Listen To The Darkside


He sighed, hearing the familiar answering machine that he had only been able to reach lately.

“Hey Abigail, I know your day’s been hell. Anyways, don’t take to heart the words that he says, okay? I know you’re a good girl, and… and you’re not out to hurt anyone. He’s just, like, trying to get in your head, I guess. So, if you want come over, we can do the usual.”

And with that being said, Zack hung up the phone.


Wiping away the mixture of tears and mucus from her face, Abigail rang the doorbell. She tried to make it seem like she hadn’t been crying, but it wasn’t of any use. When Zack opened the door, smelling like his usual mixture of weed and men’s body wash, Abigail felt an entirely new wave of tears threaten to spill out.

“That bad, huh?” He asked, opening the door wider for her. She didn’t enter.

“Yeah, that bad,” Abigail muttered, wiping at her face again.

“What’d he say?”

“That I’m a whore. And that all I’ll ever be good for is giving head. And that I’m not even that good at it.” Zack didn’t respond, but this time Abigail chose to enter his home. No words were spoken as they both climbed the stairs up to the room dedicated entirely to music – and marijuana. Like a time-honored tradition, Abigail quickly began searching through the drawers in his desk for the paper and the pot, while Zack shut the door behind him and began looking through his small collection of vinyl records.

“I don’t really have the right words to say,” Zack began, setting the record on to the player. “There’s just no magic cure for the games he plays.” Abigail remained silent as she lit the first joint of the night.

Breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care

“Whatever,” Abigail muttered, lying down in the middle of the room and taking a puff from the joint. Passing it over to Zack, she turned her head up so that the glow in the dark stars they had pasted to the ceiling became the only things she could see. Abigail could hear Zack humming along to the music.

Live for today, gone tomorrow

“He’s a good man,” Zack began, blowing out a stream of smoke. “He just holds his heart too close to the vest. He’s not out to hurt anyone.”

“Yeah,” agreed Abigail. She moved a bit closer to Zack. “Pass the joint.” He did as he was asked.

And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to any one who reads my stories and noticed that I hadn't updated in six weeks.

I was accepted into a college program, and I thought I'd be able to do all of my work and still manage to write, but I was sorely mistaken. I apologize completely, and this is a taste of what's to come.

This story is based off of the song "Listen To The Darkside" by Charlie Mars.
All the lyrics come from the album "Darkside Of The Moon" by Pink Floyd.