Save the Date

and your world will stop spinning

Somehow managing to get a record deal with a minor label, Nick finds himself to be extremely busy—his life revolves around the music he creates, resulting in a poor social life and a bad sleeping schedule. Once in a blue moon he earns a day off and has no idea how to occupy his time—today is one of those days.

He decides to go window shopping around The Big Apple, receiving looks of disapproval from the clerks at Nordstrom’s, which he’d somehow wound up in; they don’t know why he’s there, but neither does he. He wanders around the Men’s section, pawing through racks of clothes without looking at them and constantly checking his phone to see if anybody wanted him; unfortunately he’d chosen to shop during business hours.

He makes his way to the Home & Gifts department and subtly watches the women around him—most are with small and bored looking children, while others appear to be grandmothers. However, one stands out to him and he walks subconsciously closer to her.

She’s a twenty-something dark-haired and tired beauty. He soon realizes why he’s drawn to her and recognizes her right away.

“I’m sorry,” he says, “Avery?”

Her expression is unmistakably shock: “Nicholas?”

He nods, smiles, and gives a short laugh full of surprise, “Yeah—wow. How are you?”

She grins, “I’m doing really well. I—I didn’t expect to see you here. How have you been?”

“Good, good,” he says in a rush. He keeps staring at her, as if he can’t believe that it’s really her.

“And your music career?” she asks.

“It’s going really great,” he says. An awkward tension looms between them as they continue to stare at one another; they haven’t been face to face since their graduation. “How is…” his voice falters slightly, “Erm, what is it you do again?”

“I’m the CFO of this little company…” her voice trails off and Nick knows she’s being modest.

“Oh yeah?” he asks, interested, “Which one?”

She tells him, and he knows it’s not a ‘little company’, especially because it’s in New York City.

Nick suddenly feels embarrassed by his choice in career, knowing that she’s really made a life for herself while he was just struggling to keep a day job, “Oh, wow,” he says, “That’s impressive.”

“It’s nothing,” she says, looking down. “So, uh… Where are you living now?”

He cringes to himself, “Um—Brooklyn.” Brooklyn isn’t the nicest city in New York, and he wants to make the greatest impression during their short meeting that he can.

She smiles, “That’s nice. I actually live in Rye with my, um—” she looks as though she doesn’t want to say something to him. Finally she does, “My fiancé.”

His eyebrows raise. Although he knows, he doesn’t like hearing it. “You’re engaged? Oh, wow, you’ve really done well after school, haven’t you? That’s great to hear.”

She shyly tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, “Thank you, Nicholas. Do you remember Scott McHale? He was two years ahead of us?”

Nick does remember Scott McHale. He also remembers not liking him. “Sure I do—geography major, right?”

“German,” she corrected. Nick frowned—German is so much more impressive of a major. “Anyway, that’s who I’m marrying.”

“I’m so happy for you, Ave,” he says. Then in a rush, adds, “Well, I better get going. It was nice to—”

“Wait,” she says, grabbing his wrist before his body is fully turned. She suddenly drops her hand, as if touching him was something forbidden. “I would—I would love it if you came. It’s at the Plaza Hotel, on the sixteenth.”

He forces a smile, but she doesn’t seem to notice, “I’ll have to check my calendar.”

She quickly adds, “Bring a date, too—I mean, a great guy like you can’t have stayed single for long, right?”

Nick clenches his teeth as he smiles again. “I’ll try and make it, Avery,” he lies.

Her eyes burn into his, and he feels like she’s asking for something without speaking. His entire body tingles. “It would really mean a lot to me if you came, Nicholas.”

As she walks away, Nick realizes that he already misses her terribly and has since the day they parted. However, he’s immensely glad that she’s found someone else and has moved on—Scott McHale could provide for her unlike he, Nick, could and protect her for the rest of his, Scott’s, life. Avery Jenkins and Nick Jonas are just not meant to be.