Status: I will start this soon!

The Enemies' Secret: The Truth Hurts

Music Junkie

(FF to Friday)
I can’t believe he brought me into this…
I’m currently in James’ Red 2012 Camaro Convertible wearing this. And we’re heading to Sara’s party.
“I am never going anywhere with you ever again!” I grumbled
“Aw don’t say that! We’ll have fun ok?” he said pulling into her driveway
Just like I suspected teens were everywhere drinking, smoking, and dancing. The music was so loud that I started hearing it 5 minutes before we got in front of the bloody house! I got out with James and turned around to try and run but he saw it coming and put his arm around my waist. We got to her door and got ambushed by none other than Sara.
“I’m so glad you made it!!!” she said hugging to James
I just rolled my eyes and told them that I was going somewhere else. James looked like he wanted to protest but I just told him that it was ok and walked off. The party wasn’t special, just your average hormone-driven party. I went into the kitchen and got some water from the sink (I’m not stupid!).
I turned around and saw a guy with red streaks in his hair and blue eyes.
“Hi” I smiled
“I’m Rex”
“Do you want to dance?”
“Uh sure why not”
We went into the living room where other people were dancing. The stereos started blasting ‘I Don’t Wanna be in Love’ by Good Charlotte and I laughed. He smiled and started dancing with me. It honestly felt nice to dance like this after all the drama. People were cheering us on as he spun me. We were banging our heads and singing to the song.
“Hey I’m gonna request a song ok?” he said
He left, coming back a few minutes later ‘Sugar’ by Flo rida came on.
“Can you keep up” he questioned
“Can you?”
We started dancing like crazy as people screamed and cheered. He got closer to me as I grinded against him. I knew I wasn’t one for doing things like that but I was high from all of the people cheering us on. Somehow I ended up in his arms and both of us started laughing. We went to the couch and sat down.
“Well that was fun” I laughed
“Yeah…I’m gonna get some drinks.” Rex said getting up
I looked around to see anyone I knew (and liked) to talk to. The only person I saw was James; who was currently being dry humped by Sara. I laughed at him and he gave me the finger mouthing “Help me!”
I responded with, “Not gonna happen!” and started laughing again.
“Here” Rex put a yellowish drink in my hands
I looked at the liquid like this--> O.o
“Ha-ha! It’s monster.” He laughed
I still wasn’t sure about it but I drank it anyway. ‘Price of Company’ by The White Tie Affair blasted the living room speakers. I grabbed Rex’s hand and started dancing like no one was watching. The room started getting a bit fuzzy but I ignored it.
“Let’s go upstairs.” Rex said when the song ended
I was too out of it to care so I followed him up the stairs and down a hall. He opened the last door in the hall and dragged me in. He pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me.
What the hell!
I tried to push him off but either he didn’t notice or he ignored it.
“Rex stop” I mumbled
“Just relax” he breathed on my neck
I started to panic
“You drugged me!” I stated
When his hands disappeared under my shirt that’s when I freaked. I started screaming and used all of my weakened strength to push him off of me.
“You might as well stop. No one can hear you.” He laughed
My shirt was already off and he was working on my bra. Just as he unhooked my bra the door busted open and two figures ran in. All I saw before blacking out was Dylan picking me up.
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I'm so sorry for being late! I'm sick! And I have a bunch of homework. I would have updated on Sunday but mybest friend wife decided to kidnap me to go trick or treating. At the moment I'm working on a new story but I don't know if I'm posting it or not. I probably am but yeah. I am going to post the first chapter to IM me soon, it's the story I'm doing with InsanityDiva.