Status: Hopefully this one will be around for a long time...we'll see.

This Time It's Me on My Own

Tell Me What You Meant When You Said You'd Miss Me

“Alexandria Jane, this is not optional. You are not throwing your life away like this!” My father yelled-as if that would make me change my mind. I have been picked on my whole life by kids who thought I shouldn’t have the type of living that I do. In time, you learn to develop a thick skin.

I had finally lined up a job to go touring with a band to do their concert photography-all I had to do was take good shots and send them to a local magazine for publishing. If I did a good enough job on this tour, The Real Napster was going to give me a job as their field reporter. This would be my dream come true, and I doubt my parents knew how serious I was about it.

“Dad, I am not having this conversation with you again.” I said, shoving the last few things in my travel bag. “I am 20 years old. Legally, I can do anything I want.”

“Well if you are so damn big, why the hell have you been living here these last two years? If your whole argument is that you are an adult, you would have been out of here two years ago. Admit it AJ, you stayed around because you knew you could mooch off of us that way. Hey, no rent right?” All I had to do was look at him for a second before he understood how out of line he was.

“Ally,” He said, using his pet name for me, “you know I didn’t mean it.”

“No dad, you did mean it. But I’m not mad at you. I just hope that you understand why I had to do this one day.” I walked over and gave my pa a kiss on the cheek. He might say some things that piss me off, but I still love him, and I don’t like disappointing him-despite what he thinks. I had to do this for me and he was just going to have to get over it. Although, I’m glad he was actually saying something. Mom was just waiting in her room until I left-even though she would never admit it.

I gathered all of my things when I heard a horn honk in the drive way. I knew it was my friends in Amely-the band I would be touring with for the summer. They had gotten a last minute spot on the Vans Warped Tour, and would be playing the festival in it’s entirety. I probably could’ve been more excited, but it you were to tell me that, I would be inclined not to believe you. This was my big break, and there wasn’t much more exciting than that. I just hoped it worked out.

As I walked out to the van, Petie ran out and grabbed me up in a hug. I squealed until he put me down. You see, Petie has a tendency to give you hugs that could eventually become life threatening if you let him carry on for too long. That boy if just full of so much love. After getting hugs from the rest of the guys, I put my stuff in the back, and we were off on our grand adventure.

And I am not lying when I tell you that it only took two minutes for the van to already smell like a dead animal.
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So, this story is being written for a certain someone. If you are that person, then you know who you are...if you aren't that person, there's always thinking it's you ;) ...

and is it just me, or does this layout clash with the site layout? Army green and orange...ya gotta love it!