Status: -

Elaine the Fair


Two days later

Elaine eagerly peered over the balcony, straining to see the approaching royal party with the other maids and maidens of Astolat. She bit her lip in excitement as the figures grew larger, the banner of King Arthur becoming clear. A rampant golden lion, proud and brave, was emblazoned on a deep red background preceded the party. The horses were urged into a faster trot by their riders and the gates of Astolat opened, welcoming the party.

The eager crowd erupted into excited cheers before King Arthur and his party even crossed through the gates. When they finally entered the city, the noise of cheering was deafening as trumpets blared and people clamped and roared their welcome.

Elaine looked behind her and grabbed Sal, pulling her to the front of the jostling women's bodies. Sal looked over the edge eagerly as Elaine joined the other girls in showering King Arthur and his knights with flower petals. Elaine's heart fluttered in her chest with relentless excitement as the knights and their squires waved out enthusiastically at the crowd. The King was the most enthusiastic of all, grinning from ear to ear and cheering back to the crowd.

"Sal! It's Sir Galahad and the Lady Beatrice! Look how handsome he is... and she's so fair! I told you, I told you!" Elaine shouted excitedly into Sal's ear above the roaring crowd. Sal suddenly gasped and pointed.

"Look! Laine, look at the king's sash! It's Excalibur!" Sal exclaimed, breathless. Elaine stared, entranced.

"It's real! Look, see how the hilt sparkles??" Sal went on.

"It really looks magical!" Elaine breathed and this time Sal couldn't argue. They stared, in awe of the King and his knights, and clapped with the rest of the crowd.

"Elaine you'd better go. They'll be arriving at court soon," Sal realized, pushing her friend's arm urgently.

"You're right!" Elaine realized in an anxious panic and squeezed her way to the back of the crowd so she could run to the great court.

"Hurry!" Sal called.

"I'll try and see if I can ask King Arthur to let you hold Excalibur!" Elaine called back over her shoulder. Sal's hands flew up to her head, smoothing back her firmly tied hair at the very idea. Although she knew it was a long shot, just for Elaine to suggest such a thing was astounding.

Elaine tossed the length of her new silk skirts over her arm to free her feet so that she could run quicker. She darted through the back streets and into the side of the great manor of Astolat court. She ran through the kitchens and stopped only briefly to retrieve the handful of lilies she'd carefully selected to present to the king and his knights. Then she ran along the corridors until she finally reached, and slid into, the main banquet hall.

The great room was lined with nobles and wealthy citizens and Elaine quickly hurried up to take her place with her father and brothers at the raised platform at the head of the room. They were dressed in their finest uniforms, with their swords hanging dutifully by their sides.

"Where have you been?" Torran whispered through his teeth as she took her place at the end of the line.

"I wanted to watch their arrival into the city!" Elaine whispered excitedly, slightly breathless.

"You're lucky we covered for you. We told father that your dress wasn't finished and that the seamstress was making some final adjustments to the corset," Tairk muttered, making Torran snort involuntarily to hide a fit of laughter.

"Pay attention, children," Bernard chastised pointlessly, sparing them a glance before looking eagerly at the banquet doors again. Trumpets sounded and the large doors were pulled open.

"Announcing King Arthur and his knights of the round table," A crier announced proudly. The crowd erupted into a welcoming twitter and bowed low as King Arthur and his party strode into the hall. The King led the party and Sir Bernard went to meet him.

"We welcome you with open arms to our humble city, great king," Bernard welcomed them warmly and then bowed at the waist. King Arthur clapped Bernard's shoulder and raised him out of the bow.

"We thank you for your hospitality, Sir Bernard," Arthur said and the two clasped forearms. Arthur grinned. "I can't begin to tell you how excited we are for this tournament," He went on.

"We are or you are, my lord?" Sir Perceval spoke up, teasing the king's enthusiasm to further break the ice. Arthur grinned and Bernard laughed.

"I confess, I have been looking forward to it eagerly," Arthur admitted. Bernard grinned.

"As have we, my king," He said. "Allow me to introduce you to my family," He went on. Arthur clasped Sir Bernard's arm in brotherhood and the two led the party of knights to the raised platform at the head of the room. Torran and Tairk puffed out their chests slightly and straightened their backs a little more. Elaine's heart continued to flutter and beat in excitement as the party approached, and she fingered the first of her lilies anxiously.

"My sons, the newly knighted Sir Torran and Sir Tairk," Bernard gestured to his boys. The brothers bowed in near perfect unison. Arthur stepped forward to touch their shoulders and raise them out of their bowing. He clasped Torran's forearm first and Torran grinned and firmly clasped Arthur's forearm back.

"My brother," King Arthur greeted with a grin.

"It's an honour," Torran said honestly. Arthur moved on to Tairk and the two men clasped forearms as well, Tairk grinning just as wide as his brother had.

"My brother," King Arthur said again.

