Status: one shot

You're My...


I was a Heroine and cocaine junkie. I was only a junkie that was friends with my dealer and other junkies. I was out casted from my family and old friends. I was a stripper that had a psychology degree that I didn’t use , because no one wants a junkie for a psychologist. I was a useless shell of a human until my wonderwall came. I was all that until Xavier came along. Xavier helped get clean and stop using. He help me through detox. He helped me get my family and friends back. He helped me get me a job as a councilor at a rehab center. Xavier helped me find love.
Now me an Xavier are married with three adorable children.

Because maybe; you’re gonna be the one that saves me after all; you’re my wonderwall.
♠ ♠ ♠

contest so you think you can qoute