Status: Hiatus


Chapter 3


I got all of the drinks ready and put them on one large tray to carry back to the dining room. Just as I was about to lift the heavy tray up, I heard my name being called from behind me, so I turned around to see Riley walking towards me.

"Hey how's the special service going?" she said as she reached me.
I just closed my eyes and showed her my fake smile.
"That bad, huh?" she replied.
"Yeah, one of the worst, and they've only ordered their drinks." I said as I stepped aside to show her the tray full of drinks.
She gave me another understanding smile as she patted me on the back and walked on to continue on with her duties.
I turned back around to get the tray full of drinks.
I picked it up with both hands and lifted it up to my shoulder and set it down to balance.
Once it was balanced I turned around to head towards the door to the kitchen. I'd have to walk out backwards to make it out of the kitchen so that I could open the swinging door. We have specific doors for walking in the kitchen and leaving the kitchen so when someone is carrying something, they can go through the correct door without worrying about someone coming in and knocking everything out of their hands.

So I turned my back towards the exit door so that I could push it open, but as I leaned back, the door came forcefully towards me and pushed me back into the kitchen, which made everything I was carrying drop from my arms and spill all over myself and the floor.

It all happened so fast, I couldn't stop it. I just looked down at the mess in front of me. There was broken glass everywhere and a large puddle of all of the drinks mixed together.


I'm going to have to re-do all of the drinks now. I turned around to see who the idiot was that walked through the wrong door.
I found a surprised Joe standing behind me. He was staring down at the mess on the floor. I couldn't hold back any longer.


"What are you doing?" I yelled. He probably came to change his order and just get on my nerves even more and he definitely was getting on my nerves.
I stared at him waiting to answer.
"Well, I uh, I was coming to apologize for the way I acted. So, I walked around until I found the kitchen, and well I just walked in." He said quietly while stumbling over the words.
I blew up at him.
"Oh, how nice of you. You come barging in the wrong door, to a room that you are not even allowed to be in and bang into me, knocking over all the drinks, stain my work clothes, which I have to stay in until the end of my shift and broke the glasses that will be coming out of my paycheck. Well thanks Joe, you are continuing to make this a great evening." I showered him with my frustration.
He looked like he had just been hit by a train, I started to feel a little guilty for blowing up at him, but it was all of his fault.
He looked back down at the mess.
"I'm honestly so sorry, let me help clean it up and I will pay for the broken glass, and I'll pay to get your uniform dry cleaned." He said trying to make it seem better.
"I don't think so, you've already done enough, please exit the same door you barged through, at least this time you'll be going through it the right way." I said as I turned away from him and pointed back to the kitchen doors.
I heard him sigh as he turned to walk away. He whispered an "I'm so sorry" as he walked back to the doors.
I turned back to him, "Oh and please inform the rest of your group that there will be a delay on the drinks." I said before he walked out the door. He sighed and nodded as he left.


I took a deep breath as I walked to the supply closet to get the mop and broom. I had to mop up the liquids and sweep up the broken glass. I also grabbed a wet floor sign for when I finished.

It took me ten minutes to get all of the glass up and in the garbage. I put back the supplies and washed my hands so I could go back and re-make the drinks. It took me another five minutes to get them all together. So now it's been about twenty minutes since they ordered their drinks; great, I am way behind and it will probably make the party go over its time, which will be more money taken out of my paycheck.

I put on another fake smile as I made my way to the kitchen door again with the new tray. I slowly opened it, trying to avoid the same thing happening again. I walked through without any problems and headed back to the banquet room. This dinner has barely even started and it is costing me more than I'm making, thanks to oh so smooth, Joe.
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Let me know what you think, thanks!