Status: Hiatus


Chapter 4


I walked into the banquet room with the tray of drinks. Everyone seemed to quiet down and look back and forth between each other not knowing what to say. I interrupted the silence.
"I am very sorry everyone, please forgive the delay. There was a small accident, but everything has been taken care of. I'll deliver the drinks to whom they belong and then I will go around and take everyone's food order." I said as I started to move around and place the drinks in front of the ones who requested them. When I mentioned an accident, I saw everyone's eyes shift to Joe, who slowly sunk down in his chair.

I walked to the head of the table and began taking food orders. When I got to Joe he didn't look up at me and I didn't look down at him. He only mumbled his order,"May I please have the roasted chicken and vegetables?"
I scribbled down his order and nodded so that I didn't have to actually speak to him. It may have been childish but I don't care. My night was going awful and he was the main reason.


I took the rest of the orders and made my way towards the door, but before leaving I turned back to the group.
"I will take your orders directly to the chef and have him start them now, so hopefully it won't take very long. I apologize again for the delay." I said and then walked back to the kitchen.

The chef was ticked at me for giving him the order. He knew he would have to stop what he was already doing and start on my orders, which means it would push back other peoples orders in other dining rooms. Needless to say, it was not going to be a happy night in the kitchen.

I decided to just wait in the kitchen for the food, even though I was supposed to go back to the dining room. I couldn't bare standing there listening to their conversations. I would much rather wait where I wouldn't have to pretend to enjoy being a servant to a bunch of rich, famous kids.

I didn't wait too long though, because within ten minutes, the chef had gotten all of the orders for my dining room. He had the whole kitchen staff work together on my orders. It's good that it was fast, but it's not good because now I have to go wait on them again.

I grabbed the tray of food and the tray holder and walked back towards the room. It was a longer walk because the tray was really heavy so I had to walk slower.


I arrived back in the room and it wasn't as tense as it was the last time. They were all talking when I approached the table.

I set up the tray holder with one hand, and then rested the tray of food on the holder and began to distribute the food.

I passed out the food to everyone at the table. Everyone either smiled or said thank you, well except for Miss Martin who said, "took you long enough."
I smiled at her and walked back to the tray. The only food left on the tray was Joe's. I walked over to where he was sitting. He had his shoulders kind of hunched over but instead of keeping his head down like last time, he looked up at me. "Thanks, Carilynne." he half smiled.
I gave him a half smile back and walked away.


I picked up the tray and looked around to see if there were any drinks that needed to be filled. There were only two, so I grabbed the cups and left the room.

I re-filled the drinks and brought them back. I set them back down full. Then I announced, "I will be standing right over there, so I will be here if you need anything. Just let me know." I said and walked over to the door and stood by the entrance.

I had been standing there for about five minutes and there was very little conversation at the table. I guess they were all hungry because that was the main thing they were focusing on. Eating.
Not even a moment later, my boss comes through the door.
"Carilynne, what is this I hear about you being behind? You have made every other dinner run late as well. And what is this all over your clothes? You are really slacking off tonight." He yelled not even caring that the whole dinner party just heard his whole rant.
I looked over at Joe to see what he thought about all of this. He looked sad, but was looking down at the floor.
I knew I was going to have to put the blame on myself.


"I'm so sorry Craig. I accidentally dropped my drinks tray and it spilled all over me and the floor. And then I had to clean up the mess and re-make the drinks, so that is what caused the delay. But everything is almost back to being on track." I said in hopes that would make things better. It didn't.
"You what? You spilled the drinks? How many glasses did you break." he said as his voice began to get louder.
"Twelve glasses were broken, sir." I said knowing what was coming next.
"Well that is going to be docked from your pay. And better get every stain out of that uniform, because if not, the payment for a new one will also becoming out of your paycheck." He said all in one breath.
I looked quickly over at Joe who was now looking over at us and watching as if it were a scene in a movie.
"I understand, sir."
"Good, now finish up this service without anymore damage." he said as he walked out the door.

Everyone at the table was looking in my direction. I tried to put on a smile but it wasn't working. I can't believe Joe would do that. He would just sit there while I took the blame for everything that he did. Well, my boss would have probably blamed me for all of it even if Joe had spoken up, but still. That's just wrong.

"I am sorry that you all had to witness that. I hope that it does not hinder you from wanting to come back and spend time with us again. Please continue your meals, I will be right back with the check." I said as I walked out the door without leaving time for them to respond.

This is ridiculous. I can't believe that Craig would embarrass me like that and then Joe embarrass me even more by not standing up for me. But I guess, that is just too much to expect from a celebrity.
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Leave comments to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. I would like to know how you think it is going. I know that it is kind of slow moving, but it will get faster.