Something Keeps Pulling Me Back


I open my eyes, and see Joel still sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.
I look at him and watch
- Button Nose
-Eyes large even when closed
- Porcelain skin with only 4 freckles.
- Long lashes
-Defined jaw somehow with soft cheeks.
- Cute ass hair scattered across face.
His list is all positive so far.
Its good.

I roll over and face away from him, time to delve into my thoughts.
It's sad, I take time out to think about Gerard and I's past, I can't help it; I just have so much shit to question.
Like, how weird we were together, to begin with we were just like this soft and embracing, his face was like a smooth silouhette and then slowly turned into a rough untamed grunging look.
And I enjoyed it.
Everyone hates the way he treated me, but I loved it... The control, the sheer force- the passion.
I hear Joel make noises and then feel soft kisses on the back off my neck, he is so lonely, thats why he does this - not because he likes me I know it.
As per usual , he just falls back to sleep after a few kisses.
Wow, no boy manages to distract my thoughts off Gerard onto thoughts of them.
And now I can't see to recollect what I was thinking about Gerard specifically.

I really am falling- as per usual
I sigh to myself.
I fall so hard and fast, all these people think I'm hard to get and shit, and that its hard to make me love a person but really I just hide it well, but that doens't mean I don't feel it.