
The premonition.

Against a near by tree leans a curious dreamer, his face dimmed around the eyes by the grey paper boy hat tilted downward against his pale face. He lay dozing lightly beneath the shadow of the the many twisted branches, awoken only by the pitter patter of a giosoli perched high upon the cliff acrossed the way. Is radiant purple feathers and captivating call identifying its rare magnificence. The giosoli bird, among many other creatures of Eplicha were known throughout every corner as bearers of peace. A sign that when spotted, signified a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Eplicha being the last area known to hold such mystics as habitants, has grown a reputation of a place of serenity.

The shadowed boy stretched out his arms while looking out upon the miles of color where wild flowers sprouted out the blankets of fresh green grass. The sky always clear blue, and the water filling the spring on the east, and the stream the man lay by almost mirrored the skies cleansed color. Tiny rays of sun shine beam through bite holes left by caterpillars on the many green leaves hung above. This boy was a young fisherman by the name of Lucas Shutter, he would walk along the stream and rest in the valley once in a while to escape the murmuring sounds of the market found on the other side of the rolling stream. He wore a red plaid shirt and loose fitting over alls, both legs of which were rolled up to the knees in such warm weather. Awake and content in the suns heat Lucas rises from the ground to begin his walk back to Baggins' Market where he would find his father selling fish to the pleasant towns people of both North and East Eplicha.
The cool rushing water cleans his bare feet as he walks carefully upon rocks while crossing the stream. On the other side grew a tall crowded bunch of dark wood trees named Agnon's forest. Only inside the forest of Agnon grew souls from the earth. These souls stand shelled by twisted, turned and molded bark showing faint expressions of emotion, these tree's were given the name "Elders". The origination of the name has many stories. Some said that an Elder only grew in Agnons forest when an Oracle, a Merchant, or a Stribe's soul entered the earth after death. Others believed it was the spirits of heroic Eplichans from the past were reincarnated into the wise looking trees, to stand forever in the heart of the land they had fought for, an eternal memory of their triumph. Eplichans were often found reflecting beneath the Elders branches, as each elder was believed to posses the qualities that led to the victory of that individual hero. It was said to bring wisdom to whomever payed respects to the brave souls.

A thin dirt path winded roundly through Agnons forest leading to the city. While walking down the root lined walk way, Lucas spotted out a familiar face sitting crossed legged on the large roots of Elder Saphora, the Elder of hope. Beams of sun highlighted the folds and seams of a girls long beige dress. As Lucas approached her, the sound of breaking twigs beneath his rough feet caught her attention. She she turns to him with a smile, and her long dark curls bounce livingly with her movement.

"Good afternoon Lucas!" she lets out in her soft tone.

"Willow, Hello. What brings you here? What are you doing beneath Elder Saphora?" Willow was not much older than Lucas, but way wise beyond her years. Though her mind had aged, her pale skin and green eyes were bright and youthful. Her porcelain skin and red lips deceived the common eye. This wisdom would seldom be found within such beauty in any other case.

"I seek the hope of Saphora for many reasons, but mostly I come to her roots in fear." Willow whispers softly while gazing at the face embedded in the Elder.

"Fear? What is it you fear Willow? Surely not anything within the walls of Eplicha." Lucas asks. What was there to fear here he wondered. He realized then that his only true fears in life, were the monster like creatures and demons from the tales read to him as a child. Such creatures could only be found outside the walls of Eplicha, two worlds over from where he stood then.

"I'm not sure. Lately I've been seeing situations unfold that suggests maybe we aren't as safe as we assume Lucas. These hills roll on, but who will tend to them when Eplicha falls?" The look in Willows eyes was unfamiliar to Lucas. Although him and Willow were not the closest of friends, never before had he seen such a worrisome expression.

"And what suggests this? Where have you seen these things? We all know that the market is full of thieves at night, maybe you just best not be there then." Lucas says in a dry, sarcastic tone.

"This is not of thieves from Baggins'." She replies quickly.

"Then were have you seen such things horrid things? How does that even cross your mind?".Looking at her now, Lucas notices the vibrant green in her wide eyes is now faded, and replaced with a sad, cold grey.

"I see them in my dreams, Lucas. I fear that everything we know, will soon change."

"Bad dreams? I used to get them too. My mother, she would read me the tales of Agnon himself, the tales of Takim and Humbrid slaying the horrifying beasts destined to bring darkness upon the light of Eplicha. To use its power to destroy, not create life. You must remember, each tale ends in our safety. Always." He spoke firm, reassuring himself more so than Willow.

"You don't understand, but I fear you will. I don't mean to alarm you. Forgive me, my mind carries itself to places unexplainable. It is more likely than not that these dreams are meaningless. Walk on, I'm sure I will see you again in soon time." Willow rose from her knees to stand inches below the first branch of Elder Saphoras molded eyes. She places one hand over the mouth of the elder, and the other over her own heart. Lucas watches from a short distance, but thinks nothing of the action. For as long as he had known Willow, she had always been a little odd. Without hesitation or more word, willow continued on through the forest astray from the path.

