the memory.. Adams watching me intently.. All I can manage to say is "I don't wan to ride today.." Before I stand up and walk away.. Tears gracing my eyes..