Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

The First 2months of Gerard.

“You’re so beautiful.” Gerard says as he caresses my cheek
I flutter open my tired eyes and look up at him.
His deep hazel eyes staring into mine, he tucks his long hair behind his ears.
“I love you!” I squeak in my girly voice.
He smiles every single last once of his tiny little teeth shine at me.
He bends down and puts his teeth onto my piercing and tugs slightly.
I massage my hands through his messy yet somehow perfectly placed hair.
“How are you today?” He asks sweetly.
“I don’t know yet, I didn’t even know it was day yet.”
I stare into his glassy eyes. He’s so hurt, somewhere in the back of his mind there’s this warped pain that he just transfers into anger.
“How are you Gerard?” I ask concerned.
“I’m ok, feeling a bit light headed.”
“Have you had yours yet?” I question.
“No, but you should have yours.”
As much as I dislike taking the medication, I know it makes Gerard happy.
“If I have mine you’ll have yours- Right?” I say and grin at him.
“Okay but as long as you don’t put any clothes on.” He smirks.
I agree and slip out of his bed in nothing but my boxers.
Gerard slips his hand down the back of my boxers and places his hand on my ass.
“What’s the time?” I say and look up at his face but due to my height only get a view of the stubble on his jaw line.
“AM or PM”
“Well Frank if you didn’t realise there is sun, so obviously it’s the daytime.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot I was busy counting the hairs on your chin” I giggle.
“Shh, tell no-one.”
As if on cue I take a deep breath and yell.
“GERARD NEEDS TO SHAVE!” and run off.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is actually set in the first 2months of Frank dating Gerard, for the SECOND time.
Dw all it will all piece together soon (:
Comments or GTFO :)