Status: I will start this soon!

The Enemies' Secret: The Truth Hurts

Thinking of You

Layla has been asleep for 2 days now and I never left here side. Neither has James unfortunately! He’s been pacing and yammering around my room for hours!
“Maybe we should take her to the hospital.” James said AGAIN!
“She’s going to be fine.” I sighed; trying to not get pissed
“But what if she-“
He stared at me wide eyed and sat down
Ugh! What Now?!?!
I stomped down the stairs and all but ripped the door open to reveal Jessica.
“Yes?” I growled
“HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME AT THE PARTY LIKE THAT!?!” she stormed in my house
“Would you quiet down Layla is sleeping!”
Bad move…
“WHAT!?!?” she spun on her heel and screeched
“Let me explain-“
“What are you gonna explain!? You have that whore in your house!”
“Don’t talk about Layla like that! If anyone is a whore it’s you!” I barked
She stood there in shock then her face looked mischievous.
“You wouldn’t want you know who to find out about this do you?”
I gawked at her
“Layla’s knocked out! She doesn’t even know she’s here!”
“So? You’re supposed to be getting married to me! Not be with her!”
“I don’t even want to be near you let alone marry you! Why won’t you leave us alone!?
She got real close to me, “Because I want what is rightfully mine! We were to be happily married until you ran away with your mom and started dating her!!! Why don’t you want me?!” she cried
“You’re not her…” I whispered
She grinned at me
“That’s too bad now isn’t it?”
She grabbed my neck and kissed me
She will never be Layla…
Footsteps pounding against the floor made Jessica and I pull away in time to see someone running back into the room.
Shit! Was that Layla?!
♠ ♠ ♠

^This song of the hour is 'Thinking of You' by Katy Perry!
Yeah I know it takes FOREVER for me to update but I'm really trying. Any who how was everyone's Christmas? I got my first guitar and I've been playing it ever since. It actually gave me the inspiration to update and put up two new stories. One is on my Facebook page and the other is brand new featuring my friend Kayle and I! Hope you like them and Happy Holidays!!!