Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

Cardboard Boxes and "Save The Eath Guy"

As I swing my legs and bite my lip Ray just stares at me amused.
“You really are the same Frank I met when he was 12!”
“You were 12 too!!!” I poke my tongue out.
“No, I was 14 remember? I was only in your year because I went away to Australia for a year and us Americans being as judge mental as we are deemed it necessary for me to go back to the grade I was in when I left; so HAH!”
He retorts by clipping me around the head, I fall of the edge of his bed.
“OH MY GOD, EW RAY!!!” I scream hysterically.
“What!?!” He rants
“That fucking cookie under your bed has been there for years now! Are you ever gonna chuck it out!?”
“ Oh my god, is that Henderfrick?” He questions laughing and then poking his head under his bed.
“How in hell do you remember its name you freak?”
“I remember most of the weird names you give things Frank.”
I laugh awkwardly.
“Shit our friendship died for a while aye?” I sigh.
“Yeah but we were always mates at heart. Even if I was like ignoring you completely...” He hangs his head low.
“Don’t worry Ray, I would’ve ignored me too if I had Gerard convincing me I was the one who did shit wrong.” I encourage him to smile and place my hand on his “Best friends , no matter what prick comes between us ; remember?”
“Gerard’s not a prick.”
“No, not all the time.” I giggle.
“So what’s going on with you and Jacob?” He asks cheerily
“ No idea, I don’t really care to be honest, he’s no Gerard.” I reply and shrug my shoulders.
“I’m so confused.”
“Well what’s the point in caring about what’s going on if I know in the end nothing will come out of it and I will just go back to being depressed over Gerard just like before?”
Ray just stares at me.
“Raymond, it’s rude to stare!” I say and poke his nose.
“Will he remember what we had Ray?”
“Of course he will. You two were so in love. Made for each other.”
“How so?”
“Well it’s like. You Frank are like Cardboard and Recyclables , you have been used over and over and then finally thrown away like nothing. And Gerard; He’s the crazy ‘save the earth guy’ who gets all the recyclables and takes them home and looks after them. But then one day you’re the crazy ‘save the earth guy’ and he’s the Cardboard and shit.”
“Wow, were you looking at your rubbish bin as you said that?”
He laughs.
“You are amazing Frank, you’re so serious for like 5 seconds and then you go back to being your light hearted laid back funny self again.”
“Dude really stop using descriptive sentences for me I think we’ve had enough of your articulate shit for today” I laugh. And Ray just once again smacks be aback the head.
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Filler (: