Sequel: The FMX Couple
Status: Finished There is a sequel

The Monster and the Fox Riders


You get to the Olive Garden. You go in and Bilko walk you over to the table away from other people.

“Good job son” Sandra said.
“Thank you mum” Bilko said.

You hug both his parents. You sit down and Bilko start rubbing your back while looking at the menu.

“What we getting” Bilko ask.
“I want Calamari” you said.
“What that?”
“Ok, what else?”
“Cheese ravioli”
“To drink water or sprit?”
“Dr. Pepper”

You look at Bilko and he look at you. You pout a little he sighs and nods his head.

“So when are you guys going back home?” You ask.
“In two days” Sandra said.
“Are you staying up here for those two nights” Bilko ask.
“We were thinking about it but we don’t know” Tommy said.
“You should stay close to my house”
“Why not at your house”
“Cam and Brook”
“I have a extra guest room, if you guys want to stay” You said.
“You have four rooms” Bilko ask you.
“Yeah my office, my room, Jacko room, and the guest room”
“Are you guys moving to your house or Bilko’s” Sandra ask.
“We kinda think we got to move to a new house. Then we can move closer to Brain and get our own compound” You said.
“Have you guys been looking”
“No, are we got to get to do it”
“Yeah we need to” Bilko said.

You lean your head on Bilko’s shoulder. His arm wrap around you. The waiter came up.

“What can we get you guys?” The Waiter said.
“I would like water” Sandra said.
“Dr. Pepper” Tommy said.
“Two for us also” Bilko said.
“Ok any appetizers” The waiter ask.
“Calamari” You said.
“Ok, are you ready to order?”
“Give us a few minutes” Tommy said.
“Ok, I will be right back.”

You look around.

“You ok” Bilko ask.
“Bathroom” You said.
“Get out of this area and you see the sign to the right” Tommy said.
“Thank you, I be right back”

You get up and go to the bathroom. You go back and Bilko grab your hand.

“Is everything ok” Bilko ask.
“Yeah everything fine” you said.

He kisses your forehead then You lean your head on his shoulder.