Status: I will start this soon!

The Enemies' Secret: The Truth Hurts

This is so True...

I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling while listening to “Polygraph, Right Now! By The Spill Canvas
Fate is an elegant, cold-hearted whore
She loves salting my wounds
Yes, she enjoys nothing more
I bleed confidence from deep within my guts now
I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown

‘That is so true…’ I think

I wanna tear apart your room
to see if what you say is true
Darling don't you lie, lie to me
I wanna break into your heart
to see why you want us apart
Oh, I'm scared to death to find out what you think of me

I lay across my bed thinking of what happened two months ago.

Fate is an elegant, cold-hearted whore
She loves salting my wounds
Yes, she enjoys nothing more
I bleed confidence from deep within my guts now
I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown

(Three Months Ago)
I looked at Dylan for answers but he just glared at the floor!
“Is it true?” I asked
He seemed so damn interested in that bland multi-tiled floor! I started to cry.
I smacked him with my tear covered hand that was pressed against my face.
“I NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN DYLAN JACKSON!!” I screamed at him while running out the door

According to you we don't click,
that's a blatant lie and you know it
Angel, what are you hiding from me?
If there is truly another secret lunch-break,
working late lover
then I would die, but at least then I'd be free

That verse reminded me of the letter I got a week after I ran off.
(A Week After Finding Out)
I had finally gotten out of my room to eat something. I walked slowly down the stairs and grabbed an apple. I decided(for some reason) to check the mail. I went out front and grabbed the mail, rushing inside. I looked thru it and saw a letter with my name on it. Curious I opened it.
Dear Layla,
I’m sorry you had to find out this way but I really don’t think we click that much. I mean we only dated for a few days anyway and I have my fiancée Jessica now so everything is for the best.

I lost the feeling in my legs and crashed down to the floor.
‘I can’t believe this!’ I thought
I was livid! How could he send this after I had started feeling a bit better?!?! I dropped the letter and stormed up the stairs, grabbing the paper from our failed Psychology project and the giant stuffed bear he got me a while ago. Not caring about the way I looked I stormed to his house and beat on the door. As soon as Dylan opened the door I punched him in the face while tossing the items in my hands at him. He looked beyond surprised.
“You think you could send that letter and think everything would be alright?!?! I was FINALLY getting over you and you pull this shit! I swear! I hate you! I wish I never met you! I hope you and your little skank are happy together!!!” I screamed at his even more confused face
“And that your shit back!” I said referring to the bear and paper
I stormed back into my house, thankful that Ms. Jackson wasn’t home. I felt moisture on my arms as I didn’t relies that I was crying like mad. Leaning on my bed I cried until my eyes burned and was too exhausted to move. Falling asleep to the sound of my own heart breaking once again.

-Fate is an elegant, cold-hearted whore
She loves salting my wounds
Yes, she enjoys nothing more
I bleed confidence from deep within my guts now
I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown

“Oh how that rings true…” I silently cried
♠ ♠ ♠
OMFU I have the next chapter up!!! YAY! I'm really excited! In Band Camp today we won the spirit stick!!! And to top it off I found out the my best friend/crush really likes me so I've been jumping and giggling all over the house!
