Something Keeps Pulling Me Back


We walk through the door of the practise room, still glazed with sweat and the smell of sex.
Everyone’s eyes fall onto Jacob.
“Nice work!” Bob says and high fives me.
“Ha-ha, I’m not object!” Jacob butts in.
“Be quiet you!” I say and poke my tongue out.
Jacob knows the way I act confident around other people so he just lets me play pretend. He wouldn’t want to ruin my showing up Gerard anyway. It was his idea.

“So Jacob is it?” Bob questions and pulls him into a hug.
“Yeah man, I’m guessing your Bob?”
“How’d you know?” Bob asks puzzled.
“Bob’s the drummer. And well you have scarification on your hands from the sticks.”
“Wow, smart too.” Bob says shocked.
“You both smell like fucking pot!” Gerard says angrily as he bursts into the room with Jeanne slowly tagging along behind per usual.
“And you smell like slut, or is that just the thing behind you?” Jacob retorts and then grabs my hand.
Gerard steps back.
“C’mon Jacob, I’ll show you my gear!” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Mm Frankie I like the sound of gear” He says and winks at me.
“You really are a sick bastard Jacob-a!” I giggle.

As Jacob and I sit me teaching him all the crack and crevasses of my beautiful Pansy.
I hear a whispering between Mikey and Gerard. Jeanne just sitting there like usual.
“I can’t believe he’d come in like that... did you see his neck?”
I rub my neck to feel the bloody mess Jacob left on me.
“And how he just brought ‘him’ without even asking...
especially when you can just tell he’s fucking high!”
I get tired of ignoring them.
I stand up and walk over to Gerard.
“Gerard, if you didn’t care about me like you say it wouldn’t matter to you if I’m high or not especially when you know fully well from that night you know the one night you were meant to spend with jeanne but she was boring you so you came over to mine and i 'blew your mind' that I’m ever better at things stoned. And also, if you never have to fucking ask to bring that fucking THING along with you then I have every right to bring someone as amazing as Jacob along with me! And another thing!”
As i try to trail on I feel Jacob grab me from behind.
“Stop Frank.”
“What are you on his side too now?!?”
“No babes, I just don’t want you getting yourself all worked up over someone who isn’t worth it, besides Pansy misses you!”
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