Monogamous Kissing

872 Words

Owen could not help laughing as he watch his little sister, Kayla, run up to a little boy in a flower helmet. She grabbed him by the cheeks and laid a big kiss on his lips. The little boy could only smile like a fool as he rode off to his baby sitter, turning every so often to wave to Kayla.

“Bubba! Bubba!” The fair haired little girl yelled as she galloped over to Owen. The seventeen year old squat down with open arms that the girl ran into full-heartily and stood with her hugging his neck.

“What?” Owen said with a smile.

Kayla got really close to her brother’s ear and whispered in it. “I kissed that boy.”

Owen leaned his head away from her in faux surprise. “No! You did not.”

Giggles emitted from the little girl as she covered her mouth with a hand. “I did.”

“Well, you know what that means, don’t you?”

Blond curls bounced as Owen’s baby sister shook her head no.

“Oh,” Owen sighed. “Well, you going… oh I don’t know if you’re ready to hear this.”

Kayla pulled on his shoulders with wide eyes, “What? Bubba, tell me!”

“I don’t know,” Owen tried to hide his smile. “Oh, okay. You convinced me. Kayla, you kissed that boy on the lips, right?” Kayla nodded. “It’s even worse than I thought.”

Kayla’s eyes widened even more that seemingly possible. “Bubba!”

“Kayla, you’re going to have to marry that boy.” Owen said, the smile barely hidden.

Kayla let her head fall back, “No. You’re silly, Bubba!”

Owen shook his head, “It’s true, you will.”

“Don’t listen to him, Chickie.” A petite brunette said from her bench under the tree. “You can kiss whoever you want. Just make sure they don’t have Mono.”

Kayla looked up at her brother. “What’s Mono?”

Owen laughed and set his sister down. “Nothing. How about you go find lover boy and play with him?” Kayla smiled and ran off as Owen went and sat by the interloper. “So, what makes you think you can tell my sister she can have loose lips, Nat?

Nat shrugged and continued to read her book that was resting on her lap. “I just think a girl has the right to kiss any boy she likes.”

Owen let his hand rest on the girl’s knee, “Oh, yeah? What if she has a boyfriend?”

Nat placed her hand over Owen’s and looked at him. “Well… I guess she should at least try to remain faithful, but you know, some boys are just irresistible. Can’t help kissing ‘em, no matter what.”

Owen’s head leaned back as he let out a laugh. “Really, that how you feel?”

Nat shrugged again, her fingers lacing in between Owen’s. “I have my reasons why I remain a monogamous kisser.”

“What reasons are those, might I ask?” Owen said, leaning across with his other hand to brush hair out of Nat’s eyes. He glanced from a moment at the playground and saw his sister playing with the boy in the flower helmet. So it caught him by surprise when a pair of soft lips captured his own in a sweet, euphoric kiss.

“Because I have a boyfriend that’s irresistible to kiss. I can’t help kissing you, no matter what.” Nat said once she broke the kiss.

Owen licked his lips, enjoying every last taste of Nat’s lips. “Well, you’re lucky.”

Nat’s eyebrows raised up sharply. “How’s that?”

Owen smirked, “I’m a monogamous kisser also.”

“Good,“ Nat laid a sweet peck on his cheek. “Because if you weren’t, I’d have to kick your ass.” Owen couldn’t help laughing, but she hardly took notice. “It’s true.”

“I don’t doubt you one bit.” Owen replied just before kissing Nat again.

Nat pulled away reluctantly and looked at her watch. “I need to go. Mom wants me to help cook dinner.”

“Oh,” Owen grinned, “Can I come?”

Nat simply laughed. “No! I’d rather not be the girl known for killing her boyfriend via food poisoning.” She stood, slung her back over her shoulder, and just stood there with her hands in front of her. “Walk me to my car?”

Owen stood and took on of her hands. “Of course.” He called for Kayla, who came running once she saw Nat.

“Hi.” Kayla said as she grabbed the older girl’s hand.

“Hi, Kayla, are you going to help Bubba walk me to my car?” Kayla simply nodded and started to drag the two to the street. Until they got to the curb, Kayla kept prattling on about the boy she kissed and how he was her husband.

Nat turned to Owen with a playful glare. “See what you did? Well, I think I can cross the street by myself.”

“Are you sure? I can always carry you.” He bent his head down to give her a kiss. “Are you sure I’m not invited to dinner?”

Nat smiled and started across the street. About halfway she turned to Owen, “Maybe next time.” With that she blew him a kiss, "Just make sure you keep your kissing monogamous."
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I thought I would try a twist ending this time... how'd it work?

I didn't like the ending. So I changed it.