"It's an honour, absolutely, my king," Tairk said. Arthur grinned and released Tairk's forearm.

"This'll be your first tournament, boys?" Arthur checked.

"Yes, sir," The twins affirmed in unison. Arthur laughed with excitement and spread is arms to clap both their shoulders.

"I wish you all the best, my strapping young warriors. Keen and ready to fight?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Absolutely, sir," Torran said with a mischievous grin. Arthur laughed again.

"Wonderful, wonderful," He said and gestured back at his knights. "It's about time some young 'n's knocked these boastful old goats off their high horses," He went on, prompting a laugh from his men and a grin from the twins.

"Though it won't be an easy task," Arthur warned the young knights.

"No, sir," The boys agreed. Arthur grinned and turned his attention to Elaine.

"And this is my daughter, Elaine," Bernard spoke again now that Arthur had moved on from the sons. "The lady of Astolat," Bernard finished. Arthur tactfully showed no sign of surprise that the young maiden was the lady of Astolat and held his hand out for Elaine's. She gave him her free hand, trying not to smile too much as the King of all Britain clasped her hand.

"M'lady. I thank you for your hospitality from the bottom of my heart," Arthur said, bowing slightly and gently pecking the back of her hand. Elaine knelt into a curtsy and bowed her head.

"Welcome to Astolat, good king," Elaine replied. She held out a lily for him. Arthur took it gratefully, noticing the bouquet she still held in her hand.

"A token! I shall treasure it for the duration of the tournament. As will all of my men, I'm sure," He grinned and winked at Elaine, making her blush. Arthur tucked the lily carefully into his sash and returned to Bernard's side. King Arthur continued to introduce his knights and their ladies to Sir Bernard and his children.

Elaine's heart never failed to pick up as each knight clasped her hand, took their lily, and complimented her on her youth and beauty. She curtsied for the ladies and easily found beautiful things about each one of them to compliment. The ladies smiled and thanked her.

"If I may be so bold as to inquire, my lord, where is your fair queen?" Bernard asked Arthur curiously. Arthur nodded and patted Bernard's shoulder.

"I'm afraid my lady Guinevere fell ill and was unable to make the journey," Arthur explained.

"Oh dear. I hope nothing too serious?" Bernard asked, furrowing his brow in concern.

"Worry not, my brother," Arthur assured him. "She is on the mend. To be sure, she smacked my hand when I tried to kiss her just the other day," He went on, prompting a laugh from Sir Bernard.

"Lord Gawain?" Torran spoke up to the final knight in the procession as they greeted one another.

"Yes lad," Gawain invited warmly.

"Will Sir Lancelot not be competing in the tournament?" Torran noticed the famous knight's absence. Gawain nodded slowly as Torran spoke.

"I'm afraid Sir Lancelot is not feeling like his confident self of late," Gawain shared with the boys as he moved on to clasp Tairk's arm in greeting. Tairk's face fell in a disappointment before he could stop himself.

"I was looking forward to trying my hand against the King's Champion," Tairk complained, put out. Gawain burst into laughter and clapped the young knight's shoulder, making him grin.

"Worry not, m'buck. I'll give you a run for you money," Gawain promised him, still laughing.

"Yes sir," Tairk kept grinning.

Gawain turned to Elaine and his smile grew tender. Elaine modestly offered him her hand, as she had done with the other knights, and he clasped it and gently kissed the back of her hand. Elaine curtsied.

"My lord," She said and then offered him one of the two lilies she had left. Gawain accepted her token.

"Welcome to Astolat," Elaine said as he tucked the lily carefully into his sash.

"Thank you, my lady," He said and then smiled at her. Elaine smiled back shyly, her heart beating firmly.

"If I may say so, your youthful beauty is unparalleled, Lady Elaine," Gawain said.

"You may say so," Came out of Elaine's mouth wittily before she could stop it. Gawain laughed.

"And if I may also say so, your lilies are lovely too," Gawain said. Elaine smiled.

"I think we shall always remember you as the maid of the lilies," Gawain went on and Elaine beamed at the romantic title. Gawain smiled at her once more and then returned to his place with the knights.

"I invite you and your knights to retire to your rooms, my king, before your welcoming feast," Bernard offered graciously. Arthur grinned and gripped the side of Bernard's arm.

"Thank you, my brother," Arthur accepted and then looked out at the crowd to address everyone. "Now that my knights and I have entered your overwhelmingly friendly and beautiful city, it is my great pleasure to announce that this tournament has officially begun! Let the merriment commence!" Arthur announced in a booming voice. He was met with a roar of cheering.

Elaine took a deep breath, drinking in the scene happily as she clutched the last lily that had been meant for Sir Lancelot. It was all really happening, the time had finally come! And Elaine was going to in the middle of all the excitement. She could hardly wait.
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Comments would be wonderful!!

-Philip Marlowe.