Forever & Always

Jackpot? WRONG!

"Man, I'm telling you. She a definite one night stand. Once I hook up with her, I'll be back with Jessica 'cuz she'll see I can pull any girl I want but I choose to stay with her. Technically. I mean, dude, you know how it is. You gotta keep those sidelines to show your girl you ain't whipped and you can leave with any girl at anytime."

"Why are you so sure she's gonna sleep with you?"

"Man. Don't even play me like that. And she ain't got a choice. When she gets back I'm going to give her this drink right here and she'll practically be undressing on the dancefloor begging for me to jump her bones."

"What you got in there bro?"

"E mixed with some other stuff. Some guy tried to give it to Tylor but you know he's prince charming so I took it. The dude said it was the best stuff to use on a girl that's harmless but will get them to sleep with you in a heartbeat. And this girl is smoking. She's gonna be on my top sidelines if she can ride hard."

"Dude. How sick would you be if she found out?"

"Yeah. How 'sick' would you be if I found out what?" I walked over to Justin and his 'homeboy' furious. How dare he try to treat me like a toy. Do I have the words 'Slut right here! Will sleep with anyone on the first night!' written on my forehead?

"UH! Nothing. All you're gonna find out is how happy you'll be once you have this kick-ass drink. Club's best." He scrambled for 'smooth' lines but I had 2 decisions. Either Bust his plan now or mess with him. The former started sounding the best because the more I looked at this kid the more mad I got. I open up just the smallest and I still manage to catch feelings and get treated like shit. Story of my life.

I took the drink he handed me, looked at his friend who was practically rolling on the ground laughing so hard, and I walked over to Justin so that we were face to face, our lips almost meeting. I threw my arms around him and got close enough that he started to pucker up and move in. When I felt his breath on my lips I almost gave in and decided this was as far as I wanted this game to go. I took my spiked drink and threw it all over his head and all white shirt. I backed off as he stared at me in awe.

"You bitch! What the hell is your problem?"

"Beginning to trust you is what my problem is. Go find another 'sideline' to use against your girl cuz this girl is too good for that. Have a nice life." And I was on my way.