I'd Rather Be Alone...


Do you know how in the movies, whenever a scene arrives in an airport and the camera pans round, spots a little kid with their parents, before stopping onto the featured character in the film? Well, once you spot the kid in the background, you automatically assume that the kid will be making an appearance on the exact same flight and not only that but they’ll be sitting exactly behind the mentioned character, ready to do whatever they can to piss off the person in front of them, which would mean kicking the hell out of the back of their seat, which if you look at it, nine times out of ten it generally does happen. Well, let that information digest in your mind before taking a guess at happened to me on my flight?

I may not exactly be in a ‘movie’ or have any experience in that sort of work, but I do so happen to be pretty much living the dream. I mean, I have great group of friends that I absolutely adore, a fantastic job that I wouldn’t give up for the world and on top of that, I have an utterly drop dead gorgeous boyfriend - so come on, how is that not living the dream?! I guess that by having all that in my life, someone would be bound to try and put my mood down in some way or another. Unfortunately for me, that mood killer came in the form of a right snotty nosed, little brat that not so coincidently was sat right behind me on the plane, his parents clearly taking no notice of him, which meant that they weren‘t paying attention to my ever growing annoyance. Would you like to take a guess as to what this kid was doing? I’ll give you a clue, go back to what I said earlier about the character in the film. That’s right, just like they did, I had this kid sit behind me and kick the back of my seat all the way from Florida to London. Sometimes, sitting in coach can really blow, next time, I‘m sitting in First Class.

I just about managed to keep hold of my sanity during the flight and through all of the chair-kicking, it wasn’t easy especially because every bone in my body wanted me to turn round in my seat and scream at the kid’s irresponsible parents. But, as much as I wanted to do that, I resisted…just about. In order to distract myself from my rising annoyance and what was happening behind me, I stuffed the headphones to my iPod into my ears and let my gorgeous and talented boyfriend’s voice drift through me, calming me with his harmonious range.

By the time that the plane had landed on British grounds, I had totally regained control over my emotions. All of the annoyance that I was feeling within the first half an hour of the flight, had absolutely vanished from my mind with the thanks of Petie and the rest of the boys that I’ve grown to love and of course already miss.

As soon as I was off of the aeroplane, obviously taking the time to glare at the annoying little snot-nosed brat and his parents as I passed, I was searching through my purse for my phone. It was only when I managed to find it, crushed right at the bottom, and pulled it out that a smile was found emerging onto my slightly dry lips. Considering it was only a seven hour flight, I really hadn’t expected Petie to send me twelve texts and of course four missed calls. I haven’t been gone all THAT long yet, but it was cute, near enough ever single text mentioned the fact that he loved me and that he couldn’t wait for me to return to his awaiting embrace. I’m surprised that he hasn’t started counting down the days til I return…


I felt my cold phone buzz within my grasp, leaving a little tingling sensation behind as I opened up the newest text addition from Petie (I swear, that boy is addicted to his phone and of course, texting).

To: LexiCart
From: PetiePiz
Hey baby, hope you had a good flight, missing you so much already, that I’ve made a little chart, counting down the days til I get to wrap my arms around you again. Call me soon sweetie, I love you. Xxxx

I know what I must have looked like, standing in the middle of the airport, on my own and grinning like a complete and utter fool but…I honestly don’t care. I have just received the most adorable text from the most adorable, caring guy that I know, who wouldn’t be grinning about that?

To: PetiePiz
From: LexiCart
Hey gorgeous, I miss you so much too, I honestly can’t believe that I agreed to take this job, I want to kick myself for agreeing to being away from you for this long…I’d do anything to just be back in Florida, in your arms right now. I try to call you as soon as I can, promise. I Love you. Xxxx

I read through what I put as my thumb hovers hesitantly over the send button before clicking it. It’s too late to turn back now, I’m already in England and let’s face it, if I just hopped on a plane back to Florida, then that would have just been a waste of money. Besides, I’m an adult now, I need to try and spend a long period away from Petie and the rest of the guys, it will be good for me to get out on my own for a bit. The longer that I’m away from them, the more worthwhile it will be when I do actually get to see and spend time with them again.

It is that thought, and that thought alone, that made me shove my phone hastily back into my purse. Ignoring the tears that are starting to sting the corner of my eyes, I start to walk slowly, but surely, toward the baggage claim to find my bags.

Needless to say, despite my slight sadness about not being in Florida with Petie, I’m actually rather excited for the next few months. They should certainly deem themselves to be…interesting.

Quickly gathering up my bags as they pass, I hurried to the entrance of the airport, smiling as I caught sight of Mr. Gary Ashley by his little minivan, that same one he used to drop me off here almost two years ago, I note silently to myself.

Well, it seems as though I better get this show on the road.