Status: Hiatus


Chapter 5


I went into the kitchen and I saw Riley waiting by the door to the locker room. She saw me as I walked in and immediately walked over to me.

"I heard Craig yelling at you. Are you okay?" She asked as she gave me a hug.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really wanting to get out of here."
"Alright, sounds good to me. I'm all done, so I'll go get changed and then I'll wait for you and then we can have a girls night." She said. I laughed.
"Haha, yeah a girls night. Well, I shouldn't be too long." I said as we walked in different directions.

I made out the check and walked back to the dining room and set the check on the table.
"I will wait by the door, just let me know when you are ready for me to take it." I said and walked over to the door and waited.
About five minutes later, Kevin called me back over.


"It's ready." He said as he handed me the check and a credit card.
"Thank you." I said as I went back to the kitchen and over to the cash register by the door.

I got it all ready and grabbed a pen as I walked back to the dining room.
"Here is the receipt. Please sign it." I said as I handed it back to Kevin.
He signed it and then handed it back to me.
"Alright, thank you. You are all set. It was a pleasure having you all here, and I hope you all come back soon to visit with us again." I ignored Joe's constant stare as I made my way out of the room for the last time that night.

I walked back to the kitchen and put the receipt in the receipt drawer and walked over to the locker room.
Riley was walking out as I walked in.
"Hey, I'm all ready, but you can take your time." She said as she walked towards the kitchen doors so that she could punch out.
I nodded as I made my way to my locker.
I changed out of my stained uniform and put back on the outfit that I had picked out this morning.
I comfy pair of jeans and a purple v-neck shirt. I closed my locker door and then I heard someone walk into the locker room.
"Yeah, by my locker." I answered knowing it was Riley.
"Hey, there is someone who really wants to talk to you, but I had to make sure that you were decent and well that there was no other women in here changing."
"What? Why? Who is it?" I asked not understanding.
"So many questions. Just get your shoes on and I'll send this mystery person in." she said as she walked back through the door.
I sat down on a bench as I began to tie up my shoes. As I finished one shoe, I heard the locker room door open, and quiet footsteps headed in my direction.
I looked over when I heard the footsteps turn the corner to wear I was sitting. It was Joe. I was confused.


"What are you doing in here?" I asked. He looked down at his feet for a second and then back up at me.
"Well, I wanted to really apologize. I know that I really messed up, and in a lot of ways. Please forgive me. I want to try to make it up to you." His eyes were pleading with mine.
"How could you possibly make it up to me? This was the worst dinner service I have ever done." I said. It was slightly rude, but it was the complete truth.


"Well I know it was all my fault, so I told that man Craig what had really happened. He said for me to tell you that he won't take the money for the glasses out of your paycheck. And well I also know that you have the wrong impression of me, so I wanted to know if I could take you out so we could properly get to know each other. It would be my treat." He looked kind of like a teenage boy asking a girl out for the first time. It was kind of cute, but I can't believe he would think I would want to spend anymore time with him.
"What would make you think that I would want to spend more time with you? I really don't think it would be a good idea." I said finishing tying up my other shoe.
"That's just it. I want you to get to know who I really am. Not all the stupid stuff I did today." He said trying to persuade me.
"Look, I think I have just had enough for one day." I said standing up grabbing my bag.
"Oh." He said as he looked back down at his feet.
Just as I was about to open my mouth to say goodbye, I heard the locker room door open and someone running in my direction.
Riley ran around the corner.


"Cari, you should go. I'll take care of all your responsibilities at home. Come on, you deserve a night out. You have no excuses. Do it." She was obviously listening right outside the door.
"Ri, I can't. What about the..." She cut me off.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything and everyone at your place until you get back. See, you have no excuses. Just go." She said pushing me towards Joe's direction.
I gave her a look, pleading with her to understand how much I didn't want to spend anymore time with him.
"Well, it looks like she's got everything under control. Are you up for it?" Joe asked with a little more confidence.
I looked back at Riley one last time. She gave me a devious smile. I sighed knowing that there was no way to get out of this.
"I guess."
Joe smiled and with that the three of us walked out of the locker room. I gave Riley the keys to my car and to my apartment. Riley normally takes the bus to work, but since she is taking care of my responsibilities, she has to take my car.
"Bye you two. Have fun. Oh and Joe, I have everything under control, so don't let her convince you that she has to rush home for anything." She said as she walked out the door to the parking lot. I need to remember to kill her for that later.
Joe smiled again and lead the way out the door to his car.
This is definitely going to be interesting.
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Alright, there is going to be some big news in the next chapter!!!
Comments are always appreciated! Thanks!!!