Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

The Day We Met

“Frank, Frank!”I hear Ray a guy I just met in science a week ago call out to me.
“Sup?” I nod in his direction as I step up the stairs to meet with my best friend Matt.
“My good friend Gerard says he thinks he knows you from somewhere because of your bag.
I let my bag slip off my back I hold it up into the sun examining it in the perfect light for its faded pink colour.
“Barbie.” I mumble.
“Ha-Ha, yes Frank you are known for having outrageously gay bags now isn’t you?” Matt pipes in.
I smile at him and Grin and let out a childlike “Yup” with the grin still plastered on my face.
“Do you want to meet him and see if you know him?” Ray questions awkwardly.
“Sure!” I reply enthusiastically.
I half walk half skip down the step following Rays lead.
I look at the bottom of the stairs to see a beautifully white boy that definitely towered over me standing in the sunshine with a slight breeze wisping at his luscious hair.
A rough, sexy voice begins.
“Hey, I’m Gerard” He lets out of his lips his voice sounding as though words just flow from his lips without any work at all.
Instant Attraction.
“Hey,” I pipe up in my girlish voice.
“I’m Frank!” I say in my young, enthusiastic voice.
“Can I hug you hello?” He asks sweetly.
“Sure hugs are fucking incredible!” I say as I step onto my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck as best as they could.
“You really are short now aren’t you?” He questions as he pulls away with this beautiful half smile on his face.
Grumpiness fills my face.
“I Am Not Short!” I retort and poke my tongue out.
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