Turning back to the direction of the market, Lucas thinks back to the tales his mother once told him while walking the rough dirt path he had walked many times before. The familiar landscape now unfamiliar in his frosted gaze of memory. Replaying over in his head was the tale of Takim. It is told that he was his death was caused by the wounds torn in his skin by a angry mother Sytherin with razor sharp teeth, and matching claws. He had died from all the blood lost after slaying the creature with his bare hands, only to save the life of a bandit who was worthy of death to many. While Takim considered leaving the man to his death, the light of Eplicha is said to have over took his choice to spare the life of a tortured soul. Never until then had Lucas ever wondered if such actions really made Elder Takim a hero after all, or if they infact made him stupid. He wondered then had it been him and not Takim, and the light of Eplicha could not reach his soul, what choice would he make? He also began to wonder if the fall of Eplicha ever began, who would be their hero? These thoughts made Lucas' journey upon the trail through Agnon's Forest seem like it took only minutes.

The pathway lead downhill towards the market, from that point was a wide view of the city below. Beneath him he could see the people, so little from where he stood, as they rushed through the wooden huts filled with goods. The loud bargaining and trading was but a soft hum from there. Looking over the home he treasured so much, he could not help but ask himself an intrusive question.

"Would I give my life to protect this?" He spoke aloud.

Down within the chaos of Baggins' Market the people rushed all at once through the crowds. When standing still, the image would seem as though time was moving forward most fastly than usual. Perched high upon strong horses wrapped in Eplichan armor were members of the Oracles guard. Their thick steel helmets caugt the suns blinding reflection while the long white tail of feathers blew within the days calm wind. The sun beamed down onto the dust risen dirt laid flat along the landscape. As Lucas paces through the farmiliar market, he watched a young boy not older than five years stare up at the passing guards with his mouth hung open wide. These men were considered high citizens, they had been stripped of their lives at young ages and trained for years to protect and defend Eplicha. Many of the Elders found in Agnons Forest had once been members of this guard in their time. They served their life purpose by also swearing to protect Eplichas most valuable asset, the Oracle.

The Oracle served as queen of Eplicha, the highest power of the land. Her ability to look forward into the future had admitted her into council as a child. Since her involvment, she has predicted surprise attacks on the land. It is said that her mind is so intricate and powerfull that she is able to send telepathic messages to people in other worlds. She has used her knowledge of what is to come to prevent and prepare her people for the good, and the bad. Eplicha was not always the beautiful, brave, peaceful place Lucas had grown up in. The luscious fruitation and valleys of wild flowers once where but ashes. The hills, were not always filled with the laughter of joy filled children. Where the stream now flows between the Forest of Agnon, and the valleys Lucas visits, was once nothing but a crater. While Eplicha now is filled with greens, and reds, and yellows, many years ago not a single blade of grass would survive in the lands deadly soil.

The land was once ruled by dark forces. The light of Eplicha had been drawn into ashes and spread amongst the soil. Soon nothing grew here. The wind was not crisp and fresh, but filled with darkness you could see blowing. The sky was always dark, and the people had been driven to poverty and death. With no frutation, or living animals to hunt and eat, Eplichans were left to fend for themselves and their families at all costs. Most of the population was killed off due to the lack of food, clean air, and clean water. But those who survived suffered the worst. Death was but a gift in these times. The remaining survivors were no longer human in the eyes of the rest of the worlds. Driven to such insanity, the remainders were thin, bruised, and sick. The only food was what insects they could dig out from the dirt. They walked on all fours, and used only basic instincts of survival. It is told that on many occasion, the survivors would fight amongst themselves and the winner would celebrate their victory by eating the corpse of their opponent. That among many other disturbing creatures and situations arose in the dead valleys of Eplicha during Vulturi's reign.

Vulturi, once leader of Solgor had ordered an attack on the once defenseless guards of Eplicha. These guards at the time, defended and protected the Oracle's mother. She was sur named as "The Aura Queen". She stood tall and was always seen within the folds of a long, radiant white gown matching the pure white emblems on her crown. Her infinite love for the land she ruled and the people she watched over, was far beyond influential. All over Eplicha, she would rule with kindness and abundant compassion. Rulers from other worlds mocked her vows to never harm a single Eplichan, to never use cruel punishment, and to rule her land openly and honestly without shadowing her people out. Though they mocked her ways at times, each world stood back and watched in awe as the light of Eplicha grew stronger, and spread life wherever it shined. The people all adored her, not only for the consistent peace she brought to the habitants of her wild flower filled valleys, but for love she gave to each individual citizen. Unlike most higher power, The Aura Queen would personally heal a wombed guard. She would personally confront the enemies and always suggest a fair compromise, instead of bringing war, or pain, or hurt into any body's life. Though, most surrounding nations had high respects for the Queen and her kingdom, one ruler had always had a strong hate for her and her ways.

This hatred that brewed inside the tortured Serpent King Vulturi, created only the cringing need to crush Eplicha and all that the Aura Queen loved for a reason forever unknown. The hate he consumed burned deep inside his core, no hate of normal proportions could drive any being to bring such destruction upon a kingdom. Even in the darkest of times, the Eplichans who had grown insane would still stand by the honor of their beloved Queen.

"Lucas! Get moving Kid, I need you to help me untangle the nets!" was spoken loudly but lost in the millions of sounds within the market.