Recycled Phrases

Best Friend

Waking up with Zacky Vengeance on top of you really isn't as great as all those fan girls would think. He's heavy, loud, and doesn't really care if you were having the best sex dream of you life. Really. I groaned and tried to push him off but no avail; I could however open the curtain and hope that one of my brothers would come to my rescue, but that also didn't happen. "Come on best friend, let's go get some coffee!"

"Yeah, okay," I said sarcastically. "We're all the way in bum-fuck Egypt and it's still fucking dark out. I'm just going to drag my ass out of bed to come with you to get gross truck-stop coffee and chill with you while truckers who haven't gotten laid in twelve years cause their to fat for their penis's to work. Now, you're going to crush me if you don't move your ass, but it's totally cool, I mean who needs to live anyway?"

He rolled slightly to the side and frowned, "you're grumpy in the morning best friend."

"Well, you woke me up at 5 in the morning, and I was having a really amazing dream," I said.

He smiled and cuddled up to me, "go to bed best friend." And I did.


Laughing whole heartedly at the expression on Zack's face I set my coffee down and leaned across the table kissed hi cheek, "its okay best friend."

"Alex! She had like three teeth and wanted me to fuck her!" He glared. "That is not okay!"

"Well karma's a bitch," I smirked, "now, let's take our coffee to the bus and think about my amazing dream, and you can think about that toothless woman on top of you moaning your name," I said then moaned very trashy-woman-like and walked off.

"I hate you," he grumbled following me. "And you are so not allowed to tell the guys about that!"

"Oh no?" I challenged.

"No, Lex, don't even fucking think about it."

I smiled dropped the coffee, it wasn't that good anyway, and ran toward the bus burst the door open ran up the three steps and re-told the entire story having to yell a little bit to be louder than Zach who was trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to drown me out. I really hoped the guys would tease him all day about it.

Realizing that today would be a day of driving and no shows I was slightly upset, "who fucking plans these things anyway? Why don't you just go in a line? But noooo, we go from Seattle, to Denver, then Vegas and then LA." Mattie looked at me and smiled, and Brian who was also listening, laughed kind of loudly causing everyone to look over at him, "He farted," I lied pointing to my brother, he laughed and nodded.

"You always have an opinion don't you," Brian asked rhetorically. I nodded and he put his arm around my shoulder. Brian has had a thing for me since I was about 14 and he was 16, it's never developed into anything and he's always been jealous of Zack cause of the 'relationship' we have. My brothers have told me constantly that they would rather me be with him than Zack, but though I've had a slight thing for him it's never been pursued.

"Yes. Can we stop somewhere and get some movies? I really don't want to watch porn."

"Yeah, we're going to a Target in the next city we hit," Val said from under Matt's arm, "we need food."

"Yeah so Alex can cook us something wonderful," Johnny piped up. Everyone seemed to agree.

I thought about it and smiled, "well what do you want?"

They all looked at each other and shrugged, "I want some enchiladas," Brian said from beside me. I nodded.

"Can do," I said.

"Alex if you make those as hot as you did last time I'm going to fucking kill you," Jimmy said.

I laughed, "I will make some really hot and some not so hot for all of you babies."

We got to the Super Target and walked in, Val, Leana and I each got a cart and JB so kindly gave me his credit card. After going up and down the food isles we went down just about every other one. My phone went off, and looking at the screen I saw a picture of Brian and I answered it, "hey."

"Hey, where are you guys were looking for you," he said.


About three minutes later the guys were joining us looking through everything we got and commenting on things. Zack picked up a box of tampons and got a disgusted look and threw them back and wiped his hands off as though they were dirty. "Best friend you should have warned me!"

I looked at him blankly, "they are tampons and they go in the same place you like to stick things up. So shut up."

"Fuck you, come with me to find some movies with me," he